Sherwood Heights Cougar Tracks
Friday, January 26th, 2024
Cougar Corner 🏫
To help parents and students stay in the loop as far as all things Sherwood Heights, our Cougar Tracks newsletter will be our weekly communication tool. Be sure to watch for email notifications at the end of each week and you can also find each of the latest and greatest Cougar Tracks newsletters posted on our website!
Upcoming Dates and Events đź“…
Jan 31: Professional Learning Day: No school for students
Feb 1: Second Semester Begins
Feb 1: New student registration 2024 - 2025 opens @ 9:00 am
Feb 5: International Baccalaureate Programme Information Night | 6:00 pm @ Salisbury Composite High
Feb 6: Early Dismissal: One hour earlier
Feb 8-9: North Central Teachers Convention: No school for students
Feb 8: Returning Students Registration 2024 - 2025 | Open at 9:00 am
Athletics Corner 🏅
Our senior teams took on a defeated SAB in their season opener this week! Junior teams take on St Teresa on Thursday!
Good luck to our junior teams competing in the Lakeland Ridge Tournament this weekend
Junior High Honours Program: 2024 - 2025
Is your child considering the Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) Junior High Honours program for the coming school year? The EIPS Junior High Honours program is designed for students in grades 8 and 9 with high achievement in their core courses and who enjoy a challenging academic environment. Students enrolled in Junior High Honours are expected to complete 25 hours of community service over the course of the year in an area of passion and will be automatically enrolled in the “CTF: Enterprise and Innovation” option course. Students must have a minimum 80 per cent average in each of the four core subjects to be eligible to apply to the Junior High Honours program.
On January 15, the first parent or guardian on file in PowerSchool for all current grades 7 and 8 students will receive direct communication from EIPS outlining the application process for the EIPS Junior High Honours program—including a link to the application form. The email will come from Permission Click at The subject of the email will be “Subject: Elk Island Public Schools - John Doe - 2024-25 Junior High Honours Program Application.” Check your spam or junk folder if you, as the first parent or guardian on file, don’t receive the email.
Applications for the 2024-25 EIPS Junior High Honours program are due Jan. 26, 2024.
On February 1 and 2, EIPS will confirm conditional acceptance in the 2024-25 Junior High Honours program—based on a student’s marks as of January 29. Students currently in honours are conditionally accepted for the 2024-25 Junior High Honours program because they’re currently enrolled in the program. Students must maintain their honours standing on the year-end report card in June to receive final acceptance in the Honours program for the upcoming year.
School Council & Staying Connected Through Social Media 📱
Click HERE to join.
Pizza Sale
Pizza day is back!
Thursdays in the gym hallway pizza will be sold at the beginning of lunch for $3.00 per slice while supplies last.
Cougar Cafe Menu
2023-2024 Bell Schedule
Sherwood Heights Jr. High bell schedule
Student Support at Sherwood Heights🤝
Mental Health has been identified as an EIPS priority this year and in response, Sherwood Heights has introduced several new ways to access student support.
Mrs. Jessica Moen is in the role of School Based Social Worker this year at SWH. Mrs. Moen’s primary role is to facilitate connections among family, school, and community to assist with positive growth. She works as part of the multidisciplinary team to help our families set goals, integrate interventions, plan strategies and arrange resources that will help students be successful in school, at home, and in their community. She offers support services in a variety of formats (individuals, families, and groups), in a variety of settings (school, home, community settings) and is the primary connection with many community agencies. Mrs. Moen can be found in her office beside the drama room and beside the vending machines.
Referrals for ALL student support services can be done using any of the following ways:
Scan the QR code posted around the school and on the Student Support Bulletin
Visit us in person in person in office
Have a student that you would like to nominate for the next Spotlight?
Fill out the Nomination Form HERE
Save on Foods Wye road believes in being an active part of the community and last year paid Sherwood Heights $2796.66 in rebates! Please bring your Save On Foods receipts into the school or send them with your student to bring to the office. Receipts are collected and tallied and Save On Foods presents a cheque to Sherwood Heights for 5% of the total (some rules apply)! What a fun and easy way to fundraise for our school.
New Online Cougar Wear Store
We are excited to be able to offer a year-round online store!
Enjoy browsing a wide selection of products from a variety of brands that you can then customize with the approved logos and graphics found on the site. Display your pride in fantastic apparel customized entirely by you. Our site lets students, parents, fans, & staff choose from approved merchandise to fit their needs 24/7 with no minimum order quantities. All orders are shipped directly to your own home!
Community Resources and Supports
Community Supports
Family and Community Service
(FCS) call-in hours 780-464-4044
Monday, Fridays: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Kids Help Phone | 1-800-668-6868
The Distress Line | 780-482-4357
Strathcona Food Bank | 780-449-6413