Marvelous Mustang Memo
for the week of March 4, 2024
Mastery. Acceptance. Confidence.
Intent to Return Forms- out now
The District has posted the Intent to Return form to your Skyward Family Access account.
This form needs to be completed for ALL students, returning or not for the 2024-2025 SY.
Please submit this form by 8 March 2024.
Returning Students ONLY: You can find the “Returning Student Online Enrollment” also posted on your Skyward Family Access. Please complete this required returning student online enrollment application at your earliest convenience.
Should you have any questions, please contact the district office at (913) 651-7373 or email Birgitta Freeman at
Health Reminders
- fever free for 24 hours - without the aid of medication
- diarrhea and/or vomit free for 24 hours - without the aid of medication
- fever of less than 99:6 degrees
If you have any question, please feel free to reach out to our school nurse, Melinda McConnell. She can help!
Spring Break
- No School- March 11- 15
- school resumes
- Site Council, 9:00 am
- Papa John's Pizza Night
- Early Dismissal
- K-5, dismiss @ 1:30 pm
- PreK am- dismiss @ 10:00 am
- PreK pm- dismiss @ 2:20 pm
- 2nd grade music program, 6:00 pm
- No School
- Early Dismissal
- K-5, dismiss @ 1:30 pm
- PreK am- dismiss @ 10:00 am
- PreK pm- dismiss @ 2:20 pm
- Site Council, 9:00 am
- 4th grade field trip to Ernie Miller Nature Park, 9:00 am-2:00 pm
- Papa John's Pizza Night
Breakfast Menus:
Lunch Menus:
Previously Shared Information:
Kansas State Testing- grades 3-5
Every spring, students in grades 3-5 take the required Kansas state assessments. Below is the testing schedule for students in grades 3-5. It's helpful to know this information in case you are looking ahead to schedule appointments for your child. The testing begins after we return from Spring Break.
March 26th/27th- 5th graders take the Kansas science assessment
April 2nd/3rd- 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders take the Kansas reading assessment
April 9th/10th- 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders take the Kansas math assessment
April 15th-19th will be set aside for students who need to make up any missed assessments.
Your child's teacher will be sharing more details regarding their grade level testing times.
Parking Reminders
With the nicer weather, we have less car traffic during car drop off & pick up times. If you do drive to drop off and/or pick up your child from school, please adhere to the following rules in order for the smoothest arrivals and dismissals:
- PreK parents have the lower lot (first 3 rows) to park. They are required to park & walk their child in each day. For this reason, those spots are reserved only for them.
- if your child is in K-5, please do not use the spots in the first 3 rows of the lower parking lot to park your car. You may drop your child off in the car loop (it's easy & fast!), and they can either enter in the main entrance or walk down the sidewalk to join their friends waiting in the grade level lines outside.
- please do not park illegally or in the car loop line; please find a spot to park your car if you are walking your child to the doors.
- if you have questions and/or concerns, please feel free to let me know. It is my intention that our arrivals and dismissals are safe & as efficient as possible, and that requires all of us to work together for the greater good of our school community.
Help support others in honor of one of our students!
Free Community Meals
MacArthur Elementary Mission Statement
Contact Me
Location: 1 MacArthur Loop, Fort Leavenworth, KS, USA
Phone: 913.651.6517