Wildcat Weekly
Springman Middle School 2024 - 2025
Happy Friday!
September 20th, 2024
Here is your Friday edition of the Wildcat Weekly! A friendly reminder that you will receive this newsletter each week.
In each week’s edition, you’ll find:
- Important dates and events
- Updates from our PTA
- Reminders and tips to help you stay on top of everything
Have a wonderful weekend!
Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration
Dates: Hispanic Heritage Month runs from September 15 to October 15 each year. It was chosen to coincide with the independence anniversaries of several Latin American countries.
Start Date Significance: September 15 is significant because it marks the anniversary of independence for several Latin American countries, including Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Mexico’s Independence Day is September 16, and Chile's is September 18.
We will be celebrating in many ways around Springman this month! Check out some of the images above. More to come soon!
A note from GBS
To help support the safety and security of athletic events held at both Glenbrook High Schools, any student who is middle school-aged or younger should be accompanied by a parent/guardian who must stay with them and be responsible for their supervision during the entire event. Students will not be allowed to enter the event unless a parent/guardian is with them.
District 225 appreciates your cooperation in maintaining a safe environment for all our guests.
Springman Happenings
Click on the links below to access the grade level and department websites at Springman! Take a look at what is happening around the building! These sites will be updated with new information every 2 weeks so be sure to check back every other week!
Leaving Early?
No worries! We just ask that you call ahead to the attendance line (847-998-5020 ---> press 1) with date/time of needed dismissal. Students are required to stop by the main office to pick up their early dismissal pass/ensure the digital pass has been assigned and also to sign out at the time requested. No need to come into the building as our front office staff will monitor and dismiss students directly to parent/guardian.
PTA Corner
Mark Your Calendar
- September 27: No School - Institute Day
- October 3: No School
- October 18: No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences
- November 5th: No School