Mountainside Weekly MAV EXPRESS
December 2, 2024
I hope everyone had a wonderful and restful Fall break. As we move into the final weeks before winter break and the end of the first semester, let's continue to encourage students to finish the semester strong.
Monday, 12/2:Odd Day
Tuesday, 12/3: Even Day, Extended 3/Advisory
Wednesday, 12/4: Odd Day
Thursday, 12/5: Even Day, Extended 5/6
Friday, 12/6: Odd Day
ParentSquare The Beaverton School District uses the ParentSquare platform for district, school and teacher communications, primarily with email, text and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent/guardian, using their preferred email address and phone number. Download the app or log into the ParentSquare web portal.
MHS Is a Closed Campus. Leaving school property without permission is not permitted. Additionally, students are not permitted to accept/receive orders from DoorDash, Uber Eats, Grub Hub, etc. during the day.
Todos están bienvenidos para celebrar un Noche Latina aquí en Mountainside el jueves 5 de Diciembre a las 6:30PM. ¡Este evento es para toda la familia! Se ofrecerá cena y habrá actividades para niños. Es una buena oportunidad para conectarse con la escuela y con otras familias hispanas de la comunidad de Mountainside. !Los esperamos!
Everyone is welcome to celebrate Noche Latina here at Mountainside on Thursday, December 5th at 6:30PM! This event is for the whole family! Dinner will be provided and there will be activities for children. It is a great opportunity to connect with the school and other Hispanic families in the Mountainside community. We look forward to seeing you!
Dear Parent/Guardians of MHS 11th Grade Students:
Our school is participating in the Student Health Survey (SHS), a survey sponsored by the Oregon Health Authority Public Health Division and the Oregon Department of Education. The survey asks about health risk behaviors of students in grades 6, 8 and 11. The survey will be conducted online in Junior Advisory classrooms on Thursday, 12/12/24 and includes questions about:
Student health and safety
Student mental and behavioral health
School climate and culture, and risk and protective factors
Taking the Student Health Survey poses minimal risk to your child, who may feel embarrassed or uncomfortable answering some of the questions. Survey procedures have been designed to protect your child's privacy and allow for anonymous participation. If your child is not comfortable answering a question, they can leave it blank. While we encourage all students to participate, the decision to participate is voluntary. You may opt to request a refusal for your child’s participation. Your child will have the chance to refuse at the time of the survey. There will be no action against you or your child if your child does not participate.
If you do not wish your child to take this survey, please email your child’s Advisory teacher. You need only contact the school if you do not wish your child to participate or have any questions.
Please see below for more information. You can review the survey document in the main office or at Beaverton School District website under Annual Survey before the survey date. The survey is also available on the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) Public Health Student Health Survey website for you to review before the survey date.
If you have other specific questions about the survey, please feel free to call Emily O'Quinn at (503) 356-3500.
Q. What is the goal of the Student Health Survey?
A. The Student Health Survey (SHS) is a collaborative effort with the Oregon Department of Education to improve the health and well-being of all Oregon students. Good health is an essential educational tool. No curriculum can overcome a hungry stomach or distracted mind. Trauma, hunger, mental health challenges, bullying and lack of access to medical care make it difficult for Oregon youth to reach their full potential. Research shows that healthy students earn higher grades and test scores. They are also less likely to skip school, drop out or engage in risky behaviors. The Student Health Survey is the only source of statewide data that gives a snapshot of how students are doing physically, emotionally and socially to guide public health policy decisions.
Q: Will anyone know my child’s answers?
A.: No. Your child’s privacy (and yours) are protected. The SHS is an anonymous and confidential survey. It does not ask for any identifying information, and it is not possible to link survey responses to a particular student, parent or family.
Q: How can I see the questions you’re asking?
A: A copy of the questionnaires are available on the SHS website or at the school’s front office.
There are different questionnaires for 6th, 8th and 11th grade that contain age-appropriate questions. The SHS asks about topics that directly impact students’ health and well-being, including:
Support at school
Positive youth development
Emerging public health issues, such as climate change and social media use
Food insecurity, nutrition and exercise
Physical, emotional and mental health
Injury prevention
Sexual health relating to preventing unintended pregnancies and STIs
Substance use (e-cigarettes, tobacco, alcohol, marijuana and prescription drugs)
Demographics, including race, ethnicity and sexual and gender identity
Q: Does asking these questions encourage the behavior/put kids at risk?
A. No. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that there is no evidence that asking students about health risk behaviors encourages that behavior. Some of the questions may be considered sensitive. Questions are age-appropriate and presented in a straightforward and sensitive manner. Students can choose not to answer any question that may make them uncomfortable.
Q. What if I don’t want my child to participate?
A. We respect parents’ decisions and have made it easy to opt your child out of the survey. Contact your student’s Advisory teacher if you wish them to opt out. The school will make sure your child does not take the survey.
The library is seeing an increase in requests for loaner Chromebooks because students have forgotten to bring them from home. This is followed with a failure to return loaned Chromebooks to the school library at the end of the day. Our loaner Chromebooks are primarily for students who need their current Chromebook repaired, leaving a very limited amount of Chromebooks to loan to students who “forgot” their Chromebook at home.
Please encourage your student to bring a charged Chromebook every day. Please know we also have a Chromebook charging kiosk in the library for students who need to charge their devices during the day. We appreciate your help with ensuring students are prepared for school!
Since our last newsletter, we have received donations that have bumped us to 71% of our fundraising goal for easels for the MHS Art Department! Tabletop easels would allow painting and drawing students at Mountainside to work upright, see their work clearly and reach their full potential as artists. The easels are easy to store and transport, so they can be used in multiple classrooms.
Please consider donating - any amount helps! Just click on this link to make a donation. Share the challenge with your co-workers, friends and family!
Weekly Challenge: If you pulled a Holiday Sharing tag return it to Mr. Reinholt’s office room 163!
Event of the Week: Thursday December 6th- Girls Basketball vs. Liberty @6pm (Theme: Neon)
Announcement 1: U.N.I.T.Y Week Recap!
Hey MAVS! U.N.I.T.Y Week has just wrapped up, and it was amazing! The hype and support you showed for our guest speaker Brandon Farbstein at our Unity Assembly were great! Thank you for actively participating in the Number Neighbors game and our daily actions throughout the week. We hope you enjoyed the small treats in the SHUBOX after school and that you have a good break! Go, MAVS!
Announcement 2: Holiday Sharing-Gifts are due next Wed., December 11th.
The annual Holiday Sharing at Mountainside High School is back! Each winter season, students in Mountainside’s local feeder schools are in need of additional items. With ALL of our feeder schools and MHS participating this year, we really need at least half our student body to pull a tag and donate!
In the MHS commons, pick up a tag in the winter forest. These tags will have all the information you need to purchase a gift! You must write your information on the sign-up sheet to the left of the trees. Once you have purchased the gift, tape the tag onto the unwrapped gift and deliver it to Mr. Reinholt’s Office in room 163. If you grab multiple tags please have them in separate bags. Donating can earn a service hour! (1 service hour total, regardless of gift amount/# of gifts purchased.) We also are having a grade level competition where the grade level with the most donated gifts will receive 300 spirit points, followed by second with 200, then third with 100, and fourth with 50. If you are unable to grab a tag but still would like to participate there is a donation link below. Thank you!
To donate click here: Mountainside Holiday Sharing Donation Link
Announcement 3: Winter Wishes Dance-Tagline Final Voting Form
We would love your vote so we can plan our dance posters and tickets! Using the feedback that you gave us during Advisory for taglines for our 2025 Winter Wishes dance, we have narrowed down your ideas to the top 5 taglines. Please vote here on your top choice of tagline for our Winter Formal which will be on Feb. 22nd!
Announcement 4: Staff Dares Ideas for Make-a-Wish
Hey Mavs! We are getting ready for the Stuff the Stables and Make-a-Wish where we do Staff Dares to help raise money to grant another child’s wish. We are figuring out what these Staff Dares will be, so we want your help! If you have any ideas for a fun dare you want to see staff members to do, please enter it in this Google form. Thank you, Mavs!
Monte’s CafeJust a friendly reminder, Monte’s Cafe is open every morning from 8:00 to 8:40. Stop by and get your favorite morning beverage. We have coffee, Red Bull, and much more. Monte's is located on the 2nd floor in the business wing.
Hey Mavs! Yearbook needs your help gathering some content. Please answer as many surveys as you can and include photos when that's requested. We do our best to cover as many students in the yearbook as possible, and this only happens when we hear from our students. Thank you!
- Concerts: Are you a concertgoer? We'd love to hear what shows you've been to and see pictures you've taken. Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/daAj8pPBf8EPWuJy9 to participate.
- Grade-Level Spotlights: This year, students from each grade level will be featured in the school portrait sections of the book. We're looking for students with interesting hobbies, stories, or that participate in a non-MHS sponsored sport or activity. We want to feature a diverse group, so please consider responding if this sounds like you.
- 9th grade: https://forms.gle/x5QTr8sKjzXUY6Ao6
- 10th grade: https://forms.gle/oWUhTTe4GLVy11xx9
- 11th grade: https://forms.gle/uUW1wE6MwduoyR3t8
Spirit Week Ideas Form!
Hey Mavs! We would love to hear any ideas that you have for spirit weeks this year! We want to make sure we get the student bodies feedback and get a list of the schools most wanted spirit day themes! Fill out the form below!
Spirit Week Day Ideas!
Make sure to thank Mr. Denham and Mrs. Hicks for doing our free photo booth! You can view and then download your pics by clicking here!
Student Spotlights Wanted!!
Nominate your friends and peers to get them posted on the MHS Instagram! We are looking for exceptional students who show off their skills inside and outside the classroom. Please fill this out to nominate someone to get Student Spotlight of the Week!!
Lunchtime Song Suggestion Form
Please enter any songs you want to be played during lunches!
Mountainside Winter Market Needs Volunteers!
The event is THIS Saturday December 7th. MPACT needs:
- 10 volunteers from 7a-10a to assist vendors with unloading their cars and directing them to their booth.
- 10 volunteers from 4p-6p to help vendors load up and move out.
Interested students email Cindi Gauthier directly at mpact.giving@gmail.com
When you do Community Service activities such as Wednesday Service Hours, MHS Drives, or volunteering at places such as elementary school carnivals, you must record your hours (directions below). Please see the below information on how to document your completed Community Service activities.
The google form is located in CANVAS, on the MHS Students Course page.
See; Key Links for this Course; Community Service Information Link.
The link to the google form is located here as well:
Link to Community Service Reflection Form- link to Google Form
Go to your Class of ____ page on Canvas and then go to GRADES.
Plan ahead - ALL students must be approved through the new Raptor Volunteer system. If students are in need of service hours and want to volunteer in any Beaverton schools, they must complete this 5 minute application: Volunteer Application
Helpful Reminder - Please know that all students must self-report their completed community service activities in order to receive school credit. Please use the online Google Community Service Reflection form located on the MHS Students Canvas Course Page.
For Example: You might sign up for a volunteer activity at an BSD Elementary School Fair, or a BSD Middle School Carnival by providing your name and student ID. This information is for that school's event coordinator. It is important for students to know that you still need to submit an MHS ~ online Google Community Service Reflection form in order to have the hours and activity applied to your MHS school record. Thank you and keep up the good work!
Go to your Class of ____ page on Canvas and then go to GRADES.
Check out the flyer below for more details on this event you do not want to miss!
12th grade students and their families are invited to join us on Thursday, 12/5/24 from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM for a FAFSA Completion Night Event. This event will be led by a financial aid officer from George Fox University with support from the MHS College and Career Readiness Team. Families who attend this event will receive support in creating their FAFSA account and/or working on their FAFSA form. This event will be held in our school's Lecture Hall and Chromebooks will be provided for families to use during the event. Please note: this event is only for 12th grade students and their families, because only graduating seniors can complete the FAFSA form. We hope to see you there!
There are many post-high school educational options that students may choose to pursue, and the process of paying for those options can be complex. Our College and Career Readiness Counselor created a newsletter designed to help families learn about the resources available to help students pay for the various post-high school educational options, including financial aid and scholarships. This information can be helpful for all families and is especially designed to support 12th grade families who may be preparing to complete the FAFSA/ORSAA forms this winter. See below for a link to this informational newsletter and Go Mavs!
Link to newsletter: https://secure.smore.com/n/5p7kfx
The Class of 2025 Newsletter is live! You can find a recap of the senior meeting, information about Grad Night and details about ordering Graduation regalia from Jostens. Click the big button below to access the newsletter.
The 2025 yearbook is now on sale for $55. Buy yours in person with the bookkeeper or via BSD online payment systems. If you want to personalize your yearbook (add name, icons) and/or buy yearbook accessories, you need to fill out this form. Books are pre selling fast, so buy one now before it's too late!
Thank you for your support at our BINGO NIGHT. We had an awesome turnout of 70 people! Scroll down and stay tuned for more fun FUNDraisers coming your way!
Dine Out @ Red Robin
Raise some money for Grad Night by dining out at the Washington Square Red Robin. Visit them in person and show the flier to your server and then 20% of sales will be donated back to Grad Night. You can also order online at RedRobin.com or using their mobile app and adding “Fundraisers (to-go only)” to your cart before you check out.
Date: Wednesday, December 11
Location: Red Robin 10100 SW WASHINGTON SQUARE RD. PORTLAND OR 97223
Flier: https://www.mountainsidepact.org/dine-out?lightbox=dataItem-lzw5b776__item-m19atf8a
Interested in volunteering? We could always use an extra hand! Unable to volunteer but still want to help pull off the Best. Night. Ever?! Donate to the cause! No amount is too little or too big but everything is SO VERY appreciated. We are also seeking corporate sponsorship to help make this event the BEST EVER.
For more information, visit: https://www.mountainsidepact.org/grad
Grad Night Tickets
Grad Night tickets are on sale now. All graduating seniors from Mountainside High School are invited to participate in this alcohol-free and drug-free party presented by MHS parents and volunteers. You will not want to miss the Best. Night. Ever! Get tickets now for just $65. Confidential scholarships are available - Reach out to your counselor to receive a special code.
For more information or to get your tickets, visit: www.mountainsidepact.org/grad
Senior Photos & Quotes
Senior photos and quotes are due on Friday, December 20th, 2024. No exceptions. Class of 2025, in sticking with tradition, seniors are invited to submit a senior photo and a quote to be featured in this year’s yearbook. The photo does not have to be professionally taken and two quotes can be submitted for approval. Submit your senior photo and quotes here: https://tinyurl.com/PhotosQuotes2025
Please follow these photo and quote requirements:
Vertical portrait. No angled photos.
Head And shoulders only no horizontal poses.
Front-facing photos only.
Color only.
No selfies or photos pulled from social media accounts with obvious filters. We will not use these if they are submitted.
Indoor or outdoor background is okay.
Props are okay as long as the face is visible.
It is not required that a professional takes the photo, but the resolution of the photo needs to be at least 300 dpi (8000x8000 pixels MAX).
Make sure the photo is not blurry.
Make sure the photo is bright enough to clearly see your face.
Senior Quote Requirements:
- No inappropriate language or references.
- No emojis.
- No social media handles.
- Please submit two quotes just in case the first one doesn't fit our requirements.
Senior photos and quotes are due on Friday, December 20th, 2024. No exceptions.
Senior Ads
Senior ads are a great way to recognize your Class of 2024 senior! Ads usually feature a variety of photos and a congratulatory message. Starting in the fall, these can be purchased at www.jostensyearbooks.com
Senior ads prices:
⅛ page: $35
¼ page: $45
½ page: $60
1 full-page: $85
Senior ads sales will close on Friday, December 20th, 2024 at midnight. No exceptions.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mountainside’s Yearbook Advisor: kathryn_noah@beaverton.k12.or.us
Or, contact us on our Instagram or email:
Email: mhsmavsyearbook@gmail.com
Instagram: @mountainsideyearbook
MPACT (Mountainside Parent And Community Team)
Winter Market
Our annual Winter Market is quickly approaching! Kick off your holiday shopping at the Mountainside Winter Market and shop local artisan and pop-up vendors. Look for us on social media for vendor sneak peek and the latest information.
Date: Saturday, December 7th, 10am - 4pm
Location: Mountainside High School
Follow the Winter Market Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551185402296
Follow the Winter Market Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/mountainsidewintermarket/
Snack Drive **Extended**
We could still use a little more help filling the cupboards with snacks so we’ve extended our snack drive until Winter Break. If you’re able to, please consider donating. Our Amazon Wish List is linked below. Feel free to order directly from there and have it delivered to Mountainside, or you can do the shopping yourself and drop it off in the Main Office. Thank you for your help!
Date: Now through December 20th
Location: Mountainside main office
Amazon wish list: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/C5FQ63DLLQBI?ref_=wl_share
Help Needed for Recycling Event
MPACT is looking for someone to lead our yearly Recycling Event. This is an important fundraiser we hold each year in April. Are you able or interested in leading this event for us? Reach out and we can share more information and connect you with the right people. Thanks!
Email: MPACT.Giving@gmail.com
Join the MPACT Board
Mountainside's Parent and Community Team is recruiting for open Board positions. Take on a leadership role or shadow someone to take over the position next year. Whether you like to plan events or keep track of the budget, we have an opportunity for you! Email us for more information.
- Email: mpact.president@gmail.com
MPACT is Mountainside’s Parent Teacher Organization, serving to enhance the Mountainside student learning experience, support school staff, and build community connections. MPACT’s work extends beyond the school budget to fulfill grant requests, award senior scholarships, promote staff appreciation, support student-centered programming, coordinate volunteerism, and much more! We need all the help we can get! Read on for more details on how to get involved.
MPACT General Meetings 2024-2025
MPACT holds bi-monthly General Meetings that offer a great opportunity to hear from the principal, ask questions, and get involved with the school community. For more information on meeting dates and times, follow us on Facebook or watch for updates in the Mav Express!
Make Your iMPACT!
VOLUNTEER: All new and existing volunteers must apply and consent to an Oregon criminal records check through Raptor, the new volunteer management system used by the Beaverton School District. For more information and to get the process started, visit this link: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/ODkwNTplbi1VUw==
DONATE: Your generous support helps to fund scholarships, activities, educational resources, enrichment opportunities, and more! MPACT is a registered charitable organization; donation tax receipts are available.
For PayPal and Square links, visit: https://www.mountainsidepact.org/write-a-check
In Person or By Mail: Write a check payable to “MPACT” and drop off at the office or mail to: MPACT, 12500 SW 175th Ave, Beaverton, OR 97007
Check with your employer! Some companies offer things like donations through payroll or match funds for donations or volunteer hours. For questions, contact: treasurer@mountainsidepact.org
SHOP: Make a purchase with purpose that gives back to MPACT!
MOUNTAINSIDE MERCHANDISE/SPIRIT STORE: Show your Mountainside pride with Mountainside Mavericks spirit gear! Visit our online store at: https://mountainside-merchandise.square.site/s/shop
DINING OUT! Throughout the year, MPACT partners with local restaurants for a delicious way to fundraise. Watch for announcements in the Maverick Express or visit our website for details: https://www.mountainsidepact.org/dine-out
Ways to Connect!
Website: https://www.mountainsidepact.org/
Facebook: Mountainside PACT
Instagram: mountainside_mpact
Mail: 12500 SW 175th Avenue, Beaverton, OR 97007
When we experience inclement weather, school schedules can be affected — either by a delayed start, early release or school cancellation. The district makes decisions based on the ability of:
The district to operate school buses safely.
Students and parents/guardians to drive safely.
Students to walk to schools or bus stops safely.
Staff to get to work safely.
Decisions are made for the entire district. However, we encourage families to make transportation and attendance decisions for their children based on their own assessment of travel conditions at their locations.
School delays or closures are typically communicated by 5:30 a.m. For the latest information:
Check the district website. A page pop-up will be posted if there’s a change in school operations. You also can find inclement weather protocols and snow routes online.
Look for a notification on ParentSquare.
Follow us on the district’s Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Tune into media outlets for updates.
Thank you for your cooperation.
As we enter October, I want to review how students and parents might address questions or concerns with teachers, coaches, or advisors. Our district does have a protocol that allows teachers and coaches to respond to concerns first and enables them to clarify any misunderstandings or problems.
Steps to take:
- Please have your student address their concerns with the teacher/coach first. Our goal is for MHS students to become advocates for their education and experience. This is especially true of our juniors and seniors.
- If your student's concerns are not addressed how you would like, then we would ask the parent to contact the teacher/coach to discuss those concerns with the student/player.
- In most cases, the questions/concerns are handled at this point. If those concerns are not addressed, contacting the department administrator or Athletic Director, Bryan Sorenson is appropriate.
- Principal Natalie Labossiere - Athletics, Activities, Counseling, Social Worker, Visual Arts, IB/MYP Coordinator
- Assistant Principal Colby Neal – CTE, Social Studies, PE/Health, Resource, SLPs, School Psych
- Assistant Principal Juan Carlos Gomez - Math, Science, Performing Arts, ELL
- Assistant Principal Rebecca Bair - Specialized Programs, World Language, Language Arts, Success Seminar
If you have any further questions or need clarification on any of this information, please don't hesitate to call the main office at 503-356-3500. We're here to help.
To report your student absent or tardy, please contact the attendance secretary by calling 503.356.3508 or emailing stephanie_marr@beaverton.k12.or.us. The online contact form on the MHS website is no longer accepted for reporting/excusing absences or tardies. For more information, please visit the Attendance page on the MHS website here. Parents/Guardians have 48 hours to excuse tardies and absences.
Attendance Helpful Hints
Checking a student out of school? Here are some tips to make it easy!
- Call or email attendance early in the day we will write a pass for your student to leave at the designated time.
- Students may pick up their pass before school, during passing periods or during lunch.
If students have any of the following classes, they often wander the school working on projects and are difficult to locate. Please call ahead so we can make sure they are excused at the right time!
- Digital Filmmaking
- Intro to Digital Filmmaking
- Photography
- If your student is being dismissed during a PE period, it can be difficult to locate them in a timely matter as they can be in different locations during the class period. Please call ahead, if possible!
REMEMBER! Students do not have access to their phones during class time, so calling/texting them will not help find them. Making sure they have a pass ahead of time will ensure they leave on time!
- Attendance Phone: (503) 356-3508
- Attendance Email: stephanie_marr@beaverton.k12.or.us
Traffic during the beginning of a school year can be very busy as new parents and new student drivers learn our system. PLEASE BE PATIENT with one another. You can help by leaving the house early and following the directions below:
Adults who wish to drop off students in the morning, or pick students up in the afternoon, are asked to do so using the student parking lot entrance off of 175th Ave. Please stay in the outside lane as your car comes toward the school and continue to pull forward until you reach the drop-off area located by the exit doors of the auditorium. Pulling all the way forward is critical as those who stop and drop off short of the zone end up causing backups behind their car. This creates a safety hazard, as other cars will be coming in from the light and won't have a place to go. Within the first 100 yards of the entrance to the lot, there is a red curb fire lane. There is no stopping or parking in this zone. If cars are backed up to that area, please pull around and circle back through the parking lot. Reminder, this is the STUDENT PARKING lot. PLEASE DRIVE SLOW AND BE CAUTIOUS.
PLEASE DO NOT USE THE STAFF LOT for pick-up or drop-off. The Staff Lot is reserved for Staff and for school buses.
We appreciate your assistance in keeping our parking lot safe for our students and community.
MONDAY, 12/9: Staff Development DAY - NO SCHOOL
TUESDAY, 12/17 - WEDNESDAY, 12/18: Yuletide at Mountainside 7pm
FRIDAY, 12/20: Principal's Coffee (Virtual), 8:30 am
MONDAY, 12/23 - FRIDAY, 1/3 - Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
Mountainside High School
Website: beaverton.k12.or.us/schools/mountainside
Location: 12500 SW 175th Ave, Beaverton, OR, United States
Phone: 503-356-3500
Facebook: facebook.com/mountainsidehs
Twitter: @mountainsidehs
A – BR/AVID: Andrew Witt
BU-GO: Mary Monahan
GR-K: Kimi Ito
L-N: Kainoa Sandberg
O- SL: Jacy Jukkala
SM - Z: David Nelson
College & Career: Emily O'Quinn
A - G: Colby Neal
H - N: Juan Carlos Gomez Giraldo
O - Z: Rebecca Bair