The Toro Times
July 31-August 4, 2023
V. 5: September 9-September 13
Toros Triumph as Scholars, Leaders and Champions!
Dear Toro Families,
While the temperatures were rising outside, our scholars were turning up the heat with engaging learning activities in our cool classrooms.
We have been so proud of our Toros for their behavior in and out of the classroom. Students are getting to class on time, throwing away their trash at nutrition and lunch, following dress code and cell phone policies demonstrating they know what it takes to have #TOROpride.
This week we have a special school-wide incentive:
No more than 3 cell-phones collected (No cell bell to bell!)
97% of students getting to every class on time (No tardies!)
97% of students following dress code (dress for scholarly success!)
Campus remains clean from trash after Nutrition and Lunch
Students will earn a FREE DRESS day on Friday, September 13
*Email will be sent home with confirmation
We look forward to see you all on Tuesday night for Back to School Night.
With Toro Tenacity,
Dr. Mónica Luther
Yorba Middle School
Back to School Night! 9/10/24 5-7:30pm
5-5:30 PTO Meeting
5:30pm Principal's Welcome, Cheer Performance
6-7:30pm: Classroom Visits
Upcoming Events
- September 10: Back to School Night 5-7pm
- September 11: College Shirt Wednesday/Early Release @ 1pm
- September 13: Coffee with the Principal 9-10am
- September 18: College Shirt Wednesday/Early Release @ 1pm
- September 18: Club Rush @ Nutrition
- September 24: ELAC @9am
- September 25: College Shirt Wednesday/Early Release @ 1pm
- September 25: School Site Council 2:30-3:30pm
Soccer Schedule
Get Involved at Yorba Middle School!
Be an active member of our school community by volunteering to be a part of our School Site Council. There are 6 meetings that fall on Wednesdays 2:30-3:30pm-you can participate virtually or in person:
Sept. 25
Oct. 30
Nov 20
Jan. 29
March 26
May 21
Click the link below and get involved today! (No training necessary!)
Need Uniforms? Need Spirit Wear?
- PE T-Shirt-$10.00
- PE Shorts-$12.00
- YMS Short Sleeve Shirt-$15.00
- YMS Long Sleeve Shirt-$18.00
- YMS Pullover Hoodie- $27.00
- YMS Zipper Hoodie-$30.00
- YMS Sweatpants-$18.00
**School Spirit Wear is available for purchase $10.00
We can accept cash or credit card.
Athletics Info
Soccer Teams have been announced and teams are set to start practices. We loved seeing so many Toros out there for try-outs. If your Toro isn't on the team, please keep encouraging them to try out for another sport and come out to support their friends at the games!
Girls: Practices Tuesday/Thursdays 2:45-3:45 with Coach Laurenson and Coach Pritchett
Boys: Practices Tuesdays/Thursdays 2:45-3:45 with Coach Guzman and Coach Padilla
Next Meeting 9/10 @ 5pm YMS MPR
We had a great 1st meeting and have nominations for our executive board. If you're interested in being a part of our executive board, please email Dr. Luther ( final voting will take place during the welcome back meeting at Back to School Night on 9/10 @ 5pm in the MPR.
Nominations for PTO Board 24-25
President: Nathaly Barron
Vice President: (open)
Secretary: Hilda Calles
Treasurer: (Open)
Fundraising: (open)
Membership: (Open)
If you're willing to serve in any of these roles, please email Dr. Luther (, final voting will happen at the next PTO Meeting on 9/10 @5pm in the YMS MPR
College Shirt Wednesday Starts This Wednesday! Wear College, Military and AVID
To continue fostering a College and Career atmosphere during middle School, Yorba Middle School students and staff participate in College Shirt Wednesdays! (including AVID & Military branch shirts).
Currently, we are collecting donations of new or gently-used college shirts. You can drop them off in either Front OR Attendance Office. These items will be available in the Toro Store! Students can redeem one by filling out the QR code in the Toro Store for a chance to win a free one! Last year, over 60 College Shirts were given out to students to wear on Wednesdays. Our goal this year is that 50% of students participate in wearing College/Career Shirts each Wednesday.
Counseling Corner
SOS Presentations
Yorba will be speaking to students about mental health and how to seek help if they are worried about themselves or a friend. We are using a program called SOS Signs of Suicide. The program teaches students about this difficult topic and encourages them to seek help. Through the program, students learn:
- how to identify potential suicide risk in themselves or a friend
- to ACT (Acknowledge, Care and Tell a trusted adult) if concerned about themselves or a friend
- who they can turn to at school for help
Students will watch age-appropriate video clips and participate in a guided discussion and what to do if they are concerned about a friend. We encourage you to check out the provided slide decks for more information on the program.
We are hosting a parent meeting on September 10 @ 4:30pm in the MPR where we will review the presentation and answer any questions. If you have any other questions, please reach out to our school counselor, Mrs. Arzola
School Policies 24-25
Cell Phone Policy 24-25
Thank you for reviewing our school's Cell Phone and Dress Code policies with your student.
We appreciate your support to ensure we are prioritizing an academic and healthy social emotional environment for our students.
Dress Code
School Uniforms and PE Clothes are available for purchase in the front office.
**Website for purchase COMING SOON
Further Information can be found in our student handbook, linked above.
Yorba Middle School
Location: 935 North Cambridge Street, Orange, CA, USA
Phone: 714-997-6161
Twitter: @yorba_DrLuther