Weekly Email
Positives Loud
I know a few of you have had to deal with parents complaining about the changes we have made due to COVID. They don't always see everything that is going on that YOU are doing that is amazing. The public doesn't always understand we are following the guidelines that "experts" are making. We are all doing the best we can. Let's make the positives LOUD.
Compliance Courses
Here are the courses you have to take.
- Seizure Training (2 credits)
- Compliance Courses (1 credit)
- Parent & Family Engagement Policy Training (.5 credit)
- Working with Student of Trauma (1 credit)
- 504 training (1 credit)
- Go to Eduhero and complete Food Allergies under My plans (1 credit)
- Complete the COVID course (2 credits)
Total 8.5
Shield vs Mask
DESK Supplies
Don't forget our amazing ladies who are happy to help make copies, etc. Place them in the box in the teacher's work room.
Teacher Daily Schedule
Fire Drill
San Angelo Schools Foundation
Cards in your box. You may give them to Erika when you are ready.
Here is a short video to watch:
Over $50,000 was collected throughout this last school year for our Grants to Teachers and Scholarship funds through SAISD employee donations alone! We cannot do what we do for SAISD students and teachers without your support and the support of your staff.
The Grants to Teachers application opens on Wednesday, August 12th and closes at midnight on Wednesday, September 23rd
In addition to innovative, out-of-the-box grant applications that enhance student learning, we will also be considering grants that address the specific needs of your campus due to new learning platforms and safety protocols associated with COVID 19.
Grants to Teachers application categories:
Individual Teacher – up to $500 – includes all certified teachers and SAISD related services (speech path, VI, etc.)
Grade Level/Dept – up to $1500 – must list all teachers included in the grant application; each staff member can only be associated with ONE grant application
Instructional Coach/Counselor/Librarian (or library aide where applicable)/At-Risk Coordinator – up to $1500
All Campus – up to $2500 – must be submitted by campus principal or AP
PLEASE read all grant application instructions carefully to ensure your application is not disqualified
DO NOT include any identifying information (campus, name, etc.) except where specifically requested
Make sure you are only associated with ONE grant application
Include an ITEMIZED list in excel (make sure the total on itemized excel list matches the amount you request on the application; do not include identifying info in your file name!)
We will place in your boxes today!
Donor cards are due to your campus secretary by noon on Friday, September 4th
Donations can be made by check (made out to SASF), cash, PayPal (the QR code at the bottom of the donor card will direct you to our PayPal link), or through a one-time or monthly payroll deduction - checks can be postdated to September 23rd
$5 is the minimum donation
Donations can be made to either Grants to Teachers or Scholarships or both
If donating to both funds, there is a $5 minimum to each fund
ALL staff donating at least $5 to either fund by the Sept. 4th deadline will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win one of two $250 Amazon gift cards to be used
Hospitality Dues
Certified staff will contribute $25.00 and all support staff and split-campus employees will pay $12.50. Erika will collect the dues. Please pay by September 24th.
Text @goliadsta to 81010
Goliad Elementary
Email: shannon.klepac@saisd.org
Location: 120 East 39th Street, San Angelo, TX, USA
Phone: (325) 659 - 3660