LVHS Weekly Newsletter
August 16th, 2024
A Note from Principal, Mrs. Castillo
Happy Friday, Vikings Families! The first two days of school have been amazing! Meeting so many students has been the best part of my days! I’m so impressed with their kindness, respect, and great handshakes! I feel blessed to be here among them, and I’m filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and excitement.
Our teachers have also noted that students are happy to be back with their friends and are looking forward to a great year! They too appreciate the respect our students have shown in our short time together.
I feel incredibly blessed to lead a school where education is not just about academics but also about fostering creativity, encouraging critical thinking, and instilling values that will guide them throughout their lives. I am committed to building on the strong foundation that has already been laid and working collaboratively with all of you to continue our tradition of excellence. “AETT” and “We All Row” are words and phrases that I understand, and time and again they have been demonstrated by our Viking family!
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you and your children. I am so proud to be your principal and look forward to all the amazing things we will accomplish together!
I’m a former English teacher, so I’ll leave you with a few lines from a favorite poem titled “Drinking from a Saucer”.
…And as I go along life’s journey,
I’m reaping better than I sowed.
I’m drinking from a saucer
‘Cause my cup has overflowed.
Have a great weekend! I’m looking forward to next week already!
Janda Castillo
Proud Principal Lago Vista High School
All Smiles in Science!
Day 1 with Mr. Clements
Freshmen Year is Here!
Senior Year is HERE!
So much to celebrate!
🍕 Monthly Breakfast & Lunch Menu
LV Viking Booster Club Corner
The Booster Club would like to welcome our Viking students, athletes, families, and fans back to school! There is already so much going on at LVHS. Get ready for a fantastic year! Please visit our website for more information about the items below and for all things Booster Club at https://www.lagovistasports.com/
Join Viking Nation as we open our new facilities!
Please join us on Sunday, August 18th from 7:00 – 8:30 PM for the grand opening of the SHIP (Shared House of Indoor Practice) building and the new tennis facility. The Chamber will be doing a ribbon cutting, and the Booster Club is sponsoring a silent auction with items and packages totaling over $18,000! Booster club memberships and merchandise can be purchased at the event. Members who have already purchased memberships can pick up membership packets. All proceeds benefit the Booster Club which supports Viking student athletes.
Grand Opening Schedule:
- 6:00 - 6:45 pm (Ultimate Valhalla Members Only)
- Pick up any membership materials at FB concessions
- View seats in stadium
- Select reserved seats at FB concessions
- 7:00 pm - Ribbon Cutting - Access to SHIP and Tennis Courts
- Welcome from North Lake Travis Chamber of Commerce, Superintendent, & Athletic Director
- Meet and Greet Reception
- Silent Auction Opens
- Booster Club Membership Material Pick Up
- 7:10 pm – Performances
- 7:20 pm - Tour of Facilities
- 8:15 pm - Silent Auction Closes
- 8:15 - 8:30 pm - Payment for Auction Items
The Booster Club needs your help! Please consider signing up to help out at the concession stand.
Varsity Football -- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C044CAFAF23A4F85-50417336-2024
Sub Varsity -- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C044CAFAF23A4F85-50417323-2024
Volleyball -- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C044CAFAF23A4F85-50417341-2024
MS XC Tri-Meet Relay -- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C044CAFAF23A4F85-50417339-2024
MS Football -- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C044CAFAF23A4F85-50417322-2024
LV Viking Booster Club memberships for the 2024-2025 academic year are now available! Visit LVVBC Website and go to the Membership tab.
We have new and exciting membership options this year, including the expanded Ultimate Valhalla package! With Ultimate Valhalla, you will get first dibs on purchasing reserved seats (through the ISD) for the home varsity football games in our comfy chair-back seats. Ultimate Valhalla members will be able to purchase their tickets prior to the SHIP and Tennis Center Grand Opening on August 18. Additionally, this package now includes brisket sandwiches as a meal choice, the ever-popular reserved parking spot for home varsity football games, and a warm and cozy stadium blanket.
New for 2024-2025, we are offering sports-specific Valhalla memberships and the Viking Warrior package for families that have student-athletes in sports other than football. Also, select memberships include $25 in Viking Bucks, which can be used in the LVVBC concession stands throughout the year.
It’s so easy to become a member and all funds raised benefit both LVHS and LVMS athletic programs. You can simply sign up via the Google form by clicking here and then pay online through PayPal or Square.
Don’t miss out on these exciting opportunities to support our Vikings and enhance your game-day experience, and don’t forget to show your Viking Pride by purchasing Viking merchandise, which will be available at the Grand Opening as well as home athletic events.
Don’t miss out on these amazing perks! Join the LV Viking Booster Club and support our Vikings!
It’s that time of year, Viking Fans! The 2024 LV Viking Booster Club Football Sponsorships are now available!
In conjunction with the start of the athletic seasons, the Athletic Booster Club has started its annual business sponsorship drive. Our fundraising efforts are imperative to our organization, as we want to build lasting relationships with local businesses while recognizing the importance of their contributions as each sponsorship benefits the Lago Vistas Middle School and High School athletic programs. #vikingnation
In 2023-2024, thanks to the generosity of our amazing sponsors, members, and concession sales, the LV Viking Booster Club was able to:
- Purchase over $30,000 in new equipment for LVMS and LVHS Athletic Departments
- Provide new competition uniforms for the LVHS Cheer program
- Award $15,500 in scholarships for graduating seniors
- Sponsor/fund our varsity athletic banquets and other special events
- Establish the Viking Futures Fund with a goal to purchase a 12-15 passenger sprinter van for the athletic department
This year, we are offering new Video Board, Streaming, and Banner Sponsorship Packages. These packages provide a variety of ways to showcase your business or organization to all our amazing LV Viking Fans and Visitors during our home and away varsity football games. Visit https://www.lagovistasports.com/ to explore our new and exciting sponsorship opportunities!
All contributions are vital for our growing school district and athletic programs. Sponsorships can be completed online at https://forms.gle/pN2jXi8U7NieAZ2w6.
Show your Viking pride and support our LVMS and LVHS athletic programs with our fantastic yard signs. Whether you're cheering for AeTT (Football), All Sports (for multiple sport athletes), specific sports, Cheer, or Valkyries, we have options for everyone!
Order Dates: Yard signs will be ordered three times per year: August 31, October 31, and January 31. Orders placed in between dates will be held until the next order date.
Order Form: Please submit a separate order form for each yard sign you need.
Payment: Payment must be made prior to the order date via PayPal or Square.
Pickup Arrangements: We will contact you to arrange pick up once the signs are ready.
To view Yard Sign examples and to access the Order Form please go to: https://forms.gle/8BGEXkKiXYBk99mE8
If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to email us at lvvikingbooster@gmail.com
Get out there and support those Vikings!
💡 Reminders
Students who are out of code will be asked to fix the issue themselves and/or provided proper attire to remedy the violation. Let's dress for success, Vikings!
- 8/18 Sunday - SHIP Grand Opening 7-8:30pm
- 9/2 Monday - No School Labor Day
- 9/3 Tuesday - No School- Teacher Work Day
- 9/13 Friday- Homecoming Night
WANTED: Trunk Participants, Volunteers and Donations.
Email LVISDEFTX@GMAIL.COM for more information.
The G/T referral window for students in 1st-12th grades will be open from Thursday, August 15th though Friday, October 4th. Testing will begin as soon as the referral window closes.
Please contact Tricia Vasquez, LVISD K-12 GT Specialist, with any questions.
Per Texas State Law, in order to receive credit for a course, a student must be in attendance 90% of the time. Absences whether excused or unexcused count towards the total. We realize that circumstances come up and that kids get sick or need a break, but as often as possible, please encourage your student to attend school. To incentivize students, we have an Exemption Policy in place that could allow your student to be exempt from up to 3 Final Exams. See our full policy here. The LVHS Faculty and Staff are committed to providing a caring and meaningful learning environment to keep kids actively engaged each day!
Please encourage your student to get a good night's rest, wake up early enough to get a good breakfast and be on time to school. Let's have the best year yet, Vikings!
If your student drives a car to LVHS campus, they must purchase a parking permit. Scan the QR code below to purchase one online and have your student stop by the front office to pick up their tag.
LVHS Administrative Team
Principal, Janda Castillo- jcastillo@lagovistaisd.net
Assistant Principal, David Hilsenteger- dhilsenteger@lagovistaisd.net
Assistant Principal, Dusty Kinslow- dkinslow@lagovistaisd.net
Website: https://www.lagovistaisd.net/page/lhs.Home
Phone: 512-267-8300 ex.5500