Wednesday Folder
February 5, 2025
Good News! Gas Is Back On!
Thank you for your understanding and patience!
Kids Heart Challenge - Last Week!
We hope you have been enjoying our Carroll Elementary’s KHC so far! We are entering our final week, so calling all heart heroes!! So far, we have raised $26,719 of our $37,500 goal!
If you were HOPING to achieve some of our school special incentives.. Here's how:
Any student that raises $200 in donations will earn 1 cup of SLIME to pour on Coach Gray, Coach Blount or Mrs. Wagnon!!! If you raise $400 you will earn 2 cups of SLIME!!! Congratulations to the following students who have already earned our school’s challenge: Charlotte C , Penelope H , Penelope T , Adelynne H , Blakelyn F , Benjamin T , Ridglea F , Grayson C , Lincoln A , Melynda B , Presley M , Charlie S , Valerie T , Peyton T , Carson C , London L , Claire M , Arhaan A , Stella Y , Marian M , Claire S , Ramsey A , Emilia E , O'Dell K , Cullen I , Kareem N , Sutton S , Davis S , Lucas C , Janie M , Peter C , Darcy A , Quinn W , Casey S , Allie M , Lukas K , Scott S , Aarya T , Blake I , Blake B , Angel Y , Owen D , Lyla L , Mira T , Lucy L , Kate M , Elle W , Theo B , Levi L , Mia M , Kai C , Ben G , Kai K
If you haven't had the chance to yet:
- DOWNLOAD THE APP (iOS/Android) AND SIGN UP on our school's KHC page: http://www2.heart.org/goto/CarrollElementarySouthlake
- Share your KHC Page via text and/or socials
- Give or receive one more donation if you're able!
When you sign up or share your KHC Page, that brings awareness to heart disease, stroke, and CPR. Awareness leads to funding, and funding leads to hope!
Not sure what to give as a donation if you're able or set your personal goal at?
$12.79- 127.9 Million US Adults have some form of cardiovascular disease
$19.78- The year Jump Rope for Heart was established
$40- Every 40 seconds someone dies from a stroke in America
$53- How much it costs to fully certify someone in CPR giving them the ability to save a life
$60- the suggested amount of minutes of Daily Physical Activity for kids
$70.50- Since 1968 the reduction in cardiovascular mortality is for 70.5%
$81- 81% of youth who have used a tobacco product have started with a flavored product
$100-$110- to perform hands only CPR, press hard and fast in the center of someone's chest at the rate of 100-110bpm
Valentines Party Friday February 14th
Please remember you must show a government ID to enter the building! See your class newsletter for specific Party Times!
Important February Dates
School Starts at 7:40. Tardy Bell Rings at 7:40
Hello! we need your help with our growing number of students who are tardy in the a.m. We understand that traffic has been heavy and we are asking that you please leave your house a little earlier to help get your students here on time. If the front doors are closed, you will need to walk your student to the front office and sign them in. Please remember to bring your license with you. SW
Lost & Found
As the mornings continue to grow cooler, please be sure to label your child's jackets. We already have many lost jackets and sweaters. : )
News From Encore!
News From our Counselor
February Birthdays
2/21 - Abby Speight
2/27 - Maria Jimenez
Reminder! If your child is absent - PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE!
***Please only use this for attendance reporting! If there is a change in transportation, please call the office and or email your child's teacher if it is before noon.
You can call the office at 817-949-4300 ORAsk the Principal!
Safety and Security
We are excited to inform you that our school has enrolled with STOPit!
STOPit is an online reporting tool designed to deter and mitigate bullying, cyber abuse, and other inappropriate behaviors, consisting of an app and a back-end incident management system for school administrators.
More information and resources can be found online at stopitsolutions.com.
Ways to Connect with Carroll Elementary
Email: stacy.wagnon@southlakecarroll.edu
Website: https://www.southlakecarroll.edu/Domain/8
Location: 1705 West Continental Boulevard, Southlake, TX, USA
Phone: 817-949-4300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1569009640030962
Twitter: @CESSouthlake
District & News Information
Make sure to sign up for the Dragon eBlast, a district communication with all of the latest news, updates and announcements! Also follow the district social media accounts to see all the latest happenings within Carroll ISD: