Pierce School Weekly Newsletter
Week of Monday, February 3 - Friday, February 7th, 2025
First Graders Build a Fort During Recess
Remember to dress warmly for recess:
Special of the Week: PE/Health with Mr. LeGraw
📣 Families! Here's What's Happening This Week:
Golden Spoon Winners for 1/31/25
The Golden Spoon luncheon ran again this week for students who demonstrated expectated behaviors in the lunchroom from Monday to Thursday. Students are invited to a special lunch on the stage on Friday and receive a golden spoon as the invitation, for doing the right thing at lunch through the week.
Expected behaviors in the lunchroom:
- Raise their hands to get up and get something
- Ask a teacher by raising a hand to go to the bathroom/leave the lunchroom
- Keep a low level voice, no yelling
- When a teacher says, "Show 5", students stop talking, focus attention on the teacher, and put a high five in the air to show they are listening to directions
- Sit at the table to eat lunch and have a safe body at the table
These are the expected behaviors that will earn students a golden spoon invitation to a decorated table on the stage on Fridays. A different teacher signs up to host the luncheon each Friday. We hope all students will attend the Golden Spoon Luncheon!
🗓 Coming Up!
Monday, 2/3 - Student Assembly (Staff and Students Only) 2:30 PM
Thursday, 2/6 - Ski/Snowboard Club Program - Dismissal at 3PM to Crotched Mt.
Friday, 2/7 - 4th Grade Walking Fieldtrip to GEP Dodge Library, 2:15 - 3PM
In the coming weeks:
Monday, 2/10 - 100th Day of School
Monday, 2/10 - 3rd Grade - Susie Spikol Turtle Lesson - 9:15 - 10AM
Wednesday, 2/12 - Pierce PTO Meeting - 6-7PM - All Welcome - In the Library
Thursday, 2/13 - Pierce Community Supper in the MultiPurpose Room - 5:30 - 6:30PM
Friday, 2/14 - Valentine's Day Parties - 2:30 - 3:00PM (K-4)
💖 Valentine's Day Classroom Parties
We're getting in the spirit of the holiday by wearing an item of pink or red -- this could be a shirt, sweater, sweatpants, beanie, socks, earrings, a necklace, as long as it's within the dress code!
THEN... we'll be putting up a fun photo booth for students to take pics in their Valentine's Day colors in the Multipurpose Room during lunch. We hope students will get into the spirit. Teachers will be sending more information about guidelines for classroom parties shortly!
Friday, Feb 14, 2025, 02:30 PM
Pierce Elementary School, Main Street, Bennington, NH, USA
Mrs. Neilssen Returned to Pierce School for Music Class
1/27 -1/31
- Kindergarten studied low and high in music. Students learned that bigger instruments have lower sounds, and smaller instruments have higher sounds! Ask your child to sing "Grandma's Glasses"!
- 1st and 2nd grade began learning about different rhythms within a steady beat.
- 3rd grade did a lot of rhythm review with eighth notes and quarter notes. They are preparing their music reading skills for recorder!
- 4th grade got their recorders this week and we did a quick review from last year, and they remembered a lot!
Ski/Snowboard Program at Crotched Mountain - 2/6/25
Week 5 of Pierce School Ski/Snowboard Program:
This will be our 5th week of Crotched Mtn. Ski/Snowboarding on Thursday, February 6th. Kids skiied and snowboarded like pros last Thursday night, and navigated the chairlift! Remember to dress in layers this week and bring snacks!
Reminder: Gear can be left outside against the building if students are carpooling with another adult to the mountain. If students are carpooling, please notify the school by Pickup Patrol, or call the office before 2pm. Students will be dismissed from school at 3pm to go to the mountain to arrive in time for lessons.
Thank you again, Melinda Adams, for facilitating our Ski Club this year! Have a great fifth week out on the mountain and enjoy the trails! 🎿🏂
💡 Reminders: Please don't bring stuffed animals or electronics to school
Winter Vacation: February 24-28 - No School for Students
- If your student is having a hard time coming to school, please reach out to our school counselor, Mrs. Sarah Kotwicki at skotwicki@conval.edu
- Are you concerned about your student's progress in school? Reach out to the classroom teacher, or the principal, Ms. Alisha Hansen-Proulx at ahansen@conval.edu
Kindergarten Registration & Screening for the 2025 - 2026 School Year
Registration & Screening @ Antrim Elementary School - 2.18.25
Registration & Screening at Peterborough Elementary School - 4.16.25
Youth Programs and Camps Ahead:
Support Pierce School by Eating at Rick and Diane's Pizza on 3/14
🍕February Menus:
Breakfast Menu:
Lunch Menu:
Lunch Account Information and Menus can be accessed here:
Reminder: To avoid paying fees for reloading money to student lunch accounts online, students can bring a check or cash into school to be added to their accounts.
Meal Pricing
Elementary Breakfast Full
Secondary Breakfast Full
Reduced Breakfast
Elementary Lunch
Reduced Lunch