Hood River Valley High School
August 13th, 2024
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Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year Hood River Valley High School Eagles!
I am so excited to welcome you all back to school! It’s amazing how quickly summer flies by, but I hope you were all able to relax and enjoy some time with family and friends. This school year, we are continuing with a few system changes we implemented last year. We will maintain our semester block schedule. We realize that managing eight classes on an A/B day rotating block can be challenging, so we are embedding more support opportunities to help all of our students.
We will also continue with W.I.N. (What I Need) time. We received a lot of positive feedback about the need for this time to connect with staff and receive individual support. It has been a great addition, as allowing students to access staff during the day for individual support has been essential to success. The advisory period will also remain in place to support the scheduling of W.I.N., and it will continue to provide an opportunity for a consistent adult connection throughout the four years at HRV.
I also want to take this opportunity to stress—though you may hear this often—the importance of getting involved. There is a strong connection between engagement and success, so it’s something we need to focus on. HRV offers many opportunities to get involved, whether through athletics, music, theater, activities, or clubs. Don’t be afraid to try something new—high school is a great time to start new hobbies.
As the school year progresses, I’ll share more about our focus areas and goals for HRV, and I look forward to gathering your feedback and insights. For now, here are a few pieces of information and dates to keep in mind so you’re ready for the start of the school year. It’s coming quickly, and we’re all busy preparing for what we know will be a great year. Please see below for important dates and information.
See you all soon!
~Columba | Principal
Student Check in Dates & Information- August 15th & 16th- Office Hours 8am-7pm
- Electronic registration emails from PowerSchools Enrollment with your student's snapcode link were sent out 7/29/24. Codes will be resent on 8/14/24 to those that have not completed the process. Please call the HRV Main Office, if you have not received this code.
- Electronic registration needs to be completed by guardians prior to check in.
- Updating information before check in is essential so that we can have up-to-date information and a current and correct roster of returning students.
- Only parent/guardian or student (if electronic registration is complete) can pick up a schedule.
- We will have a station set up for guardians, if help is needed completing the electronic registration process.
- iPads will be available for pick up.
- 9th grade students will pick up their schedule. A form correction QR code will be printed on the back.
Registration / Change Arena (for schedule corrections)– August 26th
Students make changes to schedules, get your picture taken for an ASB card, pick up yearbooks, pick up offsite forms, and 11th -12th graders can pay for parking permits.
ASB card (HRVHS ID card) will be required to attend any school event.
Please check in on the north side of the building.
If you have multiple students, you can come at one time, but be aware that Change Arena is strictly by the class times listed below so that upper grade levels have the first choice of changes
- Parent attendance is not required.
Course Correction Forms will be available on Monday, August 26th, until 1:30 pm. If you are not physically in Hood River County due to a previously scheduled family event, you may request a course correction form. School counselors will do their best to honor your request but may not be able to adjust your schedule. Your requests will be reviewed at the close of Change Arena on Monday, August 26th. Please keep in mind school counselors will not make changes based on A day|B day or period of day, or teacher, using this google form. Students will be able to view their adjusted schedule in HAC on Tuesday, August 27, after 3 pm.
Please see the following schedule:
12th Grade: Registration (and Change Arena, if students wish to make corrections to their schedule)
8:00am - 9:30am
11th Grade: Registration (and Change Arena, if students wish to make corrections to their schedule)
9:45am - 11:15am
10th Grade: Registration (and Change Arena, if students wish to make corrections to their schedule)
11:30am -1:00am
Change Arena Closes at 1:30
Please NOTE: Students forecast for classes in the spring the previous year and the master schedule including teacher staffing is created to meet these requests. Changes will ONLY be made if there are errors, open periods, or conflicts with requested courses. School counselors will not make changes based on A day|B day, period of day, or teacher.
Students are expected to maintain enrollment in AP and year long courses. Dropping a yearlong course at the semester will not be allowed, unless there is significant conflict or change for the student in the required course needs.
Cash or check payment options will be available on Registration day; Online payment option information will be coming soon.
24-25 Fees
- Supply Contribution/Donation suggested amount: $50
- 2024-2025 Yearbook: $70 - (2023-2024 Yearbooks that were ordered can be picked up)
- Parking Permit: $10 (only available for 11th and 12th grade students )
- Sports Fees: $150 per athlete for each sport with a cap of $300, if your student is participating in all three seasons.
Orientation Day (LINK Day) for Grade 9 and New Students: Tuesday, August 27th
Grade 9
- 7:30-8:20 ASB Pictures
- 8:20-3:10 Link Day Activities
- Check-in in the Commons. Buses will run a normal schedule.
- New students (grades 10 -12 ) 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
- Check-in in the Summit Office.
- Buses will run a normal schedule.
9th grade students will get their ASB picture on this day.
First Day of Classes for 9th -12th – Wednesday, August 28th (A-day)
1st period starts at 8:20 a.m. 4th period ends at 3:10 p.m.
Supplies If possible, HRVHS recommends that students show up for the first two days of classes August 28th & 29th with the following:
- notebook with lined college ruled paper
- folders
- pens
- pencils
- Pencil/pen pouch
- Planner and or Binder- This year all students will work on organization and will identify and use a system that will help keep them organized.
Please Note: Students will receive a syllabus from each instructor with detailed requirements and supplies for each class for the following week.
HRVHS Athletics
Upcoming Events
Fall sports are beginning Monday August 19th. We are in the process of updating our new website and in the not so distant future we will have all our team schedules and coaches contacts loaded to the new website. Visit the Athletics website for information on registration, tryouts and practice times. https://www.hoodriver.k12.or.us/departments/athletics
Coming Friday August 23rd we will be hosting the Annual Blue/Gold Games starting with Girls and Boys Soccer followed by Football at Henderson Stadium and Volleyball in the main gym. Details will be posted on the website and email sent next week with final details.
Please be sure to sign up for a fall sport at our Final Forms website. https://hoodriver-or.finalforms.com/
HRVHS Fall Sports include:
Girls Volleyball - Schedule https://www.osaa.org/teams/57092
Football - Schedule https://www.osaa.org/teams/57907
Cross Country - Schedule https://www.athletic.net/team/262/cross-country/2024
Girls Soccer - Schedule https://www.osaa.org/teams/57091
Boys Soccer - Schedule https://www.osaa.org/teams/57089
Girls Water Polo - Schedule https://www.maxpreps.com/or/hood-river/hood-river-valley-eagles/water-polo/girls/
Boys Water Polo - Schedule https://www.maxpreps.com/or/hood-river/hood-river-valley-eagles/water-polo/schedule/
Go Eagles!
HRVHS will host its annual fall community celebration on Tuesday, Sept. 17, from 4:30 - 7 pm. Families can meet teachers and see classrooms, connect at our sports and clubs fair, hear from community partners, learn about supporting students in school, and attend Volleyball and Boys Soccer games for free. We will feature several student performances, visual arts, learning demonstrations, robotics, and other activities. Dinner is provided for the family.
All Hood River County School District students may ride the bus. The bus routes are posted on this HRCSD webpage (Departments>Transportation>Bus Routes). Please call your school office if you have any questions.
Nutrition Services
School meals offered at no cost
All Hood River County School District students receive school meals through a federal program at no cost. For more information about Nutrition Services, please visit the nutrition services website (Departments>Nutrition Services).
School meals menus
This HRCSD webpage (Department>Nutrition Services>Menus) includes the breakfast and lunch menus for elementary, middle, and high school students for August and September.
Hood River Valley High School
Email: hrvhsinfo@hoodriver.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.hoodriver.k12.or.us/hrvhs
Location: 1220 Indian Creek Road, Hood River, OR, USA
Phone: 541-386-4500
Facebook: facebook.com/HoodRiverValleyHS