The Horizon
November-December 2024

Superintendent's Message
I hope that you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving Break. The next few weeks will be busy and exciting as we finish up the fall semester, and schools conclude the first part of the school year with concerts, assemblies, and other fun activities before Winter Break.
This also marks a good time to reflect on our goals, celebrate our successes, and thank those who have helped us along the way. I am so grateful to our students, staff, and community for your continued support and active engagement in our Vision for the Future. We are making great progress as we work to ensure Learning Without Limits for every student we serve.
I also am thankful to our Jurupa community for supporting and passing Measure V. Funds from this bond measure will help us to upgrade aging facilities, and make all of our campuses safe, healthy, and welcoming learning spaces. Upgraded schools also improve our whole community and we are excited about the possibilities ahead.
I also am so proud of our incredible JUSD Community Schools program, winner of the prestigious California School Boards Association’s Golden Bell Award. This is our district's 13th Golden Bell. Assistant Superintendent of Pupil Services Monty Owens, Director of Parent Involvement and Community Outreach Jose Campos, and I presented on this program at the CSBA Annual Education Conference in Anaheim.
Parent engagement and support are critical to the success of our Community Schools. We work to uplift our community by offering resources and classes, such as the Jurupa Technology Education for Parents (JTEP). You can read more about this program in this newsletter.
Our incredible staff and students continue to inspire me. The PALs (Peer Assistance and Leadership) and WEB (Where Everybody Belongs) peer support teams exemplify the incredible student leadership in our district. The PALs and WEB programs not only support student success but also provide aspiring student leaders the opportunity to learn and practice skills that they can use throughout their lives. You can read more about these programs in this edition of The Horizon.
Also essential to our students’ educational experience is their ability to partake in a wide variety of programming. I am proud of the robust visual and performing arts programs available at JUSD and enjoy seeing our students’ talent on display. Our middle and high school musicians recently shared their field show performances during the JUSD Band Spectacular. Spectacular truly is a fitting word for this presentation. In addition, students participated in JUSD Innovation Fair which gave students the opportunity to showcase their passions in Science, Technology, Engineering, and other disciplines.
Finally, I am always grateful for the dedicated staff we have here in JUSD. Our Jurupa team gives and cares so much for every student and many have given decades to our district. In this edition, you will learn more about the positive impacts our staff has on the overall student experience in JUSD.
JUSD is a caring community of educators, students, and families who all want the very best for our future generation. Thank you for your partnership and to all of you who make JUSD such a special place.
JUSD Earns 13th Golden Bell
JUSD is proud to have earned our 13th California School Boards Association Golden Bell Award for our Community Schools program. This program provides a wide array of services for our students and families at 18 JUSD campuses. Our Superintendent, Dr. Trenton Hansen, Assistant Superintendent of Pupil Services Monty Owens, and Director of Parent Involvement and Community Outreach (P.I.C.O.) Jose Campos also presented on our Community Schools and the impact this program is making in Jurupa Valley.
Peer leadership on elementary and middle school campuses
When Mission Bell Elementary sixth grader Itzel Arenas Castelan noticed her younger brother being bullied by another student, she stepped in to defend him. Using the skills she learned as a PAL (Peer Assistance and Leadership) Leader, she offered to help and checked in with the other student. She assured them both that she was someone trustworthy they could talk to.
PALs, in its first year at Mission Bell, teaches upper-grade students about collaboration, leadership, and communication so that they can be influencers on their school campus.
“I decided to be a PAL because I knew I could help other students, and when there's a problem, I can always help them," Itzel said.
PALs learn what it means to be Mission Bell BRUINS (Brave Resilient Unified Influential Noble Safe) and serve as role models for other students.
“It’s very powerful for kids to learn from other kids. So we are setting that example.” said Teacher on Special Assignment - Community Schools Angelica Quintero.
Jurupa Valley High School hosted the first JUSD Band Spectacular
Friends, families, and the community filled the Jurupa Valley High School stadium last month to watch the first Jurupa Unified School District Band Spectacular. Middle and high school students from across the district came together to showcase music and color guard routines.
The evening began with a middle school ensemble playing upbeat tunes. It was their first time playing under the lights on a football field. The crowd and the high school band watched and cheered them on as they performed.
“It’s definitely (a) motivating factor for them to see where they’re headed in band…to be able to get that experience and to witness it first hand and to actually participate in it is really motivating for them to continue on into high school with music.” Mission Middle School Band Director Ross Yohonn said.
Spanish parent classes offer new beginnings
Eduardo Coria wants to independently manage his day-to-day technological tasks without the help of his growing daughters. He also wants to advance his career by acquiring new skills.
“I got tired of asking my kids for help, so I wanted to try and master this,” Mr. Coria said. “I’m ready to move on from my job… I want to start a new chapter.”
He’s getting started with the help of Jurupa Technology Education for Parents (JTEP) classes.
JTEP classes, which offer instruction in computing skills, are among a variety of programs offered for parents and the community through the Parent Involvement and Community Outreach (P.I.C.O.) department.
“I gotta do it for me, to better myself,” Mr. Coria said. He is a parent of two daughters, one of whom is a freshman at Jurupa Valley High School, where the JTEP classes took place.
Supporting students and families for 33 years
Victoria Jobe has held many positions in the 33 years she has been with Jurupa Unified. She has been a teacher, assistant principal, principal, and principal on special assignment and now serves as a Coordinator of Pupil Services. In 2023, Ms. Jobe won Principal of the Year for her dedication and time at Indian Hills Elementary. New in her role as Coordinator of Pupil Services, Ms. Jobe continues to work with our families to meet their needs.
What are some of your responsibilities as Coordinator of Pupil Services?
“My current role is to support sites with their attendance, improving attendance, (and) providing training to their translator-clerk typists in regards to attendance. (I) show support for SART (School Attendance Review Team) meetings at the sites and also SARB (School Attendance Review Board) meetings at the district level. So, anything to do with attendance I support.”
Why is attendance such a priority for the District?
“If the (students) aren’t in school, nothing else matters. It doesn’t matter the program or what is going on in the classroom. If students are not in the seats, it doesn’t make a difference.”
Jurupa Unified School District Innovation Fair
230 JUSD elementary, middle, and high school students showed off their scientific and engineering knowledge at the Jurupa Unified School District Innovation Fair 🔬💡🔍(formerly known as the Science and Engineering Fair) held in the Jurupa Valley High School gym. Earlier this week, students shared their projects with judges.
Winners will be announced next week. Good luck to all of our amazing young scientists. 🌟
News Briefs
Family Reading Challenge Extra: Winter Break Challenge
We hope you have had fun with our JUSD Family reading challenge! We love surprising students to recognize their outstanding reading efforts. That's why we have a special surprise! Log your minutes during Winter Break and the top readers can win mystery prizes. Elementary students: Log your minutes at bit.ly/JUSDReadingChallenge24 from December 23 to January 10 to participate!
Poster Contest Winners
Congratulations to the winners of the Louis Robidoux Parkland and Pecan Grove’s recent “Keep it Healthy, Keep it Wild” poster contest.
Winners were:
1st place: Mia Martinez, 2nd grader from Granite Hill Elementary
2nd place: Robin Ramirez, 1st grader from Pacific Ave
3rd place: Amora Nielsen, 2nd grader from Granite Hill Elementary
1st place: Serenity Gomez, 3rd grader from Pedley Elementary
2nd place: Gavin Aguilar, 4th grader from Granite Hill Elementary
3rd place: Caesar Flores, 3rd grader from Pedley Elementary
1st place: Derek Ramirez, 6th grader from Pacific Ave
2nd place: Paul Cui, 5th grader from Del Sol Academy
3rd place: Connor Wlodarczyk, 5th grader from Del Sol Academy
All first place winners received $150, second place received $100, and third received $50. Congratulations to all of our winners.
Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment for JUSD interdistrict and intradistrict transfers is open November 12, 2024 - January 17, 2025. You can find more information at: https://bit.ly/JUSDenroll2024.
Please note that students currently on an interdistrict transfer (those who have transferred to JUSD from another district) need to reapply every year. Students on intradistrict transfers (JUSD students who have transferred to a campus other than their home school) must reapply when promoting to a new school (ie: elementary to middle or middle to high school).
Not all JUSD sites are open to transfers. Please be sure to check the website listed above to see which sites are accepting transfer applications. We also have virtual programs available for students in grades 7-12.
For more information, please call 951-416-1200 or email parentcenter@jusd.k12.ca.us
JUSD Planning and Development Director Presents at National Conference
JUSD's Director of Planning Development, Robin Griffin, MUP, recently presented on "Melody of Connection: The Community Engagement Symphony in Educational Spaces," at the recent EDspaces conference in Texas The presentation focused on our award-winning Elliott N. Duchon Concert Hall at Rubidoux High School. JUSD is leading the way in making space for the arts as part of our students' educational experience.