Colton Hills School Bulletin
27 November 2024
High Performance Learning School
Introduction by Ms B Ruth, Acting Assistant Headteacher (Quality of Education)
We hope this bulletin finds you safe, well and warm after last week’s snow. The second autumn term has already been a busy one. Cadets in Years 9 to 13 have enjoyed their training weekend away and some recently received their promotions and CCF badges. We have been busy as a school preparing, doing and reviewing all students’ assessments or mock exams in the last fortnight.
As we move towards the end of our longest term it is critical to support our young people in their life at Colton Hills. We provide a wealth of support, and we ask you encourage your young person to take advantage of these opportunities. For all students, we offer a homework club in school from 3pm to 4pm daily. These clubs are offered to both Key Stage Three and Four. We provide access to computers and photocopiers so that each student can access everything they need for their homework and extended learning. Staff are happy to help your young person with their work and we ask for the same continued support from yourselves at home too. As Pupil Premium lead, please can I encourage your young person, if they qualify for free meals, to take up their lunch offer and enjoy a healthy meal in our canteen each and every lunchtime. They can get a lunch meal consisting of a warm meal, pudding and small carton of juice all in their entitlement.
Pushing towards the end of term, the school calendar is still quite busy. We have the Year 11 and 13 Art mock exams upcoming, the Reading Ambassadors’ trip, a Sixth Form English trip as well as our Winter Showcase from our Performing Arts students on 19 December. Do show your support by booking your tickets early!
Anti-Bullying Week, 11 - 15 November
CCF Promotion Parade
BBC Children in Need (featuring our Year 11 student and her family)
Thanks to charities like The Childhood Eye Cancer Trust, Kriti's family is able to get the support and funding they need for her treatment. We are tremendously proud of Armanie for caring & supporting her sister through this process and we wish them the very best. Armanie said: "I am extremely proud of my younger sister and how she has dealt with her eye cancer. Although she is younger than me, she is someone I look up to and aspire to be like. I admire her bravery, confidence and resilience, despite all of the challenges she's faced. She is really an inspiration to me."
Read the full article below.
SEND Local Offer
If any SEND families are interested, there is a SEND local offer in Wolverhampton now. For more information, please visit Home | Wolverhampton Young Opportunities.
Wolverhampton Children’s Safeguarding Contact Details
If you suspect or believe a child is suffering or is likely to suffer Significant Harm, including any form of mistreatment or abuse, you should report your concerns on the following numbers:
Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5pm,
Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm on 01902 555392
Outside of the above hours for emergencies on 01902 552999
If the child or young person is at immediate risk of serious harm dial 999