CEHS Summer Partnership Institute
Summer 2020 Webinar Series
About the Summer 2020 CEHS Partnership Institute Webinar Series
Online Platform Information
Dates, Times, and Details
June 8th
10:00am-11:00amBooks, Visuals, & Poetry for Social Emotional Learning (Grades 7-12)
Description: Join us to encounter young adult literature, visuals, and poetry through activities that help us and our students focus on social and emotional learning while improving reading and writing. Experience methods and resources to heighten empathy and encourage positive action.
Instructor(s): Angie Beumer Johnson, Wright State University
Rikki Bell, Lakota Local Schools
Alessandra England, Greenfield Exempted Village Schools
Online platform: Zoom
June 9th
10:00am - 11:30am
Introduction to Restorative Practices (Circles) (All grades)
Description: Do you want your students to get along, communicate effectively, and build a community in your classroom where everyone feels safe? If so, then Restorative Practices are for you! Utilizing informal and formal circles, restorative practices strengthen relationships, builds a sense of belonging, and provides ways to problem-solve. In this introductory session, participants will learn about key Restorative Practice principles including the social discipline window, creating a restorative environment, and facilitating classroom circles to build relationships and community.
Instructor(s): Syndra Snelling, Montgomery County Educational Service Center
Online platform: Google Meet
June 10th
Media Matters More Than Ever (Grades K-12)
Description: Don’t let distance learning keep you from engaging with your students in a meaningful way! Participants will explore Mister C’s four E’s and learn how to effectively use media and experiments to transform online lessons into easy, fun and powerful learning experiences that focus on communication skills, critical thinking, and creativity.
Instructor(s): Kevin Cornell, Ed.S.
Online platform: Google Meet
June 11th
10:00am - 11:30am
Universal Design for Learning: An Introduction (All Grades)
Description: We know that students learn in varied ways. UDL is goal driven flexibility. UDL provides teachers with a framework of guidelines to structure their classrooms and lessons in ways that support flexible, inclusive education. Participants will be introduced to UDL.
Instructor(s): Tracey Kramer, Wright State University
Online platform: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
June 11th
12:30pm - 1:30pm
Curriculum Compacting (All Grades)
Description: Students enter classrooms with a variety of previous experiences, knowledge, interests, and readiness levels. Curriculum Compacting is an instructional strategy that enables teachers to identify students ready for differentiated instruction. At this session participants will be introduced to the essential steps of Curriculum Compacting and classroom implementation suggestions. *1 hour of Gifted PD awarded in competency areas: A, B, C
Instructor(s): Beth Sizemore, Wright State University and Beavercreek City Schools
Online platform: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
June 15th
10:00am -11:00am
PBL: How to Go Virtual with 6-Word Memoirs (Grades: 6-12)
Description: Participants will learn strategies for implementing a project virtually. We will walk through the Six-Word Memoir Project from start to finish to show how it transitioned from in the classroom to online.
Instructor(s): Nichole Miller, Dayton Regional STEM School
Online platform: Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74064725835?pwd=YlFBSk9TM1QzdFR3WW91RFA3MU9Ydz09
Meeting ID: 740 6472 5835
Password: PBL
June 16th
Hands on History: Archives and Research for K-12 (Grades: K-12)
Description: Archives aren’t just for historians. Primary sources are great tools for students of all ages to gain valuable research skills while adding a new dimension to a paper, project, or presentation. Wright State University’s Special Collections & Archives (SC&A) is home to the Wright Brothers collection and many other Miami Valley innovators that helped change the world. Our collections, covering everything from the arts to politics and aerospace to architecture, offer a wide variety of resources to spark research and innovation.
Bill will provide a virtual tour and share how teachers and students can access the materials and the types of educational outreach activities offered by SC&A.
Instructor(s): Bill Stolz, Wright State University
Online platform: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
June 17th
Re-Envision Your Literacy Toolbox: High-Interest Strategies for Motivating Students in the Content Area Classroom (Grades: 3-10)
Description: On a quest for professional renewal? Ready to energize your instructional practices? Become empowered to foster deeper levels of thought with a rigorous toolbox of student-centered strategies based on five research-recommended themes for supporting literacy and content area learning: meaningful conversations, thought-provoking writing experiences, purposeful collaboration, compelling vocabulary encounters, and student choice. In this session, teachers will learn eight specific strategies that will actively motivate students in any content-area classroom.
Instructor(s): Lee Welz, Wright State University
Online platform: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
June 18th
10:00am - 11:00am
Integrating Social Emotional Learning Standards into Online Instruction
Description: Learning options and lived experiences are becoming increasingly diverse. Technology has become increasingly integrated into face-to-face instruction and been leveraged as a tool for addressing emergency situations. Teachers can extend social emotional support and skills to students through technological tools, even in the absence of face-to-face instruction. In this session, I share strategies that best supported my students’ enactment of strong social emotional skills while mastering course content during a sudden shift to online learning prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Instructor(s): Romena Holbert, Wright State University
Online platform: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
June 19th
10:00am - 11:00am
ASD: Change In Distance Learning for those that need extra support (Grades: K-8)
Description: Distance Learning is challenging for the neurotypical child. Imagine being on the spectrum as well! Students with special needs are craving supports and services that aren’t being met in the same way. Come learn about ways that students w/special needs adapt to yet another variable to their ever-changing world.
Instructor(s): Margaret Wink, Linden Grove School
Online platform: Google Meet
Join by phone +1 318-431-0444
PIN: 254 174 844#
June 23rd
The Basics of Understanding Trauma and Its Impact (Grades: Pre-K-5)
Description: Trauma can impact children in many ways, and their responses to traumatic incidents can vary. Circumstances of an occurrence, such as when, how, where, how often, and the responses of others can influence a child’s response. Prolonged exposure to trauma, such as on-going abuse, chronic neglect, or repeated exposures to violence, without the buffer of safe adult relationships can result in toxic stress. Children may experience symptoms of trauma and toxic stress related to brain development, learning and behavior — all of which affect a child’s school experience and academic success. As a result, participants will:
- Understand what trauma and PTSD is.
- Learn how to identify trauma and the events that can cause trauma.
- Learn the effects trauma has and interventions to provide.
Instructor(s): Dee Thomas, Founder and Owner of Anchored With Excellence, LLC.
Online platform: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
June 25th
Distance Learning in Nature (Grades: All)
Description: Distance Learning in nature is easy, and can be an unforgettable standards-based adventure for your students! MetroParks programming staff can assist you in developing your own virtual field trips, connecting students' backyards and natural areas together within citizen science platforms, giving students an awareness of the nature surrounding them, and a voice for biodiversity.
Instructor(s): Five Rivers MetroParks: Joshua York, Lauren Asquith, and Erin Rowekamp
Online platform: Google Meet
To join by phone, dial +1 503-994-0189 and enter this PIN: 888 241 440#
June 30th
QPR Gatekeeper (Suicide Prevention) (Grades: All)
Description: QPR is a nationally recognized and evidence-based suicide prevention model where organizations, businesses and everyday individuals can learn the needed skills to recognize and intervene when someone is showing signs of a suicidal crisis.
QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide.
Just as people trained in CPR can help save a life, people trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help.
After this session you will be able to:
- Recognize and identify at least three suicide warning signs
- Demonstrate the three step QPR process; ask about potential suicidal intent, listen and persuade someone to get help, and make a referral for professional assistance
Instructor(s): Becky Ketron, Montgomery County Alcohol, Drug Addiction & Mental Health Services
Online platform:
Topic: QPR (WSU)
Time: Jun 30, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://mcadamhs.zoom.us/j/92263172287?pwd=K2REQmFxNVVIYlIrQVJXckZ1L3AvZz09
Password: 500896
Or Telephone:
USA 602 333 0032
USA 8882709936 (US Toll Free)
Conference code: 112070
Find local AT&T Numbers: https://www.teleconference.att.com/servlet/glbAccess?process=1&accessNumber=8882709936&accessCode=112070
June 30th
Mental Health 101 - Managing Anxiety (Grades: All)
Description: Learn about the signs and symptoms of anxiety and various strategies to help manage feelings.
We all have times when we feel overwhelmed and worried and so do our students. Anxiety and stress are normal things to feel, especially now. Join us to learn about the signs, symptoms, and effects of anxiety and various strategies you can employ to help you manage your feelings, and teach your students to help them manage their feelings in productive and healthy ways.
Instructor(s): Becky Ketron, Montgomery County Alcohol, Drug Addiction & Mental Health Services
Online platform:
Zoom Topic: Managing Anxiety (WSU)
Time: Jun 30, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://mcadamhs.zoom.us/j/93374640705?pwd=aGxzYnRHcWQrdml0ZCtseDQwYkw1UT09
Password: 946654
Or Telephone:
USA 602 333 0032
USA 8882709936 (US Toll Free)
Conference code: 112070
Find local AT&T Numbers: https://www.teleconference.att.com/servlet/glbAccess?process=1&accessNumber=8882709936&accessCode=11207
June 30th
Trauma 101: The Basics of a Trauma Informed Approach in a School/Youth Setting (Grades: All)
Description: As well as providing a foundational overview and awareness of trauma, this training focuses on the effects on young people, and how those working with youth can design an environment that is trauma-informed. Not only will you increase your awareness of trauma and its prevalence, you will be able to identify practical ways to create a Trauma-Informed youth program including:
- Recognize the 4 causes of behavior
- Skills that increase & decrease in a crisis
- Create a culture of positive, encouraging relationships
- Teach Distress Tolerance Skills
Instructor(s): Becky Ketron, Montgomery County Alcohol, Drug Addiction & Mental Health Services
Online platform:
Zoom Topic: Trauma 101 (WSU)
Time: Jun 30, 2020 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://mcadamhs.zoom.us/j/99862608877?pwd=c3ZIOXBYT2haaFNWODliL3hhR1pKQT09
Password: 391724
Or Telephone:
USA 602 333 0032
USA 8882709936 (US Toll Free)
Conference code: 112070
Find local AT&T Numbers: https://www.teleconference.att.com/servlet/glbAccess?process=1&accessNumber=8882709936&accessCode=112070
July 8th
Cooperating Teacher Overview- Focus on phase 2 and 3
Description: Are you serving as a WSU cooperating teacher for the first time or are you interested in this role? The session will review expectations and advice for this service.
Instructor(s): Tracey Kramer, Wright State University
Online platform: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
July 10th
The Science of How Students Learn (Grades: 4-12)
Description: New cognitive research is showing us that many of the learning strategies our students are using are highly ineffective. Participants will learn specific strategies they can incorporate into their classroom to incorporate this new science of how people learn to enhance their students’ long-term memory.
Instructor(s): Sheri Stover, Wright State University
Online platform: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
July 14th
The First 8 Days! Build Community to Eliminate Undesired Behaviors (Grades: 4-9)
Description: Eliminate undesired behaviors before they occur. Learn how to use the first 8 days of the school year to build an atmosphere where all students feel safe to take a risk with their learning. Proven strategies and techniques will be shared just in time for the new school year (whether it is face to face or screen to screen).
Instructor(s): Lorrie Kubaszewski, Wright State University
Online platform: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
July 14th
The First Week of School Using Google Classroom ONLY (Grades: K-3)
Description: This presentation will have specific ideas for the first week of school using only remote learning. I will have my Google Classroom ready to go for the first week of school and will include tutorials on how to create YouTube videos, screencasts, and additional information on the Google Suites for Educators.
Instructor(s): Kristine Gillespie, West Carrollton City Schools
Online platform: Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 715 6181 4085
Password: 3Dg8An
July 15th
Schoolyard Pollinator Basics (Grades: K-6)
Description: Schoolyards are full of life and endless discovery. Join us as we explore common insects of schoolyards, learn how to identify them, discuss their ecology, and common nature myths.
Instructor(s): Five Rivers MetroParks: Joshua York, Lauren Asquith, and Erin Rowekamp
Online platform: Google Meet
To join by phone, dial +1 503-994-0189 and enter this PIN: 888 241 440#
July 15th
Schoolyard Pollinator Activities (Grades: K-6)
Description: One out of every three bites of food we put in our mouths are given to us through pollination. Explore schoolyard and garden activities to make your next schoolyard experience ‘come alive’. Participants are encouraged to attend Schoolyard Pollinator Basics webinar at 1pm to prepare for this class.
Instructor(s): Five Rivers MetroParks: Joshua York, Lauren Asquith, and Erin Rowekamp
Online platform: Google Meet
To join by phone, dial +1 503-994-0189 and enter this PIN: 888 241 440#
July 22nd
Teaching with Google Classroom: Tips and Lessons Learned (Grades: All)
Description: Transitioning to online or blended instruction presents unique challenges no matter what subject you teach. Join us as we explore Google Classroom and discuss tips, tricks, and recommendations
Instructor(s): Caryn Kelley & Kara Hutchinson - SOITA
Online platform: Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 886 5205 1741
Password: 7222020
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kep39cfY1Z
Join by SIP
Join by H.323 (US East)
July 28th
Co-Teaching Basics (Grades: All)
Description: Participants will review the benefits and models associated with co-teaching.
Instructor(s): Tracey Kramer and Amy Elston - Wright State University
Online platform: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
July 28th
Are They Really Co-Teaching? (Grades: All)
Description: Participants will read classroom scenarios and vignettes and discuss the ways co-teaching could be used to positively impact students. How are both teachers being utilized to their fullest potential?
Instructor(s): Tracey Kramer and Amy Elston - Wright State University
Online platform: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
July 30th
Don’t Mute Them (Grades: K-5)
Description: Participants will learn a variety of strategies they can use to facilitate collaboration with their elementary aged students during remote learning.
Instructor(s): Kristine Gillespie, West Carrollton City Schools
Online platform: Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 721 6111 7646
Password: 7pAmAj
How to Register
- Low enrollment may cancel sessions. Registrants will be notified of cancelled sessions.
- Webinar platforms vary. You will be provided with further information about how to access the session prior to the session date.
Other Free Online Professional Development Options
Science in the Studio Online - Professional Development with Mister C on July 29-30, 2020
UNLEASH YOUR CREATIVITY! Mister C makes “Learning Fun for Everyone” and knows how to inspire and connect with attendees and participants. Mister C takes teachers through more than 35 of his favorite experiments and demonstrations that will change the way teachers and students EXPERIENCE science and STEAM Learning!
The conference is geared towards PK-5 teachers, however teachers from grades 7-12 can register and participate. Some of the activities will require modification, but Mister C makes Learning Fun for Everyone and is confident that all attendees would benefit and leave with new ideas to implement!
For more information and to register, click here
Email: tracey.kramer@wright.edu
Website: https://education-human-services.wright.edu/advising-and-resources/partnerships-and-field-experiences/summer-partnership-institute
Location: Wright State University, Colonel Glenn Highway, Dayton, OH, United States
Phone: (937)775-2995