Riverview Middle School
Monthly Principal Update - December - 2024-25
Hello Riverview Families,
I hope this newsletter finds you and your family well! During the month of December we have several student opportunities that I'd like to share with you. On December 5th we will host our 6th, 7th and 8th grade choir concert (7pm). On Friday, December 6th we will be holding our 2nd annual Deck the Halls event from 5pm to 7pm. Our 7th and 8th grade jazz/band concert will take place on December 17th (7pm).
RVMS student-athletes enjoyed many successes during our fall season. As a district, we pride ourself on student participation in at least one extracurricular activity throughout the school year. Research shows that students who are active in their schools or community are more likely to feel connected and increase their sense of belonging. This fall Riverview MS had 86% participation in our extracurricular activities.
For our student-athletes currently not currently in-season, we're offering an opportunity to train through our intramural lifting program. Interested families should contact our Community Ed. department for more details. As we progress through the school year, we will continue to provide these and other co-curricular activities, learning opportunities and events to our students. More information on these and other opportunities will continue to be listed in future newsletters. As always, we appreciate your support as we work together as a community in serving our students.
Thank you for your continued support,
Tom Dorgan
Riverview Middle School
"DECK THE HALLS" Holiday Event - December 6th (5pm to 7pm)
Riverview Middle School is hosting Deck the Halls, a family event open to all district families, from 5-7pm Friday Dec. 6! Admission is 1 canned good/person. Attendees can enjoy themed tree displays, live choir and dance performances, cookies and cocoa, reindeer games, make-and-take crafts, raffles, and a Scholastic Book Fair.
This month's Riverview Review Podcast features, Ms. Engelbert (Speech Path.)
(Click on the Podcast Picture for more!)
December's Student Literacy Corner
Upcoming Riverview Middle School Events
Dec. 20 - Last Day for Student prior to Winter Break
Jan. 2 - School Resumes
Jan. 20 - No School for Students - Teacher PD day
Feb. 13 - Parent-teacher Conferences 3pm to 7pm
Feb. 14 - No School for Students - Teacher PD day
Feb. 28 - No School for Students
March 6 - Beginning of 3rd Trimester
March 24 - 28 - Spring Break
April 18 - No School - Good Friday
April 21 - No School for Students - Teacher PD day
May 23 - No School for Students - Teacher PD day
May 26 - No School - Memorial Day
June 5 - 8th grade celebration - 5:45pm - on soccer field (weather permitting)
June 6 - Last day of school for students (students dismissed at noon)
A word about parking in the Riverview Middle School Neighborhood
I want to touch base regarding our student drop off and pick up procedures. Recently, we’ve had some families drop off and pick up their students in our staff lot located in the back of our school. As this is not an area where traffic is supervised by staff, I would ask that you continue to drop off and pick up your students in our designated area in the front of the school in the circle. Also, please be mindful of our neighbors while waiting to pick your student up after school. I've included the video that was shared at the beginning of the year regarding our student drop off and pick up process HERE.
From the Desk of our School Nurse, Mrs. Miller:
Parents: Please be aware of a nicotine product called Zyn that is gaining popularity in youth. It is a smokeless, spitless, odorless nicotine pouch. In addition to being highly addictive there are several cancer causing chemicals in the pouches. Please follow this link for more information - ZYN 101: What to Know About Big Tobacco’s Latest Addiction | American Lung Association
Interested in seeing/hearing more about Riverview Middle School photos and events?
Did you know: Riverview Principal Tom Dorgan shares photos & info about Riverview Middle School on X
Pictures from recent events at Riverview Middle School!
Backstage at the 5th grade music concert
A scene from our recent musical, Addams Family, Jr.
Had a great year with many gold and silver medals awarded to our Forensics Team
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Riverview Middle School Principal
Dear Riverview parents/guardians,
I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and let you know how much I’m looking forward to working with you in serving our students this year. To share a little bit about myself, I have been in education for 25+ years. Prior to becoming an administrator, I served as a teacher, mentor and head coach for 18 years. I am honored and excited to draw on these experiences as we work collaboratively to serve our students. Thank you in advance for your continued support!
Tom Dorgan
Riverview Middle School
Email: tdorgan@plymouth.k12.wi.us
Website: http://www.plymouth.k12.wi.us/Schools/RV/index.html
Location: 300 Riverside Cir, Plymouth, WI, USA
Phone: (920) 892-4253
X: @Tom_Dorgan