August RBHS BRIDGE Communication
Rock Bridge High School Newsletter: August 19, 2024
Mission: Rock Bridge High School is a community in which ALL students and staff inspire each other to become lifelong learners.
Rock Bridge High School Families,
We are eager to begin our 2024-25 school year! There are some big changes coming this year, so I wanted to send timely reminders as well as some informative details about some other happenings at the start of our year.
We do anticipate some delays as all students enter through our main entrance on August 20. Please know that we will have a small crew of staff running our weapons detection system each day starting around 6:15, so students can begin entering RBHS between this time and the start of school. Our entrance will be fully staffed starting at 8:30 each day.
Below you will find information about the following.
- 2024-25 RBHS Attendance Goal
- RBHS 2024 Homecoming
- General RBHS Information
- Student Laptop Checkout Plan
- What can the RBHS Media Center do for families?
- Back to School Class Meetings
- School Pictures Date Chang and Process
- RBHS Counseling Back to School Information
- Safety and Security: Entering and Exiting RBHS
- Safety and Security: Visitor Management
- Cell Phone Plan for RBHS
- 2024-2025 RBHS Performing Arts Schedule
- 2024-2025 School Year Calendars
- RBHS Summer "Back to School" BRIDGE Communication
- August & September Calendar
We look forward to partnering with you this year!
2024-25 RBHS Attendance Goal
As we gear up to start our 2025 school year, we want to let you know about our continued goal to increase student attendance. The state of Missouri wants all schools to have 90% of students in attendance 90% of the time. Last year, we had approximately 82% of students in attendance 90% of the time, and we are proud of this growth. This year we want to raise this number by 3% points moving our overall percentage of students who attend 90% or greater to 85%. Before COVID, our percentage was consistently 87% or better, so we know we can continue to increase this figure.
We and need your help. Please talk as a family about the importance of good attendance in school. When students are not in seat, they can fall behind in their learning. Help us keep your student(s) caught up in their classes by sending them to school every day. The start of the year is the best, and easiest, time to begin good attendance habits. Please reach out to your student's administrator or counselor if you have questions or need support for this purpose.
We will include you in this process by providing you our attendance numbers each month in our RBHS BRIDGE Communication emails. Only together can we reach our goal!
RBHS 2024 Homecoming
2024 Homecoming Football Game
- When: 7:00 on September 20, 2024
- Where: Rock Bridge Field
2024 RBHS Homecoming Dance
- When: 8:00 - 10:00 pm on September 21, 2024
- Where: RBHS Main Gym and Commons
- Students must have 85% attendance or better. This means students must attend at least 19.5 days or 78 blocks from the beginning of the year to the day of dance.
- Student must have no more than 3 behavior referrals.
- If a student does not meet the above criteria, they can appeal the decision to their administrator.
General RBHS Information
You can find all the information below in our RBHS General Information document linked here.
- Who is my student's counselor?
- Who is my student's assistant principal?
- Who do I contact when I need to let RBHS know about attendance items for my student?
- Direct lines for many of our most contacted RBHS staff members
- Grade reporting dates
Student Laptop Checkout Plan
We will be handing out student laptops on day 1 of school this year. Our process will be to call students, through the intercom system, alphabetically down to our Media Center. Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors who turned in their school issued laptop last school year, or this summer, will have a laptop immediately checked out to them. All 9th graders will have a device checked out to them immediately. Students who have still not returned their laptop from last school year, should plan to bring their laptop to the Media Center for check in when they are called down to check out a laptop. Students who have AUT on the first day of school should plan to head to the Media Center at the start of their AUT block.
What can the RBHS Media Center do for families?
Back to School Class Meetings
We will take a little bit of time in the first week of school to meet with each class of students. The purpose of these meeting is to directly deliver important information and introduce students to staff they can utilize as resources during the school year.
- Freshman will meet August 22 during 1A.
- Sophomores will meet August 22 during 3A.
- Juniors will meet August 23 during 1B.
- Senior will meet August 23 during 3B.
These meetings will take place in the Main Gym and students will be released from class via intercom.
School Pictures Date Change and Process
We had to move our previously scheduled date for school pictures. In our Summer BRIDGE, we communicated that all school pictures would take place on August 27th, but this is no longer accurate. School pictures will now be on August 28th. You should receive direct communication from Wagner Portraits.
On the 28th, students will be called out of class throughout the day for this purpose. We will move through the day alphabetically until all pictures are finished. When a student hears their portion of the alphabet called, they should let their teacher know and walk to the Auxiliary Gym. Students who have AUT can use their AUT time to have their school pictures taken. Students who are at CACC or out of the building when their alphabet is called, should go directly to have their pictures taken when they return to RBHS.
RBHS Counseling Information
Safety and Security: Entering and Exiting RBHS
Entering RBHS will look a lot different this year. The safety of our students, staff, and visitors is our top priority. Last spring, the Columbia Board of Education approved the purchase of a weapons detection system. We are implementing the system at the start of the 2024-2025 school year. This non-invasive system is designed to detect weapons either on a person or inside their bag or backpack without slowing the normal flow of foot traffic into our buildings. It will be in place inside the east main entrance everyday. Therefore, all RBHS students and visitors must enter through the main entrance, located at the east circle drive. Students can no longer enter through the north or south Doors. All students entering Rock Bridge High School will pass through the weapon detection system at the start of each school day and any time they leave and come back. It will be monitored by administrators and our safety and security team who will help ensure the process moves smoothly and creates minimal disruptions.
Our Safety Procedures Video explains this process in greater detail. For example, the video has an explanation of items that the weapons detection system will detect and therefore need to handed around the system. Laptops and standard 3 ring binders are items that will set off the system. We've found a brand (Five Star Flex) of 3 ring binders that are made of a flexible plastic so they do not set off the weapons detection system and do not need to be removed from backpacks upon entry. We've included an image of this item in the event you were still completing back to school shopping.
Additional information from the district on building entry, the detection system, and frequently asked questions are attached to this message. We are all learning the new process together and are thankful for your patience and grace as we figure it out. Please reach out and let us know if you have any questions, concerns, or specific scenarios you’d like us to problem solve together.
The Columbia Public Schools Safety and Security Team have more information including, video footage of what students moving through the weapons detection system looks like, on their website linked here.
As a reminder, weapons are not permitted on any Columbia Public School campus. Any student who violates that will be subject to discipline according to District Policy up to and including suspension from school. We appreciate the combined efforts of the Board of Education, district safety and security staff, school administrators, staff and our community for working to make this system possible. It is one more layer of protection that will keep our students, staff, and visitors safe while on our campus.
Safety and Security: Visitor Management
In Columbia Public Schools the safety of our students, staff, and families is our top priority. Beginning this school year, Columbia Public Schools is implementing a Visitor Management System called Raptor in all school buildings. The goal of the Visitor Management System is to welcome our guests while also providing an additional layer of safety for our campuses. Raptor is used by school districts across the country to streamline entry into school buildings. This electronic system will replace the paper sign in sheets we’ve historically used and will allow for better tracking of visitors to our schools.
- This system requires all visitors to scan their state issued IDs to gain entrance. Visitors will then receive a visitor’s tag that identifies them as guest in our buildings. If a visitor does not have a state issued ID, manual entry into the system can be done by the school.
- The system will conduct a check against the sex offender registry as well as a check against any custody or campus entry limitations maintained by the district.
- Those visiting our buildings will need to remember to bring identification with them when going to the school.
- This system will be in place during school hours.
- A visitor’s badge will not be necessary for those who visit our schools simply to drop off an item in the office or pick up paperwork.
You can learn more about the Visitor Management System at: https://www.cpsk12.org/departments/safety-and-security/visitor-management-system
Cell Phone Plan for RBHS
As you are already aware, Columbia Public Schools is implementing a new cell phone policy for all high schools this coming school year. The expectation at Rock Bridge High School for the 2024-25 school year is that cell phones are put away and out of sight during class periods. The primary purpose behind these changes is to remove and avoid unnecessary distractions to our learning environment. We hope that you view this message as informative. Our goal is to ensure all Rock Bridge students have this information before the start of school so they can make the best decisions for themselves when it comes to cell phone usage during the school day. We are asking that you talk as a family about this change before the school year begins so that your student is best prepared for these changes.
Remember, the purpose behind these changes is to remove and avoid unnecessary distractions to our learning environment.
How will RBHS be handling cell phone infractions?
It is important that the staff of RBHS are handling cell phones consistently. Here is our plan of action when students are using cell phones in classrooms.
- 1st Cell phone Classroom Issue = Teacher warns student, contacts home, and records a classroom issue in Infinite Campus. The next cell phone infraction in this class results in a Cell Phone Office Referral.
- 1st Cell Phone Referral = Student will be seen in the office and warned that the next referral will result in the student losing their phone for a single day.
- 2nd Cell Phone Referral = Cell phone taken by administrator for one day. Cell phone is kept in a cell phone locker in the Main Office. Student will pick up their cell phone at the end of that school day.
- 3rd Cell Phone Referral = Cell phone taken by office and guardian is required to pick up phone.
- 4 or more Cell Phone Referral(s) = Cell phone is turned in at office first thing in the morning and remains there all day for multiple days. This will be expected for a specific period of time depending on the nature/number of cell phone referral(s).
Discuss Replacement Behaviors at Home
We understand the reality that many of our students habitually get their phone out and begin to look through specific aps that they enjoy. This behavior is frequently done without any specific thought to do so. It is almost as natural as breathing for some of us. So we want to be proactive about this and ask that families have conversations at home before school begins about how to prevent this from happening in classrooms. We recommend that families take time between now and the start of school to practice what it will look and feel like to go 90 minutes without access to a cell phone.
We also know that many people get on cell phones when they don't have something else immediately occupying their thoughts. We ask that families help by talking with their students before the school year begins about things they could be doing in class when they are finished with their work or not sure of what they are supposed to be doing at any given moment. We recommend students carry a "for pleasure" reading book with them at all times for this purpose. Of course, we also encourage students to utilize their time in class reviewing content and studying to ensure they are always prepared for the next assessment of their learning.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Q: My student uses their cell phone to know what time it is. So, how will they be able to keep track of time?
- A: There are a few options for this. Of course, students are able to check the time on watches and their laptops. Each classroom does have an analog clock.
- Q: What about smart watches?
- A: Smart watches are allowed for the function of telling time; however, they should have all messaging and notifications turned off so as to not distract from learning. If a smart watch is being used for cell phone functionality, it will be considered a cell phone infraction.
- Q: What about ear buds?
- A: Ear buds will only be allowed in classrooms for instructional purposes.
- Q: What if I need to get in touch with my student during the day?
- A: If your communication is an emergency, you should call the office at RBHS and request your student be pulled from class so you can speak with them directly. If your communication is not an emergency, you may still text your child or leave a voice message for them. Students will be able to access their phones during passing periods, lunch, and during their AUT.
- Q: When can a student use their cell phone during the school day?
- A: Students can use their cell phones during passing periods, during lunch, and their AUT.
2024-2025 RBHS Performing Arts Schedule
Here is a schedule of all our 2024-2025 Performing Arts events happening this school year. This includes performances from our Theatre, Orchestras, Choirs, Show Choir, and Bands. In this schedule you will find some of the most impressive performances that will happen in Columbia, Missouri this year at the high school level. Be sure to add the events you plan to attend to your personal calendar!
2024-2025 School Year Calendars
August & September Calendar
- August 20: First Day of School
- September 2: NO SCHOOL Labor Day
- September 23: NO SCHOOL Teacher Workday
- October 2-4: NO SCHOOL Teacher Workdays