Rogers Middle School
October, 2024
From the Principal
Dear Students and Families,
As we continue to foster a safe and productive learning environment, I want to remind everyone of the importance of our no phone policy. This policy helps minimize distractions and encourages engagement in classroom activities. Additionally, I’d like to emphasize the significance of bus safety. Ensuring that all students follow the rules while traveling to and from school is crucial for their well-being. Lastly, maintaining a clean cafeteria is a shared responsibility; we ask that all students take a moment to clean up after themselves to create a pleasant space for everyone. Thank you for your support in reinforcing these important practices!
Progress reports will be sent out on October 1st. Please keep track of your child’s progress in Aspen, grades are updated continuously throughout the term, so please make sure to check in frequently. If you have any questions or concerns with your child's progress please reach out to the appropriate teacher. Two-way communication is vital and fosters a collaborative environment where concerns, progress, and strategies can be openly discussed. When parents and teachers work together, they can better support students’ individual needs, ensuring a more holistic approach to their education and overall development.
Richard A. MacAllister
Rogers Middle School
Upcoming Events
- October 1: Picture Day
- October 1: Term 1 Progress Reports Posted
- October 2: School Council Mtg 3:00pm
- October 3: Early Release - 11:25am Dismissal
- October 4: Evacuation Drill
- October 4: Rockland Teen Center - Kickball, World Smile, Karaoke
- October 9: PAC Mtg 5:30pm
- October 10: BSU Middle School Honor Band
- October 11: College Day
- October 11: Rockland Teen Center - Closed
- October 14: Columbus Day - No School
- October 17: Early Release - 11:25am Dismissal
- October 18: Rockland Teen Center - Whiffle Ball, Fall Crafts
- October 24: Philly Night for 8th Graders 5:30 - 6:30pm
- October 25: Pumpkin Race
- October 26: Project Pumpkin 2:00 - 4:30pm
- October 31: Halloween
- November 1: Rockland Teen Center - Basketball, Halloween Costume Contest
Monthly Calendar
Picture Day: Tuesday, October 1
Picture Day is Tuesday, October 1, 2024. Picture Day forms were given out in your child's F block class. Forms can also be picked up in the Main Office. You can also order online at: and Picture Day ID EVTRGWDXF
5th and 6th Grade Tutoring
The RMS National Junior Honor Society is excited to bring back peer tutoring! NJHS members in 7th and 8th grade will be available every other Monday starting October 28th after school for peer tutoring for students in 5th and 6th grade. There is no need to sign up; all tutoring will take place in the RMS cafeteria from 2:45 until 3:30.
NJHS students will be on-hand to lend support by helping students develop study skills, review class materials for upcoming tests and quizzes, and assist students with projects, homework, and make-up work. The late bus is available for students registered for bus transportation. Tutoring will be supervised by Mrs. Carpine, NJHS Advisor. Please contact with any questions.
D.A.R.E. Program
5th Grade D.A.R.E. Program Will Take Place Along Side Second Step
Meet Daren the D.A.R.E. Lion
BSU Honor Band Festival
Shout out to Landon Zaro and Tristan Farquharson for being invited to the BSU Festival
Dram Club Information: "Raining Cats and Dogs the Musical"
Drama Club: This year's RMS musical is called, "Reigning Cats and Dogs." There will be an information meeting (with handouts) for any student interested, on Monday October 7th, from 2:45-3:30 in the auditorium. Handouts will contain rehearsal information, a synopsis of the show, and a Participation Permission Slip. There is NO cost to be in this activity. All middle school students are able to participate, as long as they can be at the rehearsals and the performance day (January 16, 2025). Email Mr. Bergman with any questions.
Spirit Week - See "Weekly Look Ahead" For Details
Project Pumpkin
Shout Out to Girls JV Soccer and X Country
National Junior Honor Society
NJHS Meetings for CURRENT 8th grade members Monday, October 7, Monday, October 21 at 2:45 in #330.
Informational Meetings for 7th and 8th grade students who are interested in learning about the National Junior Honor Society
Tuesday, Oct. 15, and Wednesday, Oct. 23 at 2:45 Any student who cannot attend an information session should see Mrs. Carpine in room #330 before or after school.
Let's Keep Our Classrooms Stocked! NJHS is hosting a School Supply Drive through the end of October to support our RMS teachers and ensure all students have the necessary supplies for success. Please donate any of the following items:
School supplies being requested are:
• One and three subject notebooks
• Post It notes
• Glue sticks
• Colored pencils
• Construction paper
• Highlighters
• Pencils
• Hand-held pencil sharpeners
• Two pocket folders
• Pencil erasers
• Dry-erase (EXPO) markers
Donations can be given to homeroom teachers and will be collected weekly by NJHS students.
Student Government Council Reminders
RMS Student Council - Membership Updates
We are thrilled at the number of applicants to the RMS Student Council this year. The application process encouraged students to advocate for themselves, and gave them a chance to demonstrate accountability to their school and community. All students who applied will receive an email at the end of the day on Monday, September 30th about the status of their application. Remember, we are not limiting the number of members; we will accept those who were thoughtful in their application responses and followed application guidelines. We are SO PROUD of all students who applied!
RMS Student Council - October “All-Hands” Meeting
Members will attend an all-hands meeting on Wednesday, October 9th from 2:45 to 3:15 in the lecture hall. There will be a late bus available for bus students that day. We will discuss elections and upcoming
RMS Halloween Candy Drive - October 10th through October 26th
Project Pumpkin is scheduled for Saturday, October 26th from 2:00 to 4:30 at RHS. The RMS Student Council is crucial to keeping the costs down for this event for the families of Rockland that attend due to collecting candy donations.
Starting Oct 10th, Halloween candy will be collected by grade-level teachers.
The top 3 classes with the most pieces of candy will win a fun prize!!
Project Pumpkin is no longer a nut-free event so we are accepting candy donations of all kinds. **RHS has a plan to accommodate children with allergies at the event.
Bulldog Buddies!!!
Bulldog Buddies has their first official club meeting on Tuesday October 1st at 2:40 in the gym. Members must have a signed permission slip to join the club. Bulldog Buddies is a friendship club that fosters relationships between students across all classrooms within the Rogers Middle School. The mission of the program is to create opportunities for students to participate in fun, structured social events and to develop new friendships and social skills. Bulldog Buddies members will participate in engaging activities such as: board game afternoons, team building tasks, dance parties, an ice cream social, and other seasonally themed activities! Members will also have a chance to be involved during the school day at designated times. Please see Ms. Regal ( or Ms. Murphy ( with any questions!
Hands On Science with Ms. Stracco and Ms Hastie
From The Support Staff
The middle school years can be a tricky maze for students and parents. Students are changing socially, emotionally and academically all at once. For some, it can be a roller coaster of a ride sometimes. Communication between home and school is an important part in helping our students navigate their way through Middle School.
Our support staff focuses their skills, time, and energy on direct and indirect services to students. Direct services are in-person interactions between school counselors and students to support academic, social and emotional growth. This includes classroom lessons and counseling in small group or individual settings. Indirect services are provided on behalf of students as a result of the support staff's interactions with others including referrals for additional assistance, consultation and collaboration with parents, teachers, administrators and other educators.
We are here to support you and your students throughout the year. If you have any questions or concerns, our contact information is below. We look forward to working with all of you throughout the year.
Elizabeth McDonald
Grade 5 & 7 Counselor
Kristen Collins
Grade 6 & 8 Counselor
Lawrie Donovan
School Adjustment Counselor
Colleen Regal
School Psychologist
From The Office
- Please call 781-878-4341 or email to report an absence or let us know your child will be late.
- Please remember to bring your up-to-date photo ID (driver's license, state ID, passport, green card) into the office when picking up your student for early dismissal, coming in for a meeting, or dropping off something to the Nurse. One of these forms of ID is required each time in order to pick up a student or to come in for a meeting or to see the Nurse. If one of your contacts is picking up your child for early dismissal, please let them know they need to bring one of these forms of ID.
- If you plan to chaperone an RMS field trip or volunteer for an RMS event, you must have a valid CORI on file. Please come in to the Main Office with your driver's license or US passport and fill out the form. It can take a week or so for the CORI to come back. With field trips starting to be planned, please come in as soon as possible so you will be all set for when the field trip or event happens! If you are unsure if you have a CORI on file, or if your CORI is still current, please call the office at 781-878-4341 and we will look it up.
- If you are withdrawing your child from Rockland Public Schools, please be sure to complete and return a withdrawal form. You can come in to get the form, or email for one to be emailed to you.
Reminders from Nurse Kemp
Is it Allergies or is it a Cold?
Fall is here and with it seasonal allergies. How do you know if you have allergies or a cold?
You can tell the difference between a cold and seasonal allergies by key symptoms and how regularly the symptoms appear.
Colds are caused by a virus and are contagious. Usually symptoms develop over a few days and appear one at a time. Colds are more common during the winter months but can also occur at any time of the year. Colds typically run their course within seven to 10 days, although the cough can linger for a few weeks. If your cold symptoms last longer than 10 days, talk to your doctor.
Allergies are your body’s response to allergens such as pollen or dust. Allergies are not contagious. Symptoms often start suddenly and all at once. Allergy symptoms can last weeks or months. Indoor allergies can happen year-round, and outdoor seasonal allergies are more common in the spring through fall when pollen counts are high.
Students living in a new environment with trees, flowers and grass that they have not been exposed to before may experience allergies during the change of seasons.
We do not have allergy or cold medication at school. It must be given at home before school.
Some symptoms of cold and allergies are the same. Some symptoms only occur with one or the other. Please see image
Book Club with Ms. Moscone and Ms. Trumbull
For More Details Please Reach Out To...
Ms. Moscone: or Ms. Trumbull:
District Wide Spirit Day
Rockland Public Schools is participating in a district-wide spirit day on Friday, October 4th to honor the Jimmy Fund. The fundraiser is being hosted by the RHS Student Council.
Join us in the fight against cancer by purchasing spirit day shirts. Proceeds from shirt sales will benefit the Boston-based Jimmy Fund Walk on October 6th, where RHS students will be walking to raise funds for cancer research at the Dana-Farber Institute.
Purchase your shirt online by Wednesday, September 11:
Shirts will be distributed on the following dates and times at the Rogers Middle School cafeteria:
Monday, September 30th from 3:00-4:30 and 5:00-6:00
Tuesday, October 1st from 3:00-4:30 and 5:00-6:00
Students and families who do not purchase a shirt are asked to wear NAVY in solidarity with bringing awareness to the cause for the district-wide spirit day on Friday, October 4th.
Let's come together as a community to make a difference! Thank you in advance for your support.
RHS Student Council Fundraising Committee
Contact: Kirsten Bartoloni -
PAC Fundraiser
Inside RMS
Quick Links
Richard A. MacAllister, Principal
Rogers Middle School
100 Taunton Ave
Rockland, MA 02370