Columbus Pickleball Club
August 2024 Newsletter (#1)
What can I find out about in this newsletter?
Newsletter contents:
1-CPC Board information
2-CPC Membership
3-What's Coming Up?
4-Discover Columbus Pickleball Tournament
5-What Happened in July?
6-News to Know
7-Pickleball Schedules and Venues
8-Pickleball Tip Video
Newsletter tip: Be sure to click on gallery image expand arrows to view a small image completely.
Thank you! Jennifer Villiger
Mission Statement of the Columbus Pickleball Club
To promote the sport of pickleball as a fun, healthy, recreational activity for all skill levels in Columbus and the surrounding area.
Words from the President(s)
Outgoing words from Nancy
Thank you for all of the encouragement the club has given me these last two years! Pickleball is a great game and is here to stay. I was given a comfy, foldable rocking chair for my "retirement" with my name and CPC logo on it. Thank you! Here's to a great two years with Julie Geilker as President. Everyone keep playing and volunteering!
Hugs to allđź’—
Meet our new President -- Julie Geilker!
Hello! My name is Julie Geilker and I will be the new President of the CPC. Memorial Day 2022 changed my life in ways I could not have imagined. I went to a family cookout at Lutheran Lake and we played pickleball for the first time. Since then I have played multiple times a week with a variety of players. I really enjoy teaching the game to new players and cherish all the friendships I have made on the courts. I can't wait to see what the next two years brings to the CPC community.
See you on the courts!
CPC Annual Meeting Minutes - July 20, 2024
Next board meeting TBD
E-mail Julie Geilker at Jageilker@icloud.com with any ideas or concerns
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Please Renew your CPC Membership!
If you have not already done so, please take a few minutes to renew your CPC membership for 2024. Members who have already renewed are listed in the membership roster below.
Dues are $12 per member for the year. We ask that each member sign up individually so we can gather better contact information. Any dependent children can be added as CPC members at no charge. Please just let us know their names.
Please use this link https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040444A5AD2EA5FA7-46761601-2024#/ to renew online. There will be a $1.10 transaction fee added by Sign Up Genius for each member, bringing the total charge to $13.10. If you prefer to pay by check or cash, please email Cindy Rutan at CPCINTreasurer@gmail.com to get a copy of the membership form emailed to you.
Thank you for your continued support of Columbus Pickleball Club!
Membership Statistics
As of July 29, 2024, there are a total of 249 members with 46 new never before joined (18%) and 203 renewed CPC members (82%). We had 18 members join or renew in the past month. So far 73% of previous 2023 CPC members have renewed. We are at 90% of last year's total number of members (In 2023 we were at 277 members).
As a member, you will be able to attend member-only social round robins, for women members you will be able to attend the Ladies bi-monthly Birthday Luncheon, and for all, the end of year Holiday Social. All membership fees go towards approved miscellaneous expenses, equipment needs, training, or socials . For more information, email Floyd or Cindy Rutan, CPC co-Treasurers at CPCINTreasurer@gmail.com.
Welcome to CPC - July 2024 Members
Be sure to introduce yourselves to new members who joined in July (never before a member of CPC), if you see them on the courts at Foundation For Youth (FFY), Tipton Lakes Athletic Club (TLAC), Nexus Park or outdoors at Donner Park or CERA pickleball courts. New members if you need additional information, please contact Juliana at ColumbusPickleballClub@gmail.com.
New July Members
- David Boatwright
- Wen Chen
- Hugh Cunningham
- Andrew Haase
- John Lirette
- Josh McKenna
- Suzie McKenna
- Amreet Randhawa
- Vikram Rao
- Victoria Reed
- Alexis Steinkoenig
- Iris Wilhoit
New and Renewed 2024 CPC Members
CPC 2024
CPC 2024
CPC 2024
CPC 2024
August 8th
National Pickleball Day
Celebrate by playing at your favorite venue! There will be no "formal" celebration, but CPC will be putting up balloons at the Donner Park pickleball courts.
August 10th
CPC Ladies' Luncheon
Join us at McAlister's Deli at 11:30 a.m. on August 10th! This is always a fun time and a good way to meet women you might not normally play with. An invitation will be going out in the next day or two to the ladies who are CPC members. Not a member? See info in section #2 above to find out how to join!
August 28th/29th
To register, call Columbus, Indiana Parks and Recreation Department at (812) 376-2680 or visit their new office at 2252 25th St. For more information, email ColumbusPickleballClub@gmail.com.
For online registration go to: https://incolumbusweb.myvscloud.com/webtrac.
Go to All Activities, & then click on the Filter icon. In the Keyword/Activity # Field enter Pickleball, and then click on the orange Search button to see all open clinics.
Class size limited to 24 students for 4:1 student to instructor ratio, so register early.
Clinic is in partnership with Columbus Pickleball Club volunteers. We hope to see you on the 6 new Circle K Fieldhouse pickleball courts!
August 30th - Donner Park
November 16th
September 20th-22nd
Discover Columbus Pickleball Tournament – Volunteers Needed
Calling all Columbus pickleball players! The 7th annual Discover Columbus Pickleball Tournament co-hosted by the Columbus Pickleball Club and Columbus Parks and Rec is just around the corner. This year’s tournament will be held Sept. 20-22, 2024 at Donner Park and we need your help to make the tournament a success!! Proceeds from previous tourneys allowed CPC to contribute to
the construction of the 4 additional courts at Donner Park. Please click on this link to sign up to volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040444A5AD2EA5FA7-50403284-2024#/
Anyone who signed up at the annual meeting has already been added, but please feel free to volunteer for additional slots. We still need loaned equipment, and assistance with the following: player check-in/hospitality, setup and teardown, photographers, and pod captains. Thank you for volunteering. This tournament would not happen without our volunteers!!!
If you require additional information just email Juliana at
Again, thank you for your support!
Discover Columbus Pickleball Tournament - Sponsor opportunities
See levels of investment and the exposure you will get
Discover Columbus Pickleball Tournament - Register Now!
So many events! Find the one(s) right for you!
Youth Clinic for Parks & Rec Sports Camp - July 16th - Circle K Fieldhouse
Instructor Kathy R and her assistants Ray A, Malkiat G, Kalli G, Shannon S, and Dan T had a busy day of teaching pickleball to large groups of children. Thank you for promoting the sport of pickleball and volunteering your time!
Ages 8 and 9
Ages 10, 11, and 12
Annual CPC Meeting - July 20th - Donner Park
Thank you to all the CPC members that attended the annual meeting. The weather was perfect. Thank you to all that brought food for the pitch-in, it was delicious!
We heard from out-going President, Nancy Conner, Co-Treasurers Cindy & Floyd Rutan, updates on DCPT from Dean Layman, Beginner Clinic stats from Juliana Bernabe, and voted in new CPC President Julie Geilker. Congratulations, Julie!
See the meeting minutes in section #1 above.
Thanks to Greg Willmore for once again being our photographer. Click here to see more photos from the meeting: https://drive.google.com/.../1Pmv96iAGx9kOii...
Treasurer's Report
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Treasurer's Report
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Dunn Stadium Ideas
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Dunn Stadium Ideas
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Beginner Clinic - July 24/25 - Circle K Fieldhouse at NexusPark
Congratulations to the latest graduates of the July two-day Beginner Pickleball clinic at Circle K Fieldhouse at NexusPark. There are 21 new Recreational players! Veteran and newer Rec players, please watch out for the Novices & help them out at open play at FFY, Circle K Fieldhouse, and at Donner Park.
Thank you CPC volunteers Jerry R- Instructor, Joe K, Twitch D, Carol C, Mary Beth K, Julie G, Mary M, & Juliana B for assisting. Thank you Greg W for the wonderful photos of the students. We had veteran and new volunteers. CPC appreciates your donation of your time and passion of pickleball to share with others.
Also thank you to the staff at Columbus, Indiana Parks and Recreation Department for partnering with us, promoting the clinics, providing the nets, and for the use of the Fieldhouse. It is nice to be inside with A/C and not worry about the rain
Paddles Up!
For more great photos from Greg Willmore click here:
CPC GroupMe
Want to know where & when to play in Columbus? Join CPC GroupMe!
CPC has various chats:
- CPC News & Information (auto enrolled) - the latest news about CPC
- Local Pickleball Schedules (auto enrolled) - current pickleball schedules for various venues
- Ladies Monday Night - Ladies only all skill levels at Donner Park or CeraSports Park
- Men's Monday Night - Men only all skill levels at Donner Park or CeraSports Park
- CPC Comp Group - Intermediate on up skill level play
- CPC Rec Group - Beginners to Recreational skill level play
- CERA Sports - All skill levels with play at Ceraland Park
- NexusPark Fieldhouse - All skill levels Open Play
- TLAC Pickleball - For those who would like to play during TLAC's Open Play in the mornings on Tuesday, Friday, or Saturday.
- Volunteer Assistants - Volunteers to assist with Beginner or Promo Clinics
If you would like to receive the "How To Join CPC GroupMe" pdf, e-mail Julie Geilker at ColumbusPickleballClub@gmail.com, or if you already have GroupMe on your phone, just scan the QR Code to join.
Click the link below to download the 2024 Official Rulebook (it's 88 pages!), read about significant rule changes, and commit to memory important information.
CPC has partnered with Women Owned Business, Spotlight Strategies in Franklin. The CPC web store will be available all year round with lots of options as far as color, logo size, and placement of the CPC logo. You can also add personalization or a fun pickleball graphic.
No refunds or exchanges so please check sizing carefully (size charts available in product links). The Columbus Pickleball Club logo will appear on all items. In addition, CPC will receive 10% back on all orders.
You may pick-up at their office, Juliana can distribute several orders at open play once a month, or they can ship to you (estimated shipping starting at $12). You will find the Spring/Summer line in the pictures below. Get your CPC gear now :)
You can now purchase your items online in 3 easy steps:
1. Scan the QR code or go online to https://columbuspickleballgear.itemorder.com/
2. Choose your items and add them to your cart.
3. Securely check out with your credit card
Any questions? Contact Susan McCarty: 317-738-3434; orders@spotlight-strategies.com; http://www.spotlight-strategies.com
Spring/Summer 2024
Spring/Summer 2024
Go to the webstore for a closer look & options.
CPC Member Discount
PickleballCentral.com: Use discount code CRColumbus to receive a 5% discount on your total order before tax and delivery and help CPC receive a matching 5% towards an end of year gift card to use on future equipment purchases.
Indoor Venues
Foundation For Youth
- 2, 3, or 5 indoor courts on wooden gym floor, portable nets available, bring your own indoor balls.
- Recreational & Intermediate Open Play days & times.
- Refer to flyer for fees & check-in procedures.
- Please note days closed for special events and holidays.
August Schedule
FFY has new programming going on in the gyms beginning in August so please look at the schedule carefully!! Many changes from what we are accustomed to!
2024 FFY Drop-in Fees and Pass Pricing
Nexus Park
- $8 Drop-in Fee
- All levels Open Play
- 6 pickleball courts on wooden gym floor (2 basketball courts)
- Nets are provided, bring your own indoor balls
Due to other events in the Fieldhouse, the drop-in schedule changes weekly. Please look at the Circle K Fieldhouse at NexusPark Facebook page for the latest schedule.
Location of courts
Brown County YMCA
Round robin blind draw tournament the first Monday of each month.
Decatur County Family YMCA
3 indoor painted courts on gym floor - portable nets available, bring your own indoor balls.
Fees: Free YMCA Members or Drop-in fee $4, 10 punch card for $25, 15 punch card for $30
Beginner and Competitive open play times.
Mill Race Center
Tipton Lakes Athletic Club
Register online at https://tlac.clubautomation.com/. Create a TLAC account, if you don't already have one.
For more information on youth pickleball programs, pickleball events, leagues, or Beginner Pickleball lessons contact Sharon Guingrich: Email Sharon2k@hotmail.com Text cell 812-679-7477
TLAC Programs and Clinics
Fall/Winter Session 1 (Aug-Dec)
TLAC pickleball program additional information
Fall/Winter Session 1 (Aug-Dec)
Pickleball Coaching
Instructor Sharon Guingrich
Intermediate Drills and Skills at Ceraland
Mondays have been added!
Mondays/Tuesdays - 6-7 pm
Outdoor Venues
Donner Park
Six courts free and open to the public.
Address: Located in Donner Park at the corner of 17th and Sycamore Streets
Etiquette sign at Donner
Court Rules
CERA Sports Park
18 lighted pickleball courts. $5 gate fee per person
Address: 3989 S 525 E Columbus, IN 47203
Ready to elevate your pickleball game? Meet Sharon Guingrich, Director of Pickleball at Tipton Lakes Athletic Club, offering expert coaching tailored just for you! With 11 years of experience, and certified by Pickleball Coaching International, Sharon brings a wealth of knowledge to the court. Enjoy private lessons at Ceraland, focusing solely on your skills and goals. For rates and scheduling, contact Sharon at 812-679-7477 or email sharon2k@hotmail.com. Paddle Up and let's ace this game together!
This is a good video for beginners but also good reminders for all of us! If you want to advance your pickleball skills, the basics of the game will only get you so far. Take your pickleball game to the next level, including when to move away from the baseline after your return, the best way to hold your paddle, and why you shouldn’t be using your wrist to hit shots (and what to use instead). Learn these pickleball tips that you can work on during your next pickleball game or practice.