Beckwith Bulletin

November 1, 2024
**Please note that there are a few more spots that need to be filled to run the Ski & Board Club. If you are interested in signing up for this club, then please follow the directions below. If you have questions, then email Laura Lynch at llynch@drregional.org
Please use this link to sign your child up for basketball. Tryouts for girls will be November 4 and 6. Tryouts for boys will be November 7 and 8. Tryouts will be after school until 4:30. All students in grades 6-8 are eligible to try out.
On December 7, 2024 from 9-2, Beckwith will be the site for a blood drive in memory of Donna Arruda, one of our valued kitchen crew, who passed away last December. Should you wish to donate, please use this link to sign up.
On November 5th we will be starting our Work Out World unit. Please refer to the Google Classroom for the multiple benefits of the skills that will be incorporated into our "WOW UNIT"!
Postural (scoliosis) screenings which check for curvature of the spine will begin in early November. The PE teachers will begin the initial screenings and then refer to the nurse any question of a curvature. Boys are asked to remove their shirt and girls will keep a sports bra on. If you do NOT want your child screened please email the nurse as soon as possible at cmondor@drregional.org. Students who have a recent physical on file with the nurse who have been screened by their pediatrician are not screened.
Use this link to let BMS students know you are thinking of them. Have them use the link to say kind things to friends and staff! We want to spread as much kindness around Beckwith as we can!
CLICK HERE or below for Massasoit League Soccer and Cross Country Standings
Kindness Taskforce meets on Mondays afterschool. All students are welcome. Students should report to room 105 after dismissal and should be picked up promptly at 4 pm. There will be NO Kindness Taskforce on Monday, 11/4.
How to Create Your Aspen Parent Portal Account:
1) Visit the Beckwith Middle School website:
*Go to bms.drregional.org
*Navigate to the Menu and select Aspen Portals
*Choose Aspen Parent Portal or visit Aspen Portal directly
2) Request an Account:
*Click on Request an Account and follow the on-screen prompts to create your account
*Be sure to remember your username and password
3) Log In:
*Once your account is set up, log in to view your student's information
4) Forgot Username or Password:
*If you can’t recover your login details, visit the Aspen Portals section on the Beckwith Middle School website
*Click on Submit a Technology Helpdesk Ticket
*Select New Ticket, then choose IT Request
*Complete the ticket form and click Create
5) Check and Update Information:
*You can verify and update your student’s information, view grades (updated weekly by teachers), and access schedules
School breakfast and lunch will once again be provided free of charge to all students; however, all students must use the point-of-sale system to obtain their free lunch. Please encourage your child to remember their lunch pin number, as this helps speed up the lunch lines. If a student forgets their pin, the cafeteria workers need to look it up, which can cause delays. Please note that on early release days, only breakfast will be served.
While meals are available to all students at no cost, we kindly ask all families to complete the eligibility paperwork, which can be found below. Accurate completion of this confidential paperwork is crucial, as school funding and competitive grants at both state and national levels depend on capturing our student population accurately. Please complete the form and return it to BMS. If you need any assistance, feel free to contact the main office.
Additionally, please see below for a letter from Whitson's with instructions on setting up a MySchoolBucks account, which is required for purchasing snacks. This letter also includes information about the cafeteria's interactive menu and relevant contact details.
Please click below for BMS' Lunch Menu for November
Thank you for notifying us when your child will be absent. Please note that while these notifications prevent you from receiving an automated call from the district, they do not excuse the absence.
School attendance and punctuality are strongly linked to academic success. Time spent in class is invaluable and cannot be fully replicated by simply providing the absent student with missed work. Frequent absences can create gaps in a student's education that may affect them for years to come. For more information on attendance and absences, please review the Student Handbook.
To report your student's absence, please call the 24/7 Absence Line by the start of the school day (8:15 a.m.). Leave a message with your child's name and the reason for the absence. You can reach the Absence Line by calling 508-252-5080 and pressing 1. Alternatively, you may email the Main Office at bmsattendance@drregional.org by 8:15 a.m. This email address can also be used to report tardies or dismissals.
Families of students marked as having an unexcused absence who do not call the Absence Line or email the above address by 8:15 a.m. will receive a phone call, text message, and email notification from the District at 9:15 a.m., prompting them to confirm the absence with the Main Office as soon as possible.
All absences are considered unexcused except for the following: student medical appointment/illness/quarantine (with a doctor's note), bereavement, family emergencies, observance of major religious holidays, inclement weather that endangers the child's health, court appearances, out-of-school suspension, disability-related absences, and unique circumstances approved at the Principal's discretion. In cases of chronic or irregular absences reportedly due to illness, the school administration may request a physician's statement certifying the absences as justifiable.
Please arrange for doctor's notes to be sent to the Main Office via fax at 508-252-5082 or via email at bmsattendance@drregional.org.
CLICK HERE for the 2024-2025 District Calendar which was approved by the School Committee on April 10, 2024.
Color Calendar
November 4 & 6 - Red Days
November 7 & 8 - White Days
November 12 & 13 - Blue Days
November 14 & 15 - Red Days
November 18 & 19 - White Days
November 20 & 21 - Blue Days
November 22 & 25 - Red Days
November 26 & 27 - White Days
December 2 & 3 - Blue Days
December 4 & 5 - Red Days
December 6 & 9 - White Days
December 10 & 11 - Blue Days
December 12 & 13 - Red Days
December 16 & 17 - White Days
December 18 & 19 - Blue Days
December 20 & January 3 - Red Days
*November 3 - Daylight Savings Time Ends (Turn clocks back 1 hour)
*November 3 - Dighton Arts Festival (9:00-3:00 - always first Sunday in November)
*November 4 - Grade 6 Bash
*November 5 - Professional Development Day - No School
*November 8 - Red, White, and Blue Spirit Day (to commemorate Veterans Day)
*November 11 - Veterans Day - No School
*November 11 - PTSA Read-a-thon starts
*November 14 - PTSA Meeting @ PRES 6:30 p.m.
*November 15 - Book Fair Preview Day
*November 18 - 8th grade CTE tour (11:30-1:45)
*November 18-22 - Book Fair
*November 18 - 6th Grade Band Rehearsal in the Cafeteria Afterschool
*November 19 - 5th Grade Band Rehearsal in the Cafeteria Afterschool
*November 20 - Bristol County Savings Bank Day for 5th Graders (8:15-8:30 a.m.)
*November 20 - 7th and 8th Grade Band Rehearsal in the Cafeteria Afterschool
*November 22 - PTSA Read-a-thon ends
*November 27 - Early Release (11:35 a.m.) - Thanksgiving Break Begins
*November 28-29 - Thanksgiving Break - No School
We have partnered with Clothes Bin to maintain a clothes and shoes recycling bin on the Beckwith Campus. They collect, manage, and distribute clothes, shoes, and textiles. If you have any clothes or shoes that could be recycled, please feel free to drop it in the bin which is located at the far end of the parking lot. Beckwith Middle School receives funds for donated contents. To learn more about Clothes Bin, please CLICK HERE.
The Dighton-Rehoboth Regional School District has made a community connection with Community & Social Services | Old Colony YMCA. Their Family Resource Center is available to both Dighton and Rehoboth families and has much to offer in the form of support. Please feel free to check out all that they have to offer by using the previous links.
Rehoboth School Receives National Banner Recognition - September 18, 2024
D.L. Beckwith Softball: Massasoit League Champions! - July 9, 2024
D.L. Beckwith Middle School Term 4 High Honor Roll - June 25, 2024
D.L. Beckwith Middle School Term 4 Honor Roll - June 25, 2024
Rehoboth Lions Club Peace Poster Winner - June 12, 2024
Beckwith Middle School Choral Students Attend Junior SEMSBA Music Festival - June 6, 2024
Fire Safety Poster Contest - June 6, 2024
Distinguished Student Awards - June 6, 2024
Dighton-Rehoboth Recognizes Outstanding Students - May 16, 2024
D.L. Beckwith Middle School Term 3 Honor Roll - April 29, 2024
D.L. Beckwith Middle School Term 3 High Honor Roll - April 29, 2024
Beckwith Middle School Principal Honored - April 9, 2024
Beckwith Math Team - 2024 Massasoit League Champions - April 8, 2024
Beckwith Students Attend Junior District Music Festival - April 8, 2024
Beckwith Unified Basketball - March 11, 2024
Beckwith Middle School Basketball Teams - March 11, 2024
D.L. Beckwith Middle School Term 2 Honor Roll - February 12, 2024
D.L. Beckwith Middle School Term 2 High Honor Roll - February 12, 2024
Click the #WeAreDR photo above to access the school district's Facebook page
Follow BMS on Facebook!
Follow BMS on X (formerly known as Twitter)!
Dorothy L. Beckwith Middle School
The mission of the Dighton-Rehoboth middle schools, in collaboration with parents and the community, is to develop the whole child and to provide students with the knowledge, skills, global education, technology, and social responsibility to become contributing citizens and life-long learners in our ever-changing world.
Dighton Rehoboth Regional School District does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, veteran status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other legally protected group.
Email: bmsattendance@drregional.org
Website: bms.drregional.org
Location: 330r Winthrop Street, Rehoboth, MA, USA
Phone: 508-252-5080
Beckwith Middle School / BMS Facebook / District Policy Manual / DRRSD / Strategic Plan / Student Handbook