Counselors' Corner -Sept. 2024
Ellison Elementary
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. It has been exciting to see our bees getting into the school routine, developing friendships, learning and having fun. As the school counselors, our most important role is to be an advocate for all students. We work to provide a comprehensive developmental program, addressing the whole child to maximize academic achievement, social and emotional development, and post- secondary college and career readiness. We are looking forward to connecting with our students and their families.
This newsletter will provide updates, tools and resources that you may find useful. Supporting you is our priority. Counselors may be contacted by phone or email. See our contact information at the bottom of this newsletter.
❤️Mrs. Jordan and Mrs. Sills❤️
Meet the Ellison Counselors
The Role of the School Counselor
The purpose of the Responsive Service component is to intervene with or on behalf of those students in pre-kindergarten through 12th grades whose personal circumstance, concerns, or problems are threatening to interfere with or are interfering with their healthy personal, social, career and /or educational development.SYSTEM SUPPORT
Four Skill Goals Taught in Guidance Lessons
Intrapersonal Relationships
- Developing a positive self-concept
- Changing a particular behavior
- Developing ways to manage the demands of school, social activities, and family
- Making positive decisions and taking responsibility for actions
Interpersonal Relationships
- Evaluating how prejudices can be harmful
- Respecting and appreciating differences
- Learning how to effectively communicate with others
- Navigating relationships with friends, dating partners, family members, teachers, employers
Post-secondary Planning and Career Readiness
- Motivation to achieve in school
- Understanding how grades can affect post-secondary choices
- Selecting a career or college path
- Setting post-graduation goals
Personal Health and Safety
- Identifying resilience and positive coping skills
- Identifying assertiveness skills for personal protection
- Learning how to set personal boundaries
- Creating a personal wellness plan
Important Dates to Remember
September 2 Labor Day/ Student and Staff Holiday
September 3 PTA Meeting/ Parent Orientation and Guidance Preview
September 6 Grandparent's Day
September 26 Bike Rodeo
Kelso's Choices: A Conflict Resolution Program
Conflict or disagreement is normal and often happens when children get together. However, hurtful words, gestures, or physical harm are unacceptable ways to deal with conflict and disagreement at school. In guidance class, students learned that if they ever have a “big” problem (one that is scary, dangerous, or someone can get hurt), they need to tell an adult like a parent/guardian or a teacher immediately because someone can get hurt. Students also learned that if they have a “small” problem, they can use some of Kelso Choice’s to peacefully solve the small problem.
Our goal is to teach students several positive ways to manage “small” problems. Students who have “small” problems are encouraged to try at least two of Kelso's Choices before asking an adult they trust for help. Kelso's Choices include the following:
• Go to another game or activity.
• Share and take turns.
• Respectfully talk it over and listen to each other.
• Walk away from the problem.
• Ignore the problem behavior.
• Tell the person to stop the problem behavior.
• Apologize.
• Make a deal or compromise.
• Wait to cool off.
By using Kelso's Choices, our students will develop effective problem-solving skills that they can use again and again. It will help them to deal with conflict in a positive manner and to make appropriate decisions. Knowing what to do will help students reduce the stress and number of conflicts they have at school and at home. We encourage you to become familiar with this program and use it in your home. By working together, we can develop a healthy life skill for young people to use throughout their life.
Growth Mindset Questions to Ask Your Child Instead of " How Was School?"
Social Emotional Learning
Social and Emotional Learning at School
At Ellison, our teachers facilitate daily morning meetings called Sunshine Starters. These meetings serve as a time for the teacher and students to check in with each other. The meetings are quick, but allow for individuals to engage and connect in meaningful ways, which helps promote academic and social success.
The following is a break down of how class meetings are structured:
Greeting: Students and teachers greet and welcome each other.
Sharing: Students share something about themselves or their lives, and the rest of their peers listen, then ask follow-up questions or offer comments.
Mindfulness Activity: The group completes an activity that introduces or practices a mindfulness or self-regulation activity, such as mindful breathing, mindful exercises, etc.
SEL Lesson: Provides explicit instruction on a social emotional competency.
- Morning Message: Students read a short message from their teacher and/or review the daily schedule to set the expectations of the day, eliminating any uncertainty or confusion.
Ellison's School Counselors
Counselor for Pre-K, K, 2nd, 4th, ALE, ECSE
Phone: 210-398-1875
Email: beatrice.jordan@nisd.net
Mrs. Sills
Counselor for Pre-K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, ALE, ECSE
Phone: 210-398-1876
Email: victoria.sills@nisd.net
Website: www.nisd.net/ellison
Phone: 210-398-1850
Twitter: @GuidanceEllison