Loxley Elementary School
September 2024 Newsletter
Lead. Empower. Succeed!
A Note From Your Principal
August was amazing, and September promises to be spectacular! With the passing of Labor Day, we can truly say we are well into the first quarter of the school year. Your children are learning so much already. They have completed Beginning of Year STAR Testing and our 2024 ACAP scores are in. We will send home last year's spring ACAP reports with your child's Mid-Quarter Progress Report. As a school, we have shown tremendous academic growth. Our ACAP Reading scores improved by seven percentage points from the spring of 2023 to the spring of 2024. Our STAR Reading scores improved by nine percentage points from fall 2023 to fall 2024. I am so proud of the work our students and teachers have done in the area of Reading.
As we move into September, we want to look forward to our first school-wide event of the year, Open House. Please mark you calendar for September 24th from 5:00 to 6:00 pm. This will be the time for your children to show you what they are doing in the classroom to make such great academic growth. You will see work samples, and your child will show you how they are learning in their classroom. Don't miss it! We can't wait to see you at Open House!
Gina McClure, Principal
Mark Your Calendar for September Events!
Counselor Natalie Ward is ready to help you!
Gina Gipson, Assistant Principal
School Website: https://www.bcbe.org/loxleyelem
School Facebook: facebook.com/LoxleyElementary/