Weekly Wave
Week of September 2nd
School News You Can Use!
What a fabulous first few weeks of school it has been! Students have started to really make their classroom communities their own and are starting to delve deep into their studies. As we move into this school year I invite each and everyone of you to join us for our first All School Meeting this Thursday at 6:00pm. This is mandatory for all families so we will have childcare available as well as an online option for those that just cannot make it. We look forward to seeing you all then.
All-School Meeting
September All-School Meeting
Join us for our first All-School Meeting. Please know that we have reduced the All-School Meetings from 3 to 2 Annually and both Meetings are mandatory. We will have a virtual option available to those who cannot make the in-person meeting. We strongly encourage all families to attend in person when possible because this is how we build our community!
Come out and meet other families and get to know one another! We want to help each other when it comes to raising our children because it takes a village!
If you cannot make it in person, please use the link below:
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/kze-dzcj-fsm
Or dial: (US) +1 334-708-0053 PIN: 657 922 587#
Thursday, Sep 5, 2024, 06:00 PM
May Sands Montessori School, United Street, Key West, FL, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Campus Clean Up
September Campus Clean-up
Come out to get those service hours and help make our campus beautiful! It takes a lot of hands to keep our grounds in great shape for our students. We have several projects that need to be done that include but are not limited to:
- weeding
- pressure washing
- installing paper towel holders
- installing window film
- painting the Lower Elementary classroom exterior building
- painting the exterior fence
Please RSVP to let us know how many people to prepare for. Remember, for each person that comes to help, you get service hours for each individual.
Saturday, Sep 7, 2024, 09:00 AM
May Sands Montessori School, United Street, Key West, FL, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Sailing Classes Sign up
It's time again for our sailing club! The Key West Community Sailing Center is hosting our school's next sailing club. This takes place on Friday's from 1:00- 3:00pm. School staff will transport the students to the sailing club, but families are responsible for pick up.
This is a 6 week commitment and the cost is $150 per child. If you are interested in this but feel that you have a hardship, scholarships are available. Please reach out to admin@maysandsmontessori.com if you are in need.
After Care
- Aftercare Themes! Each week we will have themed days to engage and inspire our friends in our aftercare program. Rates are $15/student each day, siblings are $5 additional. Open to K-8th grade.
- Lego Master Mondays- Build, Create and Explore with Lego!
- Tasty Tuesday Cooking Club- Get Cooking, Get Tasting!
- Whimsical Wednesday Crafts- Let Your Creativity Shine!
- Dungeons and Dragons- Students who sign up for this experience will meet regularly as a group to delve into dungeons, work as a cohesive team, figure out interesting puzzles, meet exciting characters and role play a hero! Students will work with Mr. Kevin Lisinski who is the Game Master for this event. Interested? Watch out for a link coming soon.
- Thrilling Thursday Board Game Galore- Roll the Dice, Make Some Memories!
- Fabulous Friday Flicks- Lights, Camera, Action!
Interested in Becoming a Board Member?
Are you interested in becoming more involved with your child's school? May Sands Montessori is a Charter school with it's own governing board and there is currently one parent seat open. Voting will occur at the September 5th meeting with all of those interested parties who have filled out an application; see below!
If you would like more information on our board and it's role in our school, please reach out to our President, Chris Occhiuto , at Chris@maysandsmontessori.com.