Eagle Excellence Volume #17
Vivian Banks Charter School: Jan. 27-31, 2025
Weekly Message from Mr. Costa
Dear Eagle Community,
Wow...it is hard to believe that we're almost to February! This week, we will experience the 100th day of school, the Great Kindness Challenge Week (theme is "Kindness Moves"), and welcome some new members to our Vivian Banks Charter School community! There are also many after-school events coming this week and next; please see information and flyers below for all sorts of awesome upcoming activities. It is our goal to involve every VBCS parent and guardian in the learning process of your wonderful children.
Please plan to join the community this Tuesday 1/28 from 4-5:30PM at the Cupa Cultural Center for Pala Cupeno Cultural Night. Games, performances, and learning experiences will all be part of the festivities. We hope to see you there!
This Friday 1/31 is our January Flag and Awards Assembly (starting at 8:30AM in the cafeteria) and Great Kindness Challenge Lunch on the Lawn. Please consider yourself invited to both of these special events. We love to honor our amazing students and celebrate with our community!
Ms. Bonwell and her after-school play troupe are going to be hard at work preparing for Pirates of Grammar Island. The tentative date for the show is April 1st. Please email dana.bonwell@bonsallusd.com if you have questions.
Ms. Sanchez and our VBCS Parent Club (next Parent Club meeting is Wednesday 2/5 at 5PM) are working on the preliminary stages of our Pala Community Garden, with the ribbon-cutting and family work day scheduled for Saturday, March 8! Please mark your calendars for this awesome day. Food will be provided!
Ms. Lyons, Ms. Ana, Ms. Jackie, and Ms. Nancy are always getting creative with projects in Pep Club, and Ms. Amerson is now rockin' Sewing Club! Please reach out to these amazing educators if your student has an interest in participating.
Ms. Jahde and her Creative Movement elective class will soon start preparing and practicing for the Tomlinson Games, to be held in May. It is our goal that every single 4th and 5th grade student attends and participates in the games, and that our 3rd grade class joins in the day to cheer on the VBCS squad! If you are interested in supporting the purchase of green VBCS athletic-style shirts for all of our participants, please reach out to Ms. Nancy.
I am going to be speaking with students this week regarding interest level to start a co-ed softball team and an after-school TCG (Trading Card Games) Club. So many of our students are big into Pokemon, so please send them my way!
Our next Indian Education Council meeting will take place on Wednesday 2/5 from 1:30-2:30PM at school. We will be planning next steps on our previously determined 2024-25 initiative of partnering with the elders and providers of the Pala Seniors Program. Please email me if you have an interest in being part of this important community council.
Our next district-wide Native Learner Advisory Committee (NLAC) meeting will take place on Tuesday 2/11 from 5-6:30PM at the Pala Housing Resource Center. Please plan to attend to share your voice!
Would you like to be part of our VBCS Charter Committee? Educators, families, and community members will collaborate on revising the charter for Vivian Banks Charter School. The revised charter will be presented to the BUSD school board and voted on in May or June. Please email me if you'd like to be be part of the team!
Lastly, we will be welcoming our San Diego State University graduate counseling students to campus most Mondays, beginning tomorrow. These graduate students will be working with Ms. Bryanna and me to get to know and assist VBCS students and teachers through the end of May!
As always, if you have any questions, comments, ideas, or would like to say hello in person, please feel free to email me at daniel.costa@bonsallusd.com. I look forward to meeting and working with each of you to support the amazing students of Vivian Banks Charter School. Have a wonderful week!
P.S. Please visit our Instagram @vivianbankscharterschool for wonderful pictures and videos of school events!
Go Eagles,
Mr. Danny Costa
Bonsall Woman's Club/BUSD Stages of Inspiration Art Contest and Show
Calling all TK-12th grade artists!
3rd annual Bonsall Woman’s Club/BUSD Stages of Inspiration Art Contest & Show: “Belong, BELIEVE, Achieve”
Art Show date: April 30, 2025
Art submissions due: March 17, 2025, submit to teacher/front office
PRIZES Sponsored by Nessy Burgers will be awarded by age/category.
2D (“fine arts”)
Watercolor, acrylic, or oil painting; oil pastel, chalk pastel, pen and ink, or graphite drawings; mixed media work
3D (“crafts”)
Sewing, crochet, knitting, cross stitch, needlepoint, embroidery, pottery, sculpture, woodwork, metalsmithing, jewelry, “trash-to-treasure” etc.
grades 6-12 only, 8x10 prints only
Original art only; pre-packaged “kits” not allowed.
BUSD students will also be “taking the stage” for musical and dance performances during this celebration of THE ARTS!
Vivian Banks Charter School
Email: daniel.costa@bonsallusd.com
Website: https://vb.bonsallusd.com/
Location: 11800 Pala Mission Road, Pala, CA, USA
Phone: (760) 742-3300