Eastwood Elementary Update
September, 2024
Eagle Way Information for the coming school year.
Eagle Way Announcement
There will be some changes to the way Eagle Way winners are selected this year. The Eagle Way is a set of beliefs, (We do what is right, We do the best we can, We treat others the way we want to be treated) that drive positive behavior choices everywhere we are. These positive choices then lead to positive outcomes (We build trust, We celebrate growth, We are valued and respected). This year, the monthly recipients will be chosen based on the 9 Eagle Way Behaviors defined on the school matrix. The behavior focus for each month will be:
September: Make good choices even when no one is watching
October: Be the best version of you
November: Respect yourself and others
December: Step up and own it
January: Have grit, never quit
February: Show kindness and compassion with your words and actions
March: Be part of the Solution
April: Embrace productive discomfort
May: Invest in others
We look forward to acknowledging our first winners at the end of this month!
Halloween Parade and parties
Attendance Awareness Month
September is Attendance Awareness Month, a nationwide recognition of the connection between regular school attendance and academic achievement.
A student who misses just two to three days of school per month can be chronically absent. Attendance Awareness Month highlights the importance of mobilizing schools, families, and community partners to promote and implement tiered strategies and personalized interventions to reduce chronic absenteeism. When students are not chronically absent, they are far more likely to read at grade level, succeed academically, graduate on time, and be ready for the workforce.
It is important for every student in Ohio to attend school every day. Attendance studies routinely show the connection between regular attendance and critical school measures such as reading proficiently, performing well academically, and graduating from high school.
For students to have excellent attendance and high levels of engagement, we all need to work together: schools and districts, teachers and staff, families, communities, and policy makers. As a team, we can improve attendance and lower chronic absence.
What happens when a student becomes excessively absent from school?
In the event a child of compulsory school age is absent with a nonmedical excuse or without legitimate excuse for 38 or more hours in one school month or 65 or more hours in a school year, Ohio law requires the following to occur:
The school or district will notify the student’s parents or guardians in writing within seven days of the triggering absence if the absences are for nonmedical reasons or without legitimate excuse;
The student will follow the school or district’s policy for addressing excessive absences; and
The school or district may refer the student and family to community resources, as appropriate.
If you have any questions regarding your child’s attendance please do not hesitate to reach out to Emily Mennitt, Assistant Principal at Eastwood Elementary School.
We Need Your Help
Our top priority is making sure our students go home safely. We have seen a large number of changes in the end of the school day plans. This really makes it challenging to make sure everyone is going where you expect them. We are asking that whenever possible, please do not change your child's afterschool plans. With over 650 students in our care, the last minute changes really make it challenging to get everyone where they are expected.
We know an emergency can happen and we will work with you on that, but if you can eliminate the changes, that really would be helpful.
At car pick up
Parents must come to the cross walk to get their child. We can not have kids and parents crossing all along the car lines. No students will be allowed to cross over to their parents who are in the parking lot. We are looking at ways to improve our car pick up lines, as safety is priority one and we need your help instilling this in our students. It may be a slower dismissal process but we need to ensure our students are being dismissed safely and to the correct people.
Counselor Connection-September 2024
Hello Eastwood Elementary Families,
The 1st few weeks of school have flown by! I am loving getting to know your children! To start the year, I was in each 4th/5th grade classroom for an Intro to the Counselor lesson where students got to learn a little about me and play a Pin the Role on the Counselor Game to learn about what a school counselor does. I will also be eating lunch with all 4th and 5th grade students in small groups over the next month or so, and meeting individually with each 4th and 5th grader for a Minute Meeting. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out. I am typically in the building Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Nicole Unger, M.Ed., LPSC
4-5 School Counselor
419-833-2821 ext. 213
Hello Eastwood Elementary Families,
It’s been a fun start to the school year! I visited all grades K-3 classrooms to share a bit about my role as their school counselor. My goal was to help students understand that we all experience different feelings inside our body. All feelings are normal and okay. Sometimes small problems can be solved on our own (such as talking to a friend who hurt our feelings). When students have sad or uncomfortable feelings, there are many caring adults at home and school who they can talk to about these feelings. Students learned that their school counselor is a safe, caring person. I emphasized that teachers and other staff are caring helpers at school, too! Along with classroom visits, I also started new student lunch groups (grades 1-3) to make sure students are transitioning okay in their new school. I have truly enjoyed my time with your children. I look forward to more lessons and learning together throughout the school year. I also look forward to getting to know your children and watching them grow. Please reach out any time with questions or concerns. I’m happy to help! Thank you!
Nikki Ohms, M.Ed., LPSC
K-3 School Counselor
419-833-2821 ext. 205
Football Game Expectations
Cross Country
The high school cross country team would like to invite any student in grades K-6 to participate in this year's youth cross country program. Practices will be held every Wednesday in September and October from 5:30 until 6:30 at the high school cross country course, and the first practice will be next Wednesday, 9/11. Please fill out the attached form if you are interested: https://forms.gle/iyCs34Juh8hftCX1A
Important Dates to Remember
2nd- No School- Labor Day
3rd- Waiver Day- No School- Professional Development for Staff
11th- PTO Family Carnival Night from 6:00-8:00
16th- BOE meeting at 6:00 at Central Office
18th- 2-Hour Delay
19th- Picture Day
2nd- Fire Drill- Evacuation Practice
9th- PTO Donuts with Loved Ones
15th- 2-Hour Delay
21st- BOE meeting at 6:00 at Central Office
25th- End of the 1st Quarter
31st- Halloween Parade....parties throughout the day
1st- No School
6th- Parent-Teacher Conferences...1-Hour Early Dismissal at 2:25
7th- Parent-Teacher Conferences....1-Hour Early Dismissal at 2:25
8th- No School- Conferences
13th- Picture Retakes
13th- PTO Donutes with Loved Ones
18th- BOE meeting at 6:00 at Central Office
27th through the 29th- No School