The Cub Corner
January 10, 2025
Mrs. Stacy Murphy
Mrs. Susan Lovato
Dear Millbridge Families,
Welcome back Millbridge students, families and teachers to 2025! We hope you all were able to have wonderful celebrations with family and friends these past few months. There is always splendid things to celebrate!
Now that the holidays are behind us, we come to the heart of our school year. Teachers are conscientiously teaching, and students are learning, the core content that students should know in each grade level. Attendance is crucial for optimum learning, and this is a critical time for students to attend every day possible in school. With the many viruses and illnesses that accompany the winter months, please encourage good eating, sleeping habits, and hand washing. If your child is showing symptoms of illness, please keep them at home until symptoms subside.
With the onslaught of some substantial winter weather already this season, please have students with proper dress as they may go outside for recess if the temperature is above 32 degrees. A weather-related announcement could range from transportation adjustments, to starting late, or even closures like 1/6. The district will try to make such announcements, and we will communicate that to our parents as quickly as possible.
We will be celebrating the character trait CARING this month. We appreciate the home and school partnership. Please discuss with your children what it means to be caring. As always, if you have any questions or concerns please reach out as we continue to foster our partnership for the success of all students.
Warm regards,
Stacy Murphy
Special Education Parent Meeting - Tuesday, January 14
PTO Talent Show - Register by Friday, January 24th
enVision Math Update - December, 2024
As the first trimester of the 2024-2025 school year has come to an end, we appreciate everyone’s patience and support as we continue to implement the new math program, enVision. Overall, our students are adjusting appropriately to the new program, as evidenced by report card grades, benchmark scores, and formative assessments. Despite enVision being more difficult than our previous math program, our K-5 students’ report card grades were comparable to first trimester grades last year. We will continue to monitor students’ progress throughout the year.
We have created a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document, which contains answers to questions submitted by parents following the Parent Math Info Night in October, and the recorded presentation sent in November.
New Safe Snack List
Please adhere to our new safe snack list for all parties/celebrations found here.
YMCA - Prime Time
Counselors Corner
HERE is an important link from our counselors regarding some tips about promoting kindness.
Dates to Know
January 16 - Single Session, PM Preschool
January 17 - No Students, Staff Development Day
January 20 - No School, MLK Day of Service
Delran Education Foundation
Parent Resources
Contact Information
Email: mboffice@delranschools.org
Website: http://mes.delranschools.org/
Location: 282 Conrow Road, Delran, NJ, United States
Phone: (856) 461-2900