point of view
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
Because starting a conversation doesn't have to be so difficult, here's a few ice-breakers to get the conversation flowing - What do you wish was illegal? What was your most unrealistic purchase? What's the silliest thing that you're really good at? What's the craziest dare you ever took? What are you kind of snobby about? What "old person" things do you do? How do you feel about clowns? What is your go-to karaoke song? Talking pets or talking babies? What's your favorite seat on an airplane? What slang are you happy it went out of fashion? What's your favorite way to waste time online? What's the best prank you've been a part of? What emoj do you use the most when texting?
week of August 5th
Monday, 6pm - City Council Meeting
Wednesday, Farmer's Markets
Thursday, 11am - Urban Redevelopment Corporation
Friday, 6-9pm - Lyrics on the Lawn, Summer Music Series
a little more about this week's agendas
City Council will consider two re-appointments [Bob Cravens & Jeremy Stone] to the Vintage CID, amending the schedule of fees regarding chicken permits from $100 to $50; considering Planning & Zoning recommendations to issue Special Use Permits @ 706 St. Louis Ave. & 205 Woods Ave. for operation of a short-term rental; & amending Section 400.130 R-4 Medium Density Residential District to restore language that was deleted in error - Permitted Uses in District R-4 includes medium density apartment buildings & housing which shall be considered congregate living for senior adults & of a multi-family nature shall be limited to a Planned District.
Farmer's Markets (morning @ Community Center 9-11:30am & afternoon @ Hitch Lot 4-7pm)
Urban Redevelopment Corporation will consider 353 Tax Abatement applications for project @ 114 N. Main Street, former Crowley Furniture. The project will include electrical upgrades, roof repair, plumbing, tuckpointing, new windows & doors, HVAC, painting & wood rot repair, sidewalk replacement prepping for 5 residential apartments & 2 commercial spaces which qualifies for 100% abatement for 10 years & 50% abatement for 5 years, project is estimated to cost $361,000 & project @ 115 E. Broadway Street, Other Trails, to include improvements to entryway front window & door, HVAC, courtyard & interior improvements which qualifies for 100% abatement for 10 years, project is estimated to cost $27,000.
Lyrics on the Lawn - The band playing is Donny Altman, along with Stevie Ray's BBQ Food Truck.
who is the city, but the people
Celebrating work anniversaries this week - Katherine Glenn, Deputy Court Clerk - 1 year.
love where you live
RAISE project update -
- survey work is complete, we have a topographical survey to support design efforts;
- we are collecting traffic accident data to measure the impact improvements will make;
- environmental field work will occur in the next couple of weeks to inform design issues;
- planning business owners meeting this month to discuss access management along Jesse James;
- evaluating Kearney roadside conditions to consider whether the north or south side of Kearney Road is the most cost effective side for the location of the sidewalk and railroad tunnel. Such factors as to which side has the most room to accommodate a sidewalk across culvert. You might not even notice the culvert if not for the guard rails, considering lifespan of the railroad bridge as to whether the tunnel will be sacrificed at some point to replace the bridge; the tunnel/trail would likely be 10' wide and 80' long; at the culvert the trail width would likely be 5' wide
The Lewis Elementary School site will be cleaning up next week, & the John Shepherd Honorary Street signs will be going up.
Work is planned for the Dunbar Railroad Crossing this week, laying new track & pavement.
Last week we learned the community's efforts to sell itself to MU Extension as the best location for hosting a Connecting Entrepreneur Community Conference was successful - there will now be a vote - Should the conference be in Excelsior Springs, Maryville or Perryville. Please go to the link and vote. https://missouri.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_88qjy7S7a0BniqW?fbclid=lwZXhZW0CMTEAAR2sad0gmTeOKT0MsKodQjR5ldBKWuMQ4eGD1yWViRySTv2YiHHTF9g2c8A_aem_QOO8yDhx3ZuQfithof3ORw
choose your attitude!
I just wanted to take a minute & say how lucky our community is to have a place as amazing as the ES Community Center. I've been a member there for a few weeks now & I have never felt more welcomed in the classes I've tried, more encouraged from the trainers, & everything the establishment has to offer is seriously so incredible. Our young children absolutely love the childcare & look forward to seeing their "babysitters" every morning. All the free activities they have for the kiddos, the farmers market on Wednesday mornings, & events they host are so fun! It makes it so nice as a parent I can drop my kids off & have an hour to myself & my kids are well taken care of & they enjoy it as much as I do. We truly are so lucky, E-town!.