Crusader Connections
Father Andrew White S.J. School Newsletter
June 4, 2024
🗓️ Important Dates
June 4: Field Trips (grades 4 & 6)
June 5: Book Fair Ends
June 6: End of Year School Mass (hosted by 2nd grade), 9am & Early Dismissal - LAST DAY for Students
The Book Fair will be open one more day! 📚
Our Spring Book Fair is Here!
Our Book Fair will be open for one more day! It's a great time to stock up on books for the summer. Please send money in a marked envelope with your child's name and grade so he/she can browse and buy tomorrow!
You can preview our sale here: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/fatherandrewwhiteschool
Return Library Books
All Father Andrew White School library books must be returned by the end of the school year. Sometimes our school library books get mixed in with your home library ones, so be sure to check all around your house. Thank you for helping your children find these books!
Message about Last Day of School Car Rider Pickup
On Thursday there is daily Mass at 12:15pm at St. Aloysius Church. Please keep this in mind when you come to pick up your children via the Car Rider line on the last day of school. School dismissal is at 12:30pm so kindly be aware of the Mass time and any parishioners that may be in the parking lot. You are also welcome to sign out your child following the 9:00am End of School Mass.
Final Report Cards
Today will be our last Tuesday newsletter for our 2023-2024 school year. The last report card of the year will be mailed to families that are up to date on all financial obligations and have completed their volunteer hours (if applicable).
Summer Assignments
Please see the website for required summer assignments for grades 1-8. Students are expected to read and complete projects. Please note that these assignments are required and will be shared with your class when we return to school after summer vacation. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Hinkle at hinkle@fatherandrewwhite.org or if you need login assistance contact Mrs. Greer at greer@fatherandrewwhite.org. Middle School students will have customized assignments in their Summer Google Classrooms. For future reference, you may visit the website to find a list of our summer reading and math assignments for Grades 1-5: https://fatherandrewwhite.org/summer-work-2024
School Tool Box School Supplies
⭐ June 9th is officially the end of the Ship to School sale! ⭐
🎒📚 **Get Ahead of the Game: Order Next Year's School Supplies Now!** 📦✨
As the school year winds down and summer is in sight with its promise of relaxation and sunshine, we want to offer you an opportunity to ease into the next academic year with peace of mind. We're thrilled to offer a convenient solution to one of those back-to-school stressors: school supplies shopping!
We're partnering with School Tool Box again to streamline the process. Say goodbye to crowded aisles and endless lists. Instead, simply place your order for next year's school supplies, and they'll be shipped directly to the school, ready for pickup at our Open House event.
Here's why you'll love it:
1. Stress-Free Convenience
2. Time-Saving
3. Quality Assured
4. Support Our School
How to Order:
- Visit https://schooltoolbox.com/school-supplies/school/list-boxes/?schoolId=45764
- Choose your child's grade level.
- Review the supply list and consider any additional add-ons.
- Complete your order and mark your calendar for Open House pickup.
Ordering is open until June 9, 2024!
Note: Orders may be placed after this date and will be shipped to your home (shipping fees apply to orders under $85)
We understand the importance of a smooth transition into the new school year, and we're excited to offer this hassle-free solution to our families. Thank you for your continued support, and here's to a summer filled with relaxation and rejuvenation! If you have any questions, please reach out to bailey.katie.lynn@gmail.com.
FAW Athletics
Track Meet Results
Our Father Andrew White Crusaders competed in the final Track Meet of the year! Our student athletes did a great job and had fun! They won both the elementary and middle school levels! Next year we plan to have more meets!
🏆🏃🏃♀️Go Crusaders! 🏃🏃♀️🏆
Yearbooks on Sale
2023-2024 Yearbook --> Last chance to buy yearbooks!
We have 10 extra 2023-2024 yearbooks available. If you forgot to place an order and would like one, please send in $25 (checks made payable to "Father Andrew White School" with "yearbook" in the memo line). Be sure to get your copy before they sell out!
Bus Transportation Form 2024-2025
If you are a new bus rider or have moved/changed addresses, please complete the Request for Bus Transportation Form for next year.
Remember to buy RaiseRight Gift Cards this Summer!
RaiseRight Gift Card Program
We are officially underway in the next RaiseRight year, that started on April 1st. For all 2024-2025 Service Scholarship families, there is a RaiseRight requirement to earn a minimum $50. For those that are unfamiliar with this program we will be sending more information on how you can get started.
In summary it is a gift card program in which you buy gift cards for your everyday shopping: that coffee addiction, vacation, cruises, dining out and gas! Each card has a rebate amount that you can earn and those earnings go back to the school until you have met your $50 minimum requirement. After that $50 minimum requirement is met, anything you earn over and above gets a 75/25 split between you and the school respectively. The earnings that go to you can be applied for next school year’s tuition or to the eighth grade field trip. This past school year we had multiple families earning back a collective total of $5,761 that will be applied to next school year's tuition.
Gift card fundraising is an excellent fundraiser because there’s no selling, no extra time and no extra money. It is simply changing the way we pay for our purchases. The best part is that there is endless earning potential as there is no limit to how much money we can raise. You make money for the school and yourself. I call that a win win!!
What can you use RaiseRight gift cards for this summer?!
Happy Shopping,
Jessica Casto
FAW RaiseRight Coordinator
Action Item ---> Service Scholarship Preference Form
If you would like to receive a $350 credit per child (in grades K-8), you can sign up to be a Service Scholarship family that receives reduced tuition in exchange for 25 hours of volunteering for the 2024-2025 school year. Please see the additional requirements on the form linked below.
ALL RETURNING AND NEW FAMILIES (100% PARTICIPATION) must complete the following form to indicate your preference of the Service Scholarship for the next school year. We are using this form as the final acceptance or decline of next year's service scholarship, so please complete the following: FAW 2024-2025 Service Scholarship Preference Form
Note: Failure to meet the volunteer hour requirement will result in a prorated hourly bill at the end of the year for each child's tuition account. Additionally, Service Scholarship families who do not meet the RaiseRight requirement will be required to remit the difference.
Donate to our Annual Giving Campaign that directly benefits our students!
Thank you for allowing me to take care of your children this year! They are definitely blessings from God who never fail to keep life interesting!
Just a few reminders: If you have not already done so, please pick up any medications you may have at school for your child. I will be outside during dismissal this week if you would like to pick them up in the car rider line. Remember to have health forms updated and ready to turn in BEFORE the start of next school year. An ADW Immunization Acknowledgement form is required before admission to FAW and whenever any changes occur to your child’s health or immunization status. I wish everyone a joyous summer and good health always - physical, mental, and spiritual. Stay safe and God bless!
Thank You for Volunteering!
Thank you so much to all of our families who have spent time volunteering in a variety of ways. You have clocked more than 2,800 volunteer hours and your efforts have directly benefited our students and our school community. Many thanks!
Volunteer Opportunities THIS WEEK!
Are you looking to fulfill volunteer hours?
Lunch Volunteers: email rutherford@fatherandrewwhite.org
Book Fair Volunteers: email hinkle@fatherandrewwhite.org
Lunch and Recess Monitors
Would you like to earn volunteer hours by assisting at lunch or recess time? Click the SignUpGenius Link to see the days/times you can help! Slots are in 30 minute increments and we truly appreciate your willingness to assist the teachers in this way.
Summer Maintenance Volunteers
We are looking for volunteers to work on some maintenance jobs over the summer. Please contact Mrs. Richards at cptrbrown@aol.com if you are interested in being on our Summer Maintenance team! Thanks for considering!
Thank you to our 2024 Auction Sponsors!
Now Enrolling
Father Andrew White Catholic School has opened enrollment to new families for the 2024-2025 school year. We welcome you to consider becoming a part of this amazing, award winning school. Schedule a private tour to discover how our students are "Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow, Living our Faith." Call the office at (301) 475-9795 or email office@fatherandrewwhite.org.
2024-2025 School Year Calendar
Weekly Reminders:
❏ Send in money for the Book Fair - tomorrow
❏ Order your School Supply Boxes (by Saturday)
❏ Look for and return School Library books
❏ Participate in our Annual Giving Campaign
❏ Sign up to help in the summer doing various maintenance and landscaping jobs
❏ Have a relaxing, fun, and blessed summer!
Email: office@fatherandrewwhite.org
Phone: 301-475-9795
Website: www.fatherandrewwhite.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/fawschool