State of the Schools 2024
Assumption Catholic Schools
Assumption Catholic Schools Wrapped up the 2023-24 School Year
In total at the end of the year, there were 430 students enrolled in grades K-12 and an additional 35 at the child care center
Double Anniversary in 2024-25
2024-25 will be a momentous year for Assumption Catholic Schools. It marks the 25th anniversary of the creation of the system. First known as Wisconsin Area Catholic Schools (WRACS) the system was established in 1999 as a way to promote the thinking of enrolling from Kindergarten to 12th grade. In 2009 the system was rebranded Assumption Catholic Schools to better make known the connection between the elementary, middle and high schools. Today Assumption Catholic Schools consists of 5 schools using 4 buildings. St. Lawrence Child Care Center (ages 6 weeks to 4 year old), Our Lady Queen of Heaven School (4K- 2nd grade), St. Vincent de Paul School (3rd - 5th grade), Assumption Middle School (6th - 8th grade) and Assumption High School (9th - 12th grade).
2025 marks the 70th graduating class from Assumption High School. Established in 1951 the first class graduated in the spring of 2025.
Cost of Education
For 2023-24 our K-8 students paid $3850 and 9-12 paid $5425. The remainder of budget income is comprised of parish support, advancement fundraising, special tuition scholarship funds, support from athletics, ACS endowment, Assumption Foundation, the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program and Special Needs Scholarship Program.
This breaks down into:
49% tuition including vouchers and scholarships
21% parish support from 10 parishes in the Wisconsin Rapids Deanery
30% 3rd sources - advancement, associations, grants, food service, child care center, athletics etc.
Enrollment Trends
2015 457
2016 428
2017 402
2018 391
2019 390
2020 387
2021 410
2022 419
2023 430
2024 417 projected
Enrollment for 2024-25 s still ongoing but a projected 417 students in 4K-12 is possible. We continue to offer 2 sections of each grade K-8. Our primary enrollment area is the greater Wisconsin Rapids area but we do have students from as far away as Rosholt and Necedah, plus a few international students. (Spain and Vietnam)
The child care center remains near capacity with 30 children.
Catholic 4K
ACT scores taken by the 11th grade students. The 2024 state average was not available at this time
- 2019 23.4
- 2020 24.2
- 2021 20.4
- 2023 23.0
- 2024 22.0
Math and English Language Arts remain priority areas for Assumption Catholic Schools. Based on a variety of standardized tests our schools are making progress.
STAR tests are administered three times each school year and track growth in the year and year to year. % Proficient Math at or above 40th percentile
OLQH 78.0%
SVDP 73.0%
MS HS 77.0%
% Proficient English at or above 40th percentile
OLQH 90.0%
SVDP 79.0%
MS HS 61.0%
The new English Language Arts books at the K-5 level purchased in 2021-22 have begun to improve scores and a focus on phonics will be priority for 2024-25 For the 2023-24 school year a new math series from Memoria Press was selected. This book returns the focus in math to mastery of skills which then build on each other at the higher levels.
Students in grades 2 - 10 take the Iowa Test of Basic Skills. These tests look at student proficiency in math, English and other subjects. One of the reports provided in the ITBS battery is grade level equivalent. The grade levels below represent the average performance of each grade.
OLQH grade 2 is 3.1 English, 3.3 math, 3.2 social studies, 3.5 science and 3.0 overall
SVDP grade 3 is 4.1 English, 3.9 math, 3.8 social studies, 3.9 science and 4.0 overall
SVDP grade 4 is 5.1 English, 4.8 math, 5.1 social studies. 5.7 science and 5.1 overall
SVDP grade 5 is 7.1 English, 6.1 math, 6.8 social studies. 7.3 science and 6.7 overall
Middle School grade 6 6.1 English, 6.6 math, 6.8 social studies. 7.2 science and 6.6 overall
Middle School grade 7 7.7 English, 7.7 math, 7.7 social studies. 8.0 science and 7.6 overall
Middle School grade 8 9.0 English, 9.3 math, 9.1 social studies. 9.1 science and 9.2 overall
High School grade 11.3 English, 11.3 math, 13+ social studies. 13+ science and 11.9 overall
High School grade 10 13+ English, 13+ math, 13+ social studies. 13+ science and 13+ overall
These tests are given in April of each year and the scores reflect that the average student at Assumption Catholic Schools is performing at or above grade level in the core academic areas tested.
Catholic Identity
Campus Ministry Highlights of the year
Fall 2023 - Paul J Kim presentation
through out the year
Steubenville brought many students closer to the Faith. This year, Assumption has nearly doubled the amount of participants going to a Steubenville conference compared to last year with about 40 young people.
There were 7 students total from the entire system who were accepted into the Faith this last year during the Easter Season.
A couple new ministries turned out to be very successful. The Dead Theologians Society is a fun youth group. "Arise" is a new middle school youth group meeting monthly that students greatly enjoy.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd continues in grades K-5
Daily Mass offered at the Assumption building
Weekly Mass at the elementary buildings
Weekly adoration at St. Vincent de Paul
First Friday adoration at the Assumption building
Multiple opportunities for Sacrament of Reconciliation
grade and school level retreats
In 2019 we began working with this program. Initially, it was designed to infuse our Catholic faith deeper into the athletic program with prayers, ceremonies and other activities but in the past two years, we have expanded it to include virtue lessons into the daily life of the K-12 program. To see an example of one way these materials are used please visit the president's blog on the web site.
The community of the Wisconsin Rapids Deanery will thrive as shown by a renewal of synergy between parishes and educational apostolates, shared commitment to the mission and growth of the Church, and excellent formation of students, teachers, and catechists.
We aspire to uphold the characteristics of Catholic Schools as defined by Archbishop James Miller;
Centered in the Person of Jesus Christ
Contributing to the Evangelizing Mission of the Church
Distinguished by Excellence
Educating the Whole Child
Steeped in a Catholic Worldview
Sustained by Gospel Witness
Shaped by Communion and Community
Accessible to All Students
Established by the Express Authority of the Bishop
Each year the Diocese of La Crosse administers a test of religion knowledge to all students in grades 5, 8 and 11. For purposes of interpretation, the Diocese considers a score of 85% or better mastered, 70 - 85% proficient and below 70% as needs improvement.
The 2023-24 results
5th grade 90.09% (diocesan average 72.12%)
8th grade 68.09% (diocesan average 74.73%)
11th grade 76.7% (diocesan average 63.00%)
Building Improvement Projects
moved Central Offices to the former SVDP rectory
Outdoor seating at SVDP
Sacred Art
refinished the Assumption stage and main curtain
painted the locker and gym lobby at SVDP
Remodel boy's restroom at OLQH
Roof on the athletic hallway at Assumption
new white boards at Assumption and SVDP
Planned for Summer 2024
windows, ceilings, paint and lights at OLQH
new 4K space at OLQH
Sound system at SVDP
Water bottle stations in the Assumption gym
total rebuild of the student parking lot at Assumption
Moved scrip office to the Mead St. entrance
Partial list of Future needs
Window treatments at SVDP
staff parking lot at Assumption
new carpet in main offices at Assumption
finish floor, ceilings and lights in last 4 classrooms at Assumption
parking lot work at SVDP
playground updates at OLQH, SVDP and SLCCC
Highlights of the Year
St. Vincent de Paul
Coordination of Monthly Family Engagement Nights at the school building stronger connections between school and families
Over 27 students (30% of the student body) read over 1,000,000 words
St Vincent students performed in the school talent show (singing, dancing, musical numbers, comedy, sports talent) in May
5th grade math team competed at local “Math 24” competition and 3 SV students finished in the top 5
Assumption High School
All staff were involved with the Compassion Resiliency training that provides support and resources to build and maintain a culture of well-being and compassions,
Opera for the Young was performed on April 18 at St. Vincent de Paul School for the student body, as well as OLQH students. After auditions were held, 16 SV students were chosen as actors/singers in the live performance of Beauty and the Beast.
Trip to Rome
Volley 4 a Cause, raised $2814.00 for Aspirus Cancer Center.
County Veterans Day Celebration held at AHS. (First time)
Math League won 7th consecutive title. (Ryan Klein advisor)
Another safe trip for March for Life.
3rd year for 8th grade trip to Washington DC (Yvonne Audi in charge and planning the 4th trip)
Choir and Band attended a workshop with Larry Gatlin
In Sports:
Track: 4 x 100 Boys relay team broke the school record and advanced to state.
Bella Thomas: Conference, Regional and Sectional Champ in 100m & 200m dash.
Advanced to State and came home with a repeat State Champ in 100m and State Champ in 200m plus new school record in the 200.
Girls Tennis had two girls advance to State
Softball advanced to State.
Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program
Virtue=Strength program and the incorporation of a monthly virtue into our daily activities
Implementation of the new Rod & Staff mathematics program from Memoria Press in our K-2 classrooms. The Memoria Press mathematics program fosters basic math mastery based on memorization and repeated practice in the lower grades.
OLQH School students participated in our 1st ever Turkey Trot on Monday, Nov. 20, 2023, organized by Amie Eckelberg, our physical education teacher.
Players from the Riverkings Hockey team have been volunteering at OLQH and participating in physical education classes with our students.
Mrs. Jessica Tritz continued to bring in her certified therapy dog, Magnolia, on weekly basis to sit with our students while they read to her.
Many OLQH teachers have taken part in professional development trainings offered through Responsive Classroom and the Bureau of Education & Research.
Our school ministry of making cards for our homebound parishioners continued to go well. Our students enjoyed making the cards for the homebound as well as receiving notes back from the recipients!
Our OLQH students participated in a Penny War for Casa Hogar and were treated to a visit by Msgr. Joe Hirsch. In total we raised over $1700.00 for Casa Hogar.
OLQH School hosted a successful book drive to collect new or gently used books for the Hannah Center in Wisconsin Rapids. The newly opened Wisconsin Rapids Center serves women and families in crisis in our area.
Assumption Middle School
Educational Field Trips:
8th grade: Maritime Museum
7th grade: Cave of the Mounds & Midwest Outdoor Exploration Expo
6th grade: WI Farm Discovery Center & Midwest Outdoor Exploration Expo
Student Appreciation Day: students went bowling to 5 Star Lanes
Knights of Columbus held their local and district Math Spelling & Free Throw contest in house. We also hosted the state contests at the end of April.
Students participated in the Diocese of LaCrosse Brains and Brawn Tournament Both the boy's and girl's brawn (basketball) won the sportsmanship awards.
Each school completed a self study between Spring 2020 to Fall 2021. In October 2021, a team of 20 school administrators from various schools in the Diocese reviewed our self study and visited the schools. The end result was a set of reports for the four schools that will be used to form a part of our strategic plan for the next six years. Accreditation is outside validation that says we are following best practices and can prove we are doing what we say we are doing. Assumption Catholic Schools has full accreditation from WRISA.
The 4 domains are:
Mission and Catholic Identity
The Church’s teaching mission includes inviting young people to a relationship with Jesus Christ or deepening an existing relationship with Jesus, inserting young people into the life of the Church, and assisting young people to see and understand the role of faith in one’s daily life and in the larger society. “This unique Catholic identity makes our Catholic elementary and secondary schools ‘schools for the human person’ and allows them to fill a critical role in the future life of our Church, our country and our world”
Governance and Leadership
Central to the mission of the Church is the work of Catholic school education. The success of this mission depends on the key components of effective governance, which provides direction or authority, and leadership, which ensures effective operations. Catholic school governance and leadership can be seen as a ministry that promotes and protects the responsibilities and rights of the school community. Governance and leadership based on the principles and practices of excellence are essential to insuring the Catholic identity, academic excellence, and operational vitality of the school. Although governance models vary based on the sponsorship of the school, those who serve on the governing body or leadership team in Catholic schools provide for an environment for the teaching of doctrine and Sacred Scripture, the building and experiencing of community, the serving of others, and the opportunity for worship.
Academic Excellence
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops affirms the message of the Congregation on Catholic Education that intellectual development of the person and growth as a Christian go forward hand in hand. Rooted in the mission of the Church, the Catholic school brings faith, culture and life together in harmony. In 2005, the bishops noted that “young people of the third millennium must be a source of energy and leadership in our Church and our nation. And, therefore, we must provide young people with an academically rigorous and doctrinally sound program of education” (Renewing Our Commitment to Catholic Elementary and Secondary School is in the Third Millennium, 2005). The essential elements of “an academically rigorous and doctrinally sound program” mandate curricular experiences—including co-curricular and extra-curricular activities— which are rigorous, relevant, research-based, and infused with Catholic faith and traditions. The following essential elements provide a framework for the design, implementation, and assessment of authentic academic excellence in Catholic school education from prekindergarten through secondary school.
Operational Vitality
Catholic schools are temporal organizations committed to the Church and the mission of Catholic education including a commitment to a culture of excellence and rigor. These schools exist in a milieu of constant socioeconomic challenges grounded in continuous need for sustainable financial planning, human resource/personnel management and professional formation, facilities maintenance and enhancement, and the requirement for institutional advancement and contemporary communication. Catholic schools must adopt and maintain standards for operational vitality in these areas and define the norms and expectations for fundamental procedures to support and ensure viability and sustainability. When a school does not maintain standards for operational vitality, the continuation of academic excellence is in grave jeopardy. Over time, even an academically rigorous school with strong Catholic identity will not survive without operational vitality. Standards for operational vitality must focus on the “operation” of the school—how it works and how it is supported—in four key areas: finances, human resources/personnel, facilities, and institutional advancement. The leader/leadership team must manage each area and be subject to the direct oversight of the governing body in these matters.