The Hayhurst Husky Howl

Mid-Summer Edition
In this - OMG - 4 weeks left of summer! - Edition
*Class Lists
* Don't Sweat the Supplies
* Concert the Park - Our Summer Gathering - August 16
* Community Care Day - August 17
* Welcome Kindergarteners!
* Summer Garden Watering
* barre3 + bubbles + brunch
* Events Calendar - including the Back to School Picnic
It's summer. Fermin and Monica are working hard to get our building in tip-top shape for the fall (we are SO lucky to have them!!). The anticipation of a new year is on the horizon as the sprinklers click in the distance. An admin alone in a building waxes poetic on a Smore as temps sore into the 90s...
As is always the case in summer, we have had some changes. I've listed the physical ones below, but let's dive into the ones that will truly impact your child(ren): staff shifts.
First, here is the complete list of classroom teachers by grade:
- Kinder: Heller and Kowalski
- First: *Bynum* and Cunningham
- Second: Barten and Crews
- Third: South and Vonada
- Fourth: Kushner and MacDonald
- Fifth: Bertelsen, Harbolt, and Stoffan
An eagle eye will surely notice that there is a new person on there. We are SUPER pleased to welcome two new staff members:
- Christan Bynum will be our new 1st grade teacher alongside Kevin Cunningham. Natalie Etcheverry (assigned to us during the transfer process) was retained by her original school, Peninsula, shortly after the school year ended. This gifted us the opportunity to hire for the position. We are over-the-moon enthused to introduce Christan, who most recently served as a first-grade teacher at Beach Elementary School. Welcome, Christan! We are glad you're a Husky!
- Sarah Dulcich will serve as a half-time academic interventionist. Sarah brings over 7 years' experience in education, alongside dual reading and ELD endorsements. We are super excited to introduce Sarah to the community! Welcome, Sarah! We are glad you're a Husky!
New Look in the Office!
Peering underneath my mess, you'll see a new ADA accessible counter. This will allow us to better serve community members using wheelchairs. Woo-hoo!
Sensory Spaces!
Thanks to the SPED bond which voters passed a few years ago, PPS was able to provide furniture for two sensory spaces in the school! These includes textured furniture, bean bag chairs, and mats. Thanks to OUR Hayhurst PTA, we were also able to provide additional items to support all students in need of space and time. Thank you, PTA!!
Lights, Cameras, Action!
And, thanks to the security bond that was passed by voters, we are also super excited to announce additional cameras on campus! We are in the middle of a major install, with multiple cameras being added to the inside AND exterior areas of the building. Thank you, voters!!
For most students, class assignments have been loaded into Synergy. You can view these via ParentVue. Are there still some shuffles and shifts that need to occur? Absolutely! While there may be the very rare individual student who needs to be moved, for the most part, if your student is in grades 1-4, their placement is reflective of their class next year.
- If your child(ren) is/are in Kinder, these assignments will be finalized AFTER the soft start to begin the school year.
- If your child(ren) is/are in 5th grade, I hope to have answers for you soon. For the most part, your assignments will remain the same. We are still in limbo over one of the teaching positions, which may cause a ripple effect. I humbly ask for your patience and your grace. I'm working on it. As soon as I can, I will email all 5th grade families to let you know when placements have been finalized.
Please keep in mind that I am the office until mid-August. And I am by no means talented enough for this job. Kathy and Beth, I am not. If you have concerns, please email me, but please allow me some time to respond.
Thank you, amazing community!!!
School Supplies are Supplied by our PTA!!
ALL other school supplies are purchased - usually for a whistle sweet deal - by the Hayhurst PTA and School Supplies Coordinator Chris Susen. Thanks Chris! And thanks to everyone who donates to the PTA. From providing school supplies to paying for field trips, from stipends for teachers to throwing fun events for all, every donation to the PTA makes a difference for our community.
You can always donate here.
Friendly reminder: We are hoping to avoid Mt. LostNFound this year (should out to Deirdre Britt for washing and donating ALL THOSE CLOTHES). Please, please, please make sure to LABEL all jackets, sweatshirts, water bottles, headphones, lunch boxes... maybe even socks??? with your kiddo's first name. This way, when the item inevitably gets left in the cafeteria, we can return it to the proper owner. Thank you, Husky families!!
Concert in the Park: Hayhurst's Summer Reunion
For the 3rd year, our school and PTA are partnering with the Hayhurst Neighborhood Association and Portland Parks and Recreation for a Summer Free for All Concert in the Park at Pendleton Park. Come see old friends and maybe make some new ones on Friday, August 16th starting at 6:30. Joshua Josue - El Gringo Mariachi will play American-Chicano rock, cross-border songs, and stories of the working class.
Portland Parks and Rec hosts a ton of events for Summer for All! Click the image below to find the whole list and have an amazing summer, free, right here in town!
Community Care Day - Saturday, August 17
Please join your neighbors and fellow school community members and volunteer at the Community Care Day work party on Saturday, August 17, 2024 from 9:00 AM to noon!
This is a great opportunity for our community to prepare our beautiful school grounds and gardens. With a little bit of work, we can have the school grounds in great shape to welcome our students and families back for the new school year. Community Care Day is a districtwide event supported by PPS, but it is only possible through volunteers coming to put in some work and some fun!
Bring your gardening gloves and your favorite garden tool such as pruners, shovels, weeders, rakes, etc. And bring a friend or two! Kids are welcome to join and help. The Garden Committee will provide water and snacks.
See you at Community Care Day in a few weeks!
Contact Tom Powers at tlanepowers@gmail.com or (503) 936-7456. Hayhurst Garden Committee is affiliated with Hayhurst PTA.
Welcome Kindergarteners!
All of us at Hayhurst are pumped to invite a new group of kids and families to our neighborhood school. We know it's a special place to learn and grow. We also know that our parents and caregivers seem to really like our school too! We have two chances to meet some new friends coming up - it's our traditional Popsicles on the Playground series. We offer a few chances because we know folks are busy!
- Friday, August 9th - School Playground - 1-2pm
- Friday, August 16th - School Playground - 5:30-6:30pm (and then join the Concert in the Park!)
- Sunday, August 25th - School Playground - 11am-12noon
Kinders also get a soft start to the school year! When teachers get back to work the week of the 19th, you will hear about a chance to meet with one of our Kindergarten teachers and be assigned a "soft start" slot. All of this will happen August 28th, 29th, and 30th. Then, all Kindergarteners will have their first FULL day of school on Tuesday, September 3rd.
Another tradition? Join other Kindergarten parents - and some veterans - for coffee, tea, and treats behind the school after dropoff on Tuesday the 3rd.
Hayhurst Garden: Summer Watering Help Needed!
Our garden is growing! The Hayhurst Garden Committee is looking for help with summer watering. It's a 20 minute job a few days a week. Consider taking one week over the summer to water the plants in the school garden, as needed.
We're using SignUp.com to organize our upcoming SignUps. Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:
1) Click this link to see our SignUp on SignUp.com: https://signup.com/go/DuewCLg
2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like. Sign up for each day you will be monitoring the garden.
3) Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.com.
Note: SignUp.com does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.
For more information contact:
Feather Graham, grlbrd@hotmail.com 503-459-6922
barre3 + bubbles + brunch
Support the PTA and Take a BREAK!
Don't know about you, but after the first two weeks of school, a break from kids and a chance to breathe and move will really hit the spot. Join Hayhurst friends from 12-2pm on Saturday, September 7th at barre3 in Cedar Mill. Take a signature barre3 class - a mashup of cardio, strength, and mindfulness - and then stick around to visit, have a mimosa or mocktail and a snack. Tickets are $40 and proceeds will go to the PTA. Sign up here to reserve your spot; space is limited!
🗓️ Upcoming Events! 🗓️
- Friday 8/9: Popsicles on the Playground for Kindergartners - 1-2pm
- Friday 8/16: Popsicles on the Playground for Kindergartners - 5:30-6:30pm
- Friday 8/16: Music in the Park at Pendleton - our summer reunion! - 6:30-8:30pm
- Saturday 8/17: Community Care Day - 9 am-12 noon
- Sunday 8/25: Popsicles on the Playground for Kindergartners - 12-1pm
- Tuesday 8/27: First Day of School for Grades 1-5
- Wednesday 8/28-Friday 8/30: Kindergarten Teacher Visits and Soft Starts
- Friday 9/7: barre3 and bubbles
- Friday 9/13: Back to School Picnic 5:30-7:30pm
For further details and to look ahead, visit the Hayhurst Events Calendar