Principal Victoria's Notes
Some thoughts for the starting school year

Welcome Back!
August 19, 2024
Dear IRS Families,
I hope you all have had a good summer. It is hard to believe we will be back in school next week as the first day of school is Tuesday, August 27th. I want you all to know we have been working diligently to prepare for the 2024 - 2025 school year. We have had many changes and challenges take place since we closed school in late June. Those changes are listed below.
Let’s start with grade 5, Ms. Childs and Ms. Wishnefsky left for other positions and we have Mrs. Nichols joined the grade 5 teacher core and Carrie Healey as the grade 5 case manager.
In grade 6 we had Ms. Young and Mrs. Palmer moving on and we have Ms. Sullivan and Ms. Pierce joining the teacher core.
In grade 7 and grade 8 we had no changes take place.
In unified arts Ms. Maynard is our grades 5-7 general music and chorus teacher and Mr. Guilford is joining us as the Library Media Specialist.
We have a new skylight in the gymnasium with a fresh coat of paint on the gym walls and it looks amazing!
We look forward to partnering with you all again as we begin the new school year. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call us. 603-632-4357.
Kevin Towle, Principal
Meet Our New Staff
Our new staff will start tomorrow 8/20 and we will update as we welcome them!
Music and Choral Teacher - Christina Maynard
Christy has been teaching choral and general music for 23 years. She graduated from SUNY Fredonia and has taught in schools in Florida and Vermont. Singing is her passion and she is thrilled to start making music with students at Indian River School!
Library Media Specialist - Tod Guilford
Tod rejoins the Mascoma Valley Regional School District after a few years.
Grade 5 Teacher - Jonni Nichols
Jonni joins our 5th grade team here at Indian River School.
6th Grade ELA Teacher - Taylor Sullivan
Taylor joins the Indian River School from CES. She will be teaching English Language Arts.
6th Grade Science Teacher - Sharon Pierce
Joining our 6th grade team is Sharon Pierce.
Paraprofessional - Kassandra Brown
Kassandra joins our Indian River School team as a paraprofessional
Paraprofessional - Clinton Tilden
Clinton joins our team as a paraprofessional
One on One Paraprofessional - Ashley Fortune
Ashley joins our Indian River School team from EVS. She is a one on one paraprofessional.
NECC Paraprofessional - Sara Hammond
Sara joins our NECC program as a paraprofessional
NECC Paraprofessional - Morgan Blackinton
Morgan joins our NECC program as a paraprofessional
2024 - 2025 District Calendar
Upcoming Important Dates
First Day of School
Tuesday, Aug 27, 2024, 08:00 AM
Picture Day
Picture day is Wednesday September 4. You can preorder prints online www.geskusprint.com and the unique code is 9HYKW9GB