MIT Week 1 Update
🤝 Volunteering at Madrona, 🥳 Event Sneek Peek, and more!

Week 1 Updates: Kicking Off Another Great Year Together
In This Issue
📅 Upcoming Dates
🥪 This Week's Menu
🤝 Volunteering at Madrona
🥳 MIT 2024-2025 Events Sneek Peek
🐻 Bear Wear
🏫 MIT General Meeting Schedule
🧠 Madrona Tips & Tidbits
❓ Poll of the Week
💰 Don't Leave Money on the Table
🍽️ School Meal Application
⭐ More From MIT
Check your center's email, newsletter, and with parent coordinators for additional volunteer opportunities
📅 Upcoming Dates
9/9, 9:25am - 3:55pm🏫 First Day of Kindergarten!
9/4, 9:25am 🍵 Kindergarten First Day Coffee
9/17, 6:00pm 👩🏫 Kindergarten & Primary Curriculum Night
9/18, 6:00pm 👩🏫 Intermediate & Middle School Curriculum Night
9/25, 6:30pm 🏫 First MIT General Meeting
9/25, After General Meeting 🍻 MIT Community Social
10/3 📸 School Photos
10/6, 11:59pm 🐻 Deadline for Bear Wear Orders
10/24 🎺 Jazz Night
10/30 👁️ Vision Screening
11/4 🦻 Hearing Screening
🥪 This Week's Menu
See the menu any time at MySchoolMenus.com
🤝 Volunteering at Madrona
Volunteer Paperwork
- All volunteers must be cleared by Safe Visitor Solutions before volunteering in any capacity at Madrona. Complete your paperwork now!
- Please allow up to two weeks for notification from the district about clearance
- All volunteers must have either an ID badge or sticker from the office visible while on campus
Unsure if your volunteer status is still good? Please contact the Educational Services Center communications@edmonds.wednet.edu
Picking Up Your Photo Badge
Did you have your photo taken at the Back to School BBQ?
- Badges can be picked up from Kelly in the front office
- You must be approved by Safe Visitors Solutions prior to picking up your badge from the office
- Badges will not be released to volunteers without staff seeing their Safe Visitors Approval
- Volunteers with Safe Visitors Approvals that expire in a month will not be given their badges and will have to show that approval every time they volunteer until it's renewed
🥳 MIT 2024-2025 Events Sneek Peek
Throughout the school year there are many MIT events, powered by you, the MIT community.
Students + Volunteers = Success! We can't do it without you!
Here is a list of major MIT events expected in the 2024-2025 school year (list is not final)
🐻 Bear Wear
Show your spirit!
Bear Wear - Be There!
- Bear wear store open for business!
- Deadline for Orders: Sunday, October 6, 2024 (11:59 PM PDT)
- Orders will be delivered to your student's classroom 2-3 weeks after store closes
- Go Bears!
🏫 MIT General Meeting Schedule
MIT General Meetings will be held on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm for the 2024-2025 school year.
The first MIT General Meeting of the year is 9/25, 6:30PM
After the first instance meetings will be on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30PM unless otherwise communicated.
Meetings are held in the school and the whole MIT community is welcome!
After MIT General Meetings join us for community and conversation at our community night out, this is at a different restaurant each time - suggestions welcome.
🧠 Madrona Tips & Tidbits
Lost & Found 🧥
- The best way to ensure that your students items return home is to label them clearly with their name. This includes clothing, lunchboxes, water bottles, and any other items they may bring from home.
- If your student has lost an item check the lost and found located in the entryway between the courtyard and cafeteria
- Items in lost and found are donated twice a year:
- Before winter break
- At the end of the school year
Share Your Tips & Tidbits
❓ Poll of the Week
What's your favorite fall activity?
💰 Don't Leave Money on the Table
Employer volunteer hours match
Many do including Microsoft, Boing, Sales Force, and Verizon, does yours? If you don't know ask your HR to find out!
If your company does match for volunteer hours don't leave that money on the table! Log your hours and be sure to choose either Madrona school in Edmonds, or Madrona Integrated Teams, depending on the program.
There are so many volunteer opportunities over the next couple weeks, and throughout the schoolyear, help Madrona by doubling your impact by having your employer match your hours!
🍽️ School Meal Application
If you need to check on your application status or have questions regarding your eligibility, call the Food & Nutrition Department at 425-431-7078.
⭐ More from MIT
Contribute to This Newsletter
Do you have an article you’d like included in our weekly email? Please email your blurb to Beth at MITCommCoordinator@gmail.com by Friday at noon to be included the edition going out that Sunday. Please include if you’d like the article to run for multiple weeks.
Help Us Improve This Newsletter
Email us with feedback and suggestions
- What do you like
- What could improve
- Suggest a theme
- Suggest a poll
- Any other feedback or suggestions
Interpretation for families is available through the school district for MIT events.
To request ASL interpretation, email aslrequests@edmonds.wednet.edu
To request other language interpretation, call or email Kelly Carlson at carlsonka@edmonds.wednet.edu | 425-431-2900
* Families that need interpretation must register in advance: We need 7 days to schedule interpreters for events.
* Familias que necesitan interpretación deben registrarse con anticipación: Necesitamos 7 días para programar intérpretes para los eventos.
*통역이 필요한 가족들은 미리 등록을 해야 합니다: 행사를 위한 통역관을 준비하는데3일이필요합니다.
* Các gia đình cần thông dịch phải đăng ký trước: Chúng tôi cần 7 ngày để sắp xếp thông dịch viên cho các sự kiện.
* Семьи, которые нуждаются в переводчике должны зарегистрироваться заранее: нам необходимо 7 дополнительных дня, чтобы заказать переводчика для мероприятия.
بالنسبة للعائلات التي بحاجة إلى مترجم يجب عليهم أن يسجلوا مسبقاً: نحن بحاجة إلى 7 أيام لتأمين جدول مواعيد للمترجمين لهذه الأحداث*
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