Gator Bites
August 22, 2024
Principal's Corner
We enjoyed our time with middle school parents last night at their Back to School Night with middle school staff. We are delighted to have our elementary parents (K-5) join us tonight as we discuss our Gator Nation and meet our teachers. Please start in the gym at 5:30 pm and overflow parking will be at Extra Space Storage (don’t park in the spots by their office which are reserved for their customers). We are so grateful for remarkable parents and all the support you give to your students by partnering with us in their education. We are blessed to have such amazing students at our school.
Congratulations to all our carpool drivers!! We are getting better and better each day. We are working with the City of Littleton on additional places for drop off and pick up and we will share these locations with you in a separate email. Meanwhile, we will start the “tardy robocalls” next week for morning tardies. They go out automatically if your student is not in their classroom by 8:10am, just FYI! We are so happy our afternoon South Pick Up is going well and parents really like it. Please remember our driveway is a “no phone zone” and end all calls when you enter our lot. Everyone’s safety is our top priority. If you are walking to or from school, please use the crosswalks on Mineral or on West Campus Drive to access our property. DO NOT jaywalk across Southpark Way. Mornings are especially busy with both our school and the daycare parents arriving for the day. You may have noticed the Littleton Police around our property today. They were patrolling for illegal left-hand turns into our driveway and also speeding on Mineral. The City and LPD are trying to be responsive to school-zones and we appreciate their added vigilance.
Our middle school will have their first dance of the year on Friday! We thank LASA for sponsoring the first dance each year. It’s a fun tradition and gets our kids excited for middle school activities. A BIG thank you to the parents who will be here to help chaperone the dance. We couldn’t do it without you.
It’s been a great first week of school and I am looking forward to an amazing year. Go Gators.
Upcoming Events
Western Welcome Week
Mrs. DenBraber, Mrs. Ashcraft, Mrs. Baxter, Mrs. Graziano and fifth grader Barbara G represented Littleton Academy this past weekend in the Western Welcome Week parade. Way to go Gators!
Summer Challenge - Turn it in!
Dear LA Families,
I am tremendously excited to hear about your amazing summer adventures and how you integrated them into our Summer Reading Challenge. Please bring your completed work and game boards to Mrs. Graziano by no later than September 5, 2024. We will be hosting a celebratory breakfast for those who participated in our Summer Reading Program and their families. Further details about the date will be provided soon. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Graziano at egraziano@lps.k12.co.us.
Accelerated Reader
Did you know your student in 1st-5th grade could earn an extra Dress of Choice day every month through our AR program? What is AR? Click here to read more about our AR program or read the flyer from your child's homeroom teacher.
Students in 2nd-6th grades that earned their AR goal last May will receive the first AR dress of choice on Tuesday, September 3rd. Their certificates will come home today so they will know if they made it. Students in 1st-5th grades can start earning points towards their September goal now! Please use this link to access our school's personal website for Accelerated Reader and students use their Google credentials to log in. The deadline for earning September points is Saturday, September 30th. If you have any questions, please let me know by email, acox@lps.k12.co.us.
Happy reading!
Ms. Cox
Volunteering at Littleton Academy
At Littleton Academy, we ask for 20 volunteer hours per family per year. This can take many forms from being on a board, helping at lunch or donating items for events. If you are volunteering in the building, we need you to complete a background check through Littleton Public Schools. Once you have completed the background check, we will print a badge that you will wear when volunteering in the building during school hours. If you already have an account, you do not need to do anything until you receive an email letting you know that you need to renew your application.
Please use the following link to set up you account: LPS Volunteers
8th Grade Trip
Join us on Wednesday August 28th at 5pm in the multi purpose room (Lunch room) for a meeting about the D.C., Gettysburg and Philadelphia 2025 trip for the 8th grade class. Please enter through the courtyard/ gym entrance doors.
Below is a registration link and more information on the trip. Parents and students are welcome to attend. We look forward to seeing you!
Safety Update
We wanted to provide you with the information and resources that have been shared with students and staff. We had our first fire drill last week and it went very smoothly. Fire drills will happen once a month throughout the year and we will have two lockdown drills this year. Our first lockdown drill is coming this month and the second will be in January. We let all of our students and teachers know when drills are coming as they are for practice. The following videos have been shown to students so they are aware of the protocols before the drills take place.
- The Standard Response Protocol
- The Standard Response Protocol video (Middle and High School students)
- Safety Awareness for K–5 Students video (Elementary Students)
Chess Club
August 23, 2024
6:00-8:00pm 6th Grade | 6:00-8:30pm 7th & 8th Grade
Middle school students join your friends for food, music, and fun in the LA Courtyard!
Ticket Prices are: $10 by 8/22 and $15 on 8/23 at the door
All students need to turn in a permission slip.
Please note that all phones will be checked in at the beginning of the dance and checked out at the end. The dance is for LA students only and no guests are permitted. Each student will need to be checked in and out.
Volunteers are needed to donate snacks and/or help with the dance!