Message from the Superintendent
Dear AUSD Community,
As we begin a new year, I had originally intended to write a message focused on celebration and hope for 2025. However, the devastating fires and windstorms last week profoundly shaped the start of this year for our community. While this is not the New Year’s message I expected to write, it is one filled with gratitude, resilience, and hope.
To our students and parents, thank you for your patience and understanding during the unexpected school closures. To our incredible AUSD staff, I deeply appreciate the teamwork and dedication you showed during a time of uncertainty. The entire AUSD community pulled together and went above and beyond. Your strength, especially those whose families and friends were directly impacted by the fires, was inspiring.
As we move forward, we remain deeply mindful of those in our community who lost their homes or remain displaced. Our thoughts are with you, and we are committed to supporting you throughout the difficult road to recovery. If you have not already done so, please reach out to your principal/supervisor so we are aware of your situation and can provide you with specific support and assistance.
I have received inquiries from many people throughout our community who are eager to find ways to help students and staff members who lost their homes last week. We encourage the community to donate to the Greater Los Angeles Educational Foundation (GLAEF), (the non-profit arm of the Los Angeles County Office of Education). Donors may designate funds for a specific district. Please indicate “Alhambra Unified School District” or “Alhambra USD” when you make your donation. (Don’t just type in “AUSD” as there are multiple AUSDs in LA County.) Click HERE to access the GLAEF wildfire donation page.
Even as we face challenges ahead, the unity of our AUSD family continues to shine through. Thank you for your unwavering support as we move forward together and look toward brighter days ahead.
Warmest Regards,
Denise R. Jaramillo, Ed.D.
Featured News Item: AUSD Staff Worked During School Closures
LA County temporarily banned the use of air blowers to protect public health. While this is certainly understandable, it also slowed some of the cleaning progress, but our team continued early Monday morning and throughout the week to provide a safe environment for our students and employees. We appreciate everyone's patience and flexibility, and are grateful for the dedicated staff who enabled us to have a smooth reopening.
Communications Presentation Slides
At the January 14th Board Meeting, we had a Communications Item on the "Southern California Wildfires - Support to the AUSD Community." Click on the images below to access PDFs the Communications Item slides and to learn about resources/support for our local community.
Since the board meeting, we have started to utlize GLAEF to collect donations to support staff members and students/families who have lost their homes in the recent wildfires (as mentioned in the Superintendent's Message). We have added a flyer about making a donation through GLAEF below. The donation link can be accessed HERE or by scanning the QR code. To ensure funds are directed specifically to our local community, please make sure to designate your donation for the ALHAMBRA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT or ALHAMBRA USD (not just “AUSD”).
Staff Report Presentation Slides
There was also one staff report (on "Cell Phone Use Policy Development"). AUSD is moving forward to meet the requirements of AB 3126, The Phone Free School Act, which mandates that all schools establish a clear cell phone use plan by July 1, 2026. This state legislation aims to minimize classroom distractions, foster academic focus, and support student well-being by managing smartphone use during school hours.
One part of the process is to gather feedback from parents, students, and staff members through surveys and public input sessions. We are starting with a PARENT SURVEY, which you can access by scanning this QR code or clicking HERE. (Student and staff surveys are forthcoming.)
Although this presentation slide deck gives you an overview and basic information of this staff report, we encourage you to attend our BOARD MEETINGS and listen to the detailed staff reports as they are presented to the Board. Click on the images below to access PDFs of Tuesday's staff report slides.
Board Resolutions
At Tuesday's Board of Education meeting, the Board adopted several resolutions recognizing (Recognition of National Human Trafficking Awareness Month-January 2025, Recognition of Community Schools, and Resolution Establishing African American/Black History Month-February 2025). You can read the entire contents of each resolution by downloading the PDF below.
Technology Information
📢 SMS FEATURE: Mass Communication System SMS/Text Messages
The recent windstorm/fire events spotlighted the importance of the addition of our SMS/Text messaging system in helping us keep families and staff members informed. We added the SMS/Text feature to our mass communication system (Blackboard) in August 2024. This enhancement has significantly improved our communication capabilities, ensuring timely and efficient updates for our staff and families, especially during emergencies. We have appreciated your patience as we transitioned to this new notification tool and hope to see even more families sign up. Click HERE to see our SMS Community Frequently Asked Questions.
Early College Program Spring 2025 Class Schedule
Sign up today to earn free college credits!
Open to Alhambra USD High School Students
- Deadline to fill out interest list: Friday, 1/17/25 by 11:59PM
- Deadline to submit registration info/contract: Sunday, 1/19/2025 by 11:59 PM
College & Career Workshop: AUSD CTE Pathways & Labor Market Trends
- All AUSD 8th-12th grade families are invited.
- Explore post-secondary options for Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathways and understand how they align with current labor market demands.
- Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2025
- Time: 7:00pm-8:00pm (via Zoom)
- RSVP: https://tinyurl.com/AUSDecp122 (Zoom link will be sent via email after you RSVP)
- Translation available in Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, & Vietnamese.
Family STEAM Night - February 26th
Make plans to join us at our 2nd Annual STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) Resource Fair -- Open to all students in grades 3-5 and their families. Last year's inaugural event was a rousing success and we are ready to go "Full Steam Ahead" in year two!
Mark your calendar:
- Wednesday, February 26, 2025
- 5:00pm-7:00pm
- Marguerita Elementary School (1603 Marguerita Avenue in Alhambra)
Click HERE to RSVP.
Facilities Updates
The Maintenance and Grounds team worked together to demolish existing planters, remove old soil, and install new planters for Monterey Highlands School.
The Maintenance team installed a fence screen at Park Elementary School. It showcases Park's school colors and mascot, while providing safety and security for our students and staff.
The MKHS Theatre Company is getting ready for its spring musical, AVENUE Q, a musical comedy featuring puppets and human actors, and is a parody of Sesame Street. This year, director Page Phillips got a little help from special education instructional specialist, Darrin Browne. Years ago, Mr. Browne worked in the Muppet Workshop in NYC, where he learned from veteran puppeteers and builders, and was also a working actor. Earlier, he gave Mrs. Phillips guidance on puppet-building, and this week he showed students how to "bring life" to their puppets, show stage presence, and develop characters. (Don't miss performances of Avenue Q March 7, 8, 14 & 15. Information will be available at MKHStheatrecompany.com.)
The latest AUSD Excellence in Leadership award recipient is Mr. Abel Bourbois, principal of Monterey Highlands School. He would selecte for many reasons, including his strong work ethic and dedication to his school community. "Mr. B" spends countless hours at school, and is always available to support school activities, students, parents, and staff members. Congratulations, Mr. Bourbois!
WSGV First Teams, featuring AUSD students from Brightwood, Monterey Highlands and Fremont Schools, shone at the Southern California First Lego League Qualifier and Regional Competition on December 14th! The event highlights were: Trenchacles receiving the Champions Award, Tidal Technicians receiving the Core Values Award and Gems & Junk Diggers receiving 3rd Place in Robot Game. Two teams will advance to the Southern California Championship this month. Special thanks to the incredible coaches for your support and leadership.
This year’s Spark of Love distribution was a huge success! The holiday season was a little bit brighter for almost 350 local children. Thank you to our generous community and to the many staff members, partner agencies, and volunteers who made this event possible. (Photo by AUSD Communications Intern Brayton Andrade)
Here are a few highlights from some of our high school VAPA performances in December:
Thank you to Alhambra High School’s band and orchestra for putting on an entertaining Winter Jazz Concert on December 18th. It was a great way to celebrate the holidays before heading off to Winter Break. (Photo by AUSD Communications Intern Karlie Yonemoto)
On December 11th, San Gabriel High School’s Visual and Performing Arts groups (choir, art, theatre, and band) showcased their talents at the SGHS Winter Concert. (Photo by AUSD Communications Intern Karlie Yonemoto)
Harvest of the Month - Crab Apples
December's Harvest of the Month (HOTM) was Crab Apples! The teachers around AUSD incorporated crab apples into their lessons throughout the month and shared photos of the fun their students had. The students' favorite part of HOTM is always the tasting.
Click HERE for a list of non-district sponsored activities from our local cities and community partner organizations.
Donations Needed
The AUSD/ATA Food Pantry needs your help filling its shelves. Your donations will support struggling families in our community, including staff and students who were impacted by the fires.
Please call (626)289-1933 or email (ataoffice303@gmail.com) to arrange for a drop-off during ATA's office hours...or drop off during one of the dates/times listed on the other flyer. Thank you for your donations!
Donations can be dropped off at that AUSD/ATA Food Pantry at the designated dates/times listed below. (No need to call to make arrangements.)
- January 21st -- 9:00am-10:30am & 3:00pm-4:30pm
- January 22nd -- 10:00am-11:30am & 2:00pm-4:00pm
- January 24th -- 3:00pm-4:30pm
Location: Former LIFT South campus at Moor Field (1008 South Eight Street in Alhambra)
SAVE THE DATE - Annual PTA Founders' Day Awards Dinner and Silent Auction
Please make plans to join the Alhambra Council PTA at their Annual PTA Founders' Day Awards Dinner and Silent Auction. This year's Founders' Day Awards Dinner and Silent Auction will be held on April 11, 2025 at the Hilton Los Angeles/San Gabriel Hotel.
More information will be coming soon!
Non-Profit Partner Organizations
Alhambra Educational Foundation (AEF)
Alhambra Latino Association (ALA)
Asian American Association (AAA)
News from AEF
SAVE THE DATE: "Service to Education" Awards Dinner & Gala
Adopt-A-Camper Program - PLEASE DONATE!
Our sixth graders had an AMAZING time at camp last year...several groups even got to enjoy some snow!
Please help Alhambra Unified School District and the Alhambra Educational Foundation to continue this new tradition by supporting the Adopt-A-Camper program.
Use this LINK to donate. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
News from ALA
Alhambra Latino Association Scholarship Program 2025
The Alhambra Latino Association (ALA) 2025 Scholarship Applications are now available! This scholarship is open to Alhambra USD seniors who identify as Latina/o/x and plan to enroll in post-secondary education in the fall of 2025. Winners will be selected from each AUSD high school.
AUSD seniors will have from now through March 14, 2025 to submit their application packets. Click HERE to apply.
SAVE THE DATE - Celebrating Our Cultures
News from AAA
Join us at the 2025 Lunar New Year Banquet!
Asian American Association's Lunar New Year Banquet will be held on Friday, February 21, 2025. This annual event is a fun-filled spectacular event that raises money for student scholarships. Celebrate the Year of the Snake, while supporting the students of AUSD!
December Game Changers
Congratulations to our December 2024 Game Changers: Michelle Yang, Certificated Game Changer from Moor Field School and Martin Vasquez, Classified Game Changer from Alhambra High School. Nominate a deserving certificated or classified employee to be a Game Changer HERE.
Alhambra USD Employment Opportunities
Be a part of the AUSD Team! Please click HERE for full-and part-time positions. We have competitive salaries and excellent benefits! AUSD posts all job opportunities at EdJoin.com/alhambrausd. Make sure to check back often.
(Subscribe to Receive Automatic Updates)
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
- January 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (HOLIDAY)
- January 22: College & Career Workshop: AUSD CTE Pathways & Labor Market Trends via Zoom, 7:00pm (RSVP, Flyer)
- January 26: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am-11:00am
- January 27: Pupil-Free Day
- February 2: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am-11:00am
- February 4: Board of Education Meeting (Agendas & Minutes)
- February 8: Alhambra Lunar New Year Festival - AUSD will have a Booth in the KidZone and AUSD Students will be Performing on the Main Stage (Website)
- February 7: "AUSD Connection" Newsletter emailed to Parents, Students, and Staff Members
- February 10: Lincoln's Birthday (HOLIDAY)
- February 13: San Gabriel High School Open House 5:30pm-8:00pm (School Website)
- February 14: End of 2nd Trimester (Gr. TK-8)
- February 17: President's Day (HOLIDAY)
- February 21: AAA 35th Annual Lunar New Year Banquet 6:00pm-9:00pm (Flyer, RSVP)
- February 23: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am-11:00am
- February 25: Board of Education Meeting (Agendas & Minutes)
- February 26: SSS 2nd Annual Family STEAM Night 3rd-5th grades 5:00pm-7:00pm (Flyer, RSVP)
- February 28: "AUSD Connection" Newsletter emailed to Parents, Students, and Staff Members
- March 1: AEF 18th Annual "Service to Education" AWards Dinner & Gala (AEF Website)
High School Athletics Calendars
Featured Event: Marguerita Community Tree Planting Day
Right before winter break, Marguerita School brought together students, families, staff, and Catalyst SGV for their Community Tree Planting Day. The planting of 12 Eldarica Pine trees was a hands-on opportunity for students to connect with nature and embrace the school’s R.O.C.K. (Respect, Ownership, Cooperation, and Kindness) values. They also made other enhancements to their school campus by pulling weeds, watering the native plants, and sowing California Poppy seeds in the mulched areas in front of the school. (Photos by AUSD Communications Intern
Victoria Perez)
NOTE: Following the recent high winds, Marguerita Principal Kohout confirmed that all 12 trees are still standing!
AUSD in the Media
Read about AUSD in these Local Community Papers
📰 FEATURED on the AUSD website (www.ausd.us): Press Coverage
Alhambra Unified School District is often featured in local media (print and television news). Click below to access some of our favorite stories, featuring AUSD students, staff members, schools and programs!
Do you have something newsworthy to share? Click on the Publicity Request button so we can spread the word!
Please visit us on social media to keep up with the latest AUSD news. If you want our notifications/reminders to show up on your timeline, make sure to follow/like us!
About Alhambra Unified School District
Website: www.ausd.us
Address: 1515 West Mission Road, Alhambra, CA, USA
Email: AlhambraUSD@ausd.us
Phone: (626) 943-3000
Facebook: @AlhambraUSD
Instagram: @AlhambraUSD
Twitter/X: @AlhambraUSD
YouTube: @AlhambraUSD
Look for the next issue of "AUSD Connection" on February 7th!
Do you know anyone who would like stay up-to-date with AUSD news?
Alumni, retirees, family members (who are not the primary contact in PowerSchool), and local community members can receive future issues of this newsletter by clicking on the "SUBSCRIBE" button below. It's a great way to stay connected with AUSD! 💖