Hewitt High School Band
December 6th, 2022

Summer Newsletter
This newsletter contains information for the summer, including dates for band camp. Band Directors will be out of office during the summer - we will resume communication in early July. Until then, please enjoy your time off! Email will periodically be checked throughout the summer, but please be patient with response time.
We are looking forward to the 2024-25 school year, and appreciate each and every one of you and the support you give our band program. We hope you have a great summer and look forward to seeing everyone in July!
Thank you for a wonderful year!
Mark Knauss, AJ Adair, and Shannon Moore
We want to share our updated staff roles for HTHS Band. We hope this helps you all know who to contact with questions about any of these items.
2024-25 Information Meeting
Linked Here is an information about the 2024-25 school year. Please review at your leisure if you were unable to attend our meeting, or have followup questions.
2024-25 Band Fee Breakdown
Click here to learn more about band fees. We hope this helps families budget for the upcoming school year.
2024-25 Calendar
Our band calendar is now available online! Click Here to view our events, and please add band events to your personal calendar. Looking forward to a great school year!
A great way to keep playing over the summer is by taking private lessons. Students who take private lessons can go a step further on their instruments and grow! Click Here to see a list of private instructors in the area.
Volunteer Sign Up Links for all events will be available soon. In the meantime, "save the date" for:
- Saturday 7/20: Band Camp Registration Day
- Band Camp: Lunch Pick Up & Serving
- Link TBD
- Rock-a-Thon: Friday 8/2 thru Saturday 8/3
- Link TBD
- TMI: 10/26
- Link to come in September
Band Registration - Required for ALL Band Students
What is Band Registration?
This is when we take care of ALL the important details to help get our school year started. Stations include check-in, locker assignments, rock-a-thon info/pledge sheet pass out, band camp theme info, various stations for fitting marching band uniform items, formal wear fitting, marching uniform fitting, etc. After all stages are complete, you will stop by check-out to complete required contact/medical forms, order marching band/formal wear items, and pay band fees.
When & Where? Saturday 7/20 @ HTHS. Enter through the main entrance of the school.
- Seniors: 9am-11am
Juniors: 11am-1pm
Sophomores: 1pm-3pm
Freshman: 3pm-6pm (Last Names A-M 3-4:30 & N-Z 4:30-6pm)
Both student AND a parent must attend. From the main entrance you will weave through various stations leading to the band room/fine arts wing.
If you are unable to attend Band Registration Day, a makeup day will be held during band camp with Ms. Moore (if you are in marching band). Any non-marching band students who are unable to attend, you will complete the process in class during the first two weeks of school with Ms. Moore.
Auxiliary students only need to attend if they also play in the band, and need to order new/replacement formal wear. If you are a returning aux/band student and your formal wear fits, we can take care of the forms/fees from home via links - no need to attend in person. Please email Ms. Moore for further clarification.
*If you have multiple students in band, you may choose a time slot that works best for your family and bring everyone at once.
Marching Band Summer Dates
Click Here to listen to an mp3 of the field show!
All events occur in the HTHS Band Room
Optional Summer Rehearsals for Winds
Tuesday July 9th, 5-7pm
Thursday July 11th, 5-7pm
- Bring your marching instrument, marching band binder, and a water bottle. Wear athletic attire.
- These are optional rehearsals, no need to report an absence if you are unable to attend.
Leadership Day
Wednesday July 10th, 1-4pm
*Uniform Crew, please bring tablet/laptop for uniform training.
Band Camp 2024 Information
Percussion Camp: 7/15 thru 7/19, 8am-5pm
Auxiliary Camp: 7/15 thru 7/19, Highsteppers 8am-12pm, Colorguard 1pm-4pm
Wind Camp: 7/17 thru 7/19, 8am-12pm (all winds/drum majors)
Band Camp Week 1: 7/22 thru 7/26, 8am-5pm
Band Camp Week 2: 7/29 thru 8/1, 8am-5pm
- Information to order band camp lunches will be released in July!
- Students may begin setting up tents/personal items for band camp on Friday 7/19. All tents/personal items must be completely cleared out by the start of Rock-a-Thon on Friday 8/2.
Rock-a-Thon Fundraiser: 8/2 thru 8/3, 11am-11am
- Start thinking about pledges now!
How to Prepare for Band Camp
Try to be active. Marching band is athletic - make sure when band camp hits its not the first time you've exercised all summer.
Play your instrument - dust off those "summer chops" so you can be ready for rehearsal. Go on vacation, relax, and enjoy your time off. But, please practice before band camp so that you are ready for the long days.
Make some personal goals - what do you want to get out of this season, and how can you set yourself up to accomplish those goals from Day 1?
Bring a great attitude! There’s no substitute for a good attitude when beginning a time of intensive training like band camp.
Come to camp well-rested and ready to work hard each day. Be focused. Be willing to listen to your directors, staff, and student-leadership. Have patience with your bandmates, because everyone is learning; from the rookies – to which all of this is so new – to the upperclassmen who have been through this before and know the “tricks of the trade”. It's a new show for everyone, so let's work together to make it great!
Every marching band season brings with it its own lessons and challenges, so be ready to deal with them with a good attitude and a positive approach. The goal is to have fun while putting a great show on the field. If everyone is focused on that, both the fun and the product will come.
Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate. Don't wait until the night before, or until you're thirsty.
Fall Marching Band Dates
2024 Marching Band Competition Dates
9/28 - @ Pinson High School
10/5 - Location TBD
10/19 - @ Hoover High School
10/26 - Host Trussville Marching Invitational (lots of volunteers needed!)
2024 Football Calendar
*All home games will need concessions volunteers & all away games will need chaperones!
8/16 - Husky Scrimmage Night
8/23 - Home, vs. J.A.G
8/30 - Home, vs. Gadsden
9/6 - Away, vs. Vestavia
9/13 - Home, vs. Hoover
9/20 - Home, vs. Hillcrest-Tuscaloosa
9/27 - Away, vs. Pinson Valley
10/4 - Away, vs. Thompson
10/11 - Home, vs. Prattville
10/18 - Home, vs. Oak Mountain
10/25 - Away, vs. Tuscaloosa County
11/8 - Playoff Round 1 TBD
11/15 - Playoff Round 2 TBD
11/22 - Playoff Round 3 TBD
12/4 - Championships TBD
Important Links
Director, Mark Knauss: mark.knauss@trussvillecityschools.com
Associate Director, AJ Adair: jerry.adair@trussvillecityschools.comAssociate Director, Shannon Moore: shannon.weber@trussvillecityschools.com