December 2024
Weber City Elementary
Important Dates
December 12- Christmas Program at First Baptist Church @ 6:00
December 13- Christmas Lunch for K and 2nd grade families (K- 10:45, 2nd- 11:45)
December 17- Christmas photo booth pictures
December 20- Early Dismissal
December 23-January 3- Christmas Break
January 6- Students Return
January 10- Teacher Workday- School Closed
Christmas Spirit Week Reminder
Tuesday- Grinch vs. Santa- Wear green or red.
Wednesday- Winter Wonderland- Wear flannel, warm clothes, and accessories.
Thursday- 'Twas the Night Before Christmas- Wear your favorite pajamas.
Christmas Photo Booth Pictures
Please see the order form that was sent home yesterday about Christmas photo booth pictures. Pictures will be taken next Tuesday and are $3.00 each. Send money to school on Tuesday along with the order form. You will receive the pictures before Christmas break.
Attendance Shout-Out
Congratulations to Mrs. Cox's first grade class for winning the November attendance contest. They will enjoy a fun day making Christmas ornaments next week.
Keep up the great work making good attendance a priority. Five student names are drawn each morning during announcements. If those students are present and on time, they receive a Brag Tag and get to visit the attendance cart. Mrs. Osborne's 2nd grade class is currently in the lead for the December attendance contest.
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found is full of warm coats. Please encourage your child to visit the Lost and Found if they are missing a coat. You can also call the office if your child is missing a coat and we can check for you.
December 20 Early Dismissal Schedule
Pre-K- Dismiss at 12:15 at the Main Lot. (Please Keep Lane 1 clear until 12:25 for Pre-K loading).
Grades K-6- Dismiss at 12:40 (at gravel lot and main lot)
Buses will arrive shortly after 1:00.