Monthly Newsletter
June 2024
School Counselors:
Phillip Cohen | Last names A-C | Phillip_Cohen@hcpss.org
Dana Meledick | Instructional Team Leader | Last names D-H | Dana_Meledick@hcpss.org
Erin O'Connor Rudman | Last names Me-Sb | Erin_Oconnor_Rudman@hcpss.org
Melissa Cheadle | Last names Ho-Md | Melissa_Cheadle@hcpss.org
Kelly Warner | Last names Sc-Z | Kelly_Warner@hcpss.org
Student Services Staff:
John Henderson | College and Career Readiness Counselor (CCR) | John_Henderson@hcpss.org
Kevin Lee | PPW | Kevin_Lee@hcpss.org
Amanda Ganoe I School Social Worker I Amanda_Ganoe@hcpss.org
Katrina Montgomery | Data Clerk | Katrina_Montgomery@hcpss.org
Jennifer Nelson | Registrar | Jennifer_Nelson@hcpss.org
Mike O'Shaughnessy | School Psychologist | Moshaughnessy@hcpss.org
Allison Sultan | Registrar | Allison_Sultan@hcpss.org
Anne Handy | Student Services Secretary | AHandy@hcpss.org
Mark Sturdivant I Black Student Achievement Program Liaison I Mark_Sturdivant@hcpss.org
Jessie Moore I Alternative Education I Jessie Moore@hcpss.org
Justin Riggin I Alternative Education I Justin_Riggin@hcpss.org
Important Dates
Information by Grade Level
🎓 Seniors
Congratulations to the graduating seniors on reaching this significant milestone in your lives. Remember, this is just the beginning. The world is full of opportunities, and you have the power to shape your future. We are confident that each of you has the potential to make a positive impact and achieve great things. As you step forward into this new chapter, know that you will always have a place at Atholton High School. Keep striving, dreaming, and reaching for the stars.
Many of the juniors have expressed interest in being a student assistant or having release time for work or HCC in their schedule for next year. We can now revise the schedule to include these opportunities. The forms are attached and are also available in Student Services. We will need the completed forms to change your schedule.
Aiding Form 24-25-1.pdfDownload Aiding Form 24-25-1.pdf
Jumpstart Release Time form 24-25.pdfDownload Jumpstart Release Time form 24-25.pdf
24-25 Work Based Learning Release Request Form FILLABLE.pdfDownload 24-25 Work Based Learning Release Request Form FILLABLE.pdf
Additionally, we will be meeting with all juniors through World History classes on May 30th-31st to review the next steps as you head into senior year. We will be sharing the presentation but please plan to attend one of these sessions if you do not take history at Atholton.
As a reminder, students need to complete the following tasks before the end of the school year.
- Turn in the 2024-2025 Waiver of Rights and Records Release Form (Pink Form)
- Counselor Information Form- "About Me" tab on the top right. "Surveys From your School".
- Ask Teacher (In-Person) to write letter of recommendation.
- Teacher Information Forms- "About Me" tab on the top right. "Surveys From your School".
HCPSS Summer Programs
2024 Summer Programs Registration is open!
Synergy online enrollment requests for currently enrolled HCPSS students is open for Innovative Pathways Summer High School, STARTALK Chinese Language Summer Camp, and Summer Math Scholars programs.
Families can find up-to-date course information and enrollment directions on the Summer Programs web page (https://www.hcpss.org/summer-programs/). Direct questions to the individual program office.
HCC JumpStart Information
HCC will be hosting Collaborative Hours during the Spring, and Summer dates are being added. In addition, HCC has updated their most recent advising hours and procedures. See below for details.
How to Access JumpStart Application & Registration Support:
How to Access Advising at Howard Community College:
Collaborative Hour & Other Upcoming Support Dates (updated regularly):
SAT Prep this summer
Affordable & Convenient Summer SAT & ACT Prep, College Essay Writing Workshops & Admissions Crash Courses in Partnership with Howard County High Schools
Both in-person and live, virtual, eight-hour summer college prep classes are being offered in partnership with Atholton, Centennial, Hammond, Howard, Marriotts Ridge, Mt. Hebron, Reservoir, and Wilde Lake High Schools and are open to students from all high schools.
Virtual ACT Prep: Sun., June 30 & Sun., July 7 from 9:30 am - 1:30 pm
SAT Prep at Atholton HS: M/W July 8 & 10 from 5 pm - 9 pm
College Essay Writing Workshop at Atholton HS: W/Th July 17 & 18 from 5 pm - 9 pm
These workshops are designed to affordably help students craft their Common App personal essay from idea generation, to outline, to the completion of a first draft.
Virtual College Admissions Crash Course: Aug. 5, 7, 12, 14 from 7 pm - 9 pm
Each college prep class is only $199,* or choose a College Prep Premium Bundle and save up to $300! AHS students can register for any Answer Class, at any location or online, – and 20% of tuition will be donated to AHS PTSA! Visit www.theanswerclass.com to view the full class schedule and to register your student.
Supporting Mental Health and Wellness
HCPSS promotes the mental health and wellness of each of our students to develop their unique strengths, abilities, and characteristics towards success and well-being. Staff consider the variety of factors that impact a student’s functioning such as age, cultural background, social emotional skills, academic outcomes, and access to resources.
Learn more about the HCPSS Model for Mental Health Supports in Schools
If you or someone you know is having suicidal or thoughts of self-harm, or has taken/ingested drugs or alcohol and is in danger of overdose:
- Call 911
- Call the 988 Suicide & Crisis Line
- Seek immediate help from a health care provider
Parents/guardians, family members or friends who are concerned about a child/student’s safety, well-being or health should reach out to their school administrator and/or student support team.
HCPSS provides substance abuse prevention and intervention services for any students in need, and specifically around tobacco, alcohol and other drugs.
HCPSS has student services teams in every school available to support the social-emotional wellbeing of children every school day. During times of increased stress caused by traumatic events occurring close to home or viewed on the news, there is an increase of required services. Our schools are equipped with the resources to support children during the school day, and we want to make sure parents and community members have resources to speak to children outside of school hours.
In addition to the Crisis Supports and Resources, parents/guardians and family members may find these resources helpful:
Psychological Services
School psychologists provide strategies and recommendations to assist with student interventions.
School Counseling
Counselors follow a set curriculum to help all students with their personal, social, and academic development.
School Culture and Climate
HCPSS has a strong commitment to teaching students, families, and staff about bullying prevention and providing students with a safe learning environment.
School Social Work
School social workers provide mental health services and facilitate connections between home, school, and community supports to promote students’ academic achievement.
SAT and ACT Test Dates and Information
College and Career Readiness Information:
May 28 CCR Student and Family Weekly
Upcoming Events:
For more information and links to register, visit our postsecondary Google calendar.
May 30 7pm CGN Presents The HBCU Experience
May 30 8pm Coalition App Presents Insider’s Guide to Visiting Colleges
May 30 8pm Columbia University, the University of Chicago, the University of Texas at Austin, the University of Michigan, and Yale University Info Session
June 2 4pm Coast to Coast- Dartmouth College, Northwestern University, Princeton University, University of California-Berkeley, and Vanderbilt University
June 4 4pm HCC/HCPSS Jump Start Collab Hour
June 4 6pm College Parents Matter: Empowering Parents: Strategies for Preventing and Addressing Substance Use in College
June 6 4pm Dept of Service and Civic Engagement- Personal Branding and Resume Workshop
College Guidance Network: The HBCU Experience
Join us for a discussion with NPR Host Ayesha Rascoe (HBCU Made: A Celebration of the Black College Experience), along with Co-authors Tim Fields and Shereem Herndon-Brown (The Black Family’s Guide to College Admission). If you are interested in attending an HBCU, this show is for you! We will take your questions live. May 30th at 7:30pm
Coalition App Presents: Visiting colleges can help you narrow down your college list, or help you to learn more about what you’re looking for. As you embark on this part of the college search, join us for this panel discussion with admissions counselors from Coalition Member schools to discover insider tips to maximize your college visit experience, whether in-person or virtually. Come with your questions and leave knowing what to do when visiting colleges. Featuring admissions counselors from: Binghamton University, Depauw University, Syracuse University and Trinity University. May 30 at 8m
Coalition App is running a series of workshops this summer to support students through the college search and application process. For a complete list of workshops click here.
Class of 2025 Application Support: The recording is available for our College Application and Transcript Process, March2Future Event that took place on May 22nd. For those who missed the event last week, the recording is linked here. Class of 2025 should bookmark the senior college folder and Class of 2025 Google Site.
College Parents Matter: Empowering Parents: Strategies for Preventing and Addressing Substance Use in College Presenters will outline the latest substance use research as it relates to college students, and discuss science-backed prevention and support strategies that are practical for parents to implement now, and in the future.Whether your student is still in high school or already attends college, it is important to understand the changing landscape of substance use among adolescents and young adults today. June 4 at 6pm
Volunteering is a great way to build confidence, leadership and teamwork AND build your resume. Check out our Enrichment Document that updates opportunities. For a sneak peak, check out the current options:
Local Volunteer Opportunities: Volunteers needed to support free, family-friendly, fun events at the Columbia Lakefront or at ColorBurst Park in the Merriweather District. All events are coordinated and supervised by either the Columbia Association or the event team at ColorBurst Park. Click here for a complete list of events. Email Cathy Smith at cathyvsmith@outlook.com if you are interested in volunteering for an event.
The HCPSS Black Student Achievement Program (BSAP) Summer Institute (SI) will be offered this Summer 2024. The program will begin on Monday, June 24, and go through Friday, July 19. For several years, Howard County Public Schools’ students entering grades 11 and 12, have volunteered to work to earn community service hours that are needed for graduation, to experience giving back to their community as well as connecting with and supporting student learning. The program will be held at both Cradlerock Elementary School (6700 Cradlerock Way, Columbia, 21045) for elementary K-4, and Lake Elkhorn Middle School (6680 Cradlerock Way, Columbia, 21045) for secondary 5-9. The schools are connected, and the programs will operate from 9:00am to 2:45pm. Volunteers may work from 8:30am to 11:30am, 12:30pm to 3:30pm or all day. Volunteers are free to choose the day(s) that they are available to volunteer. Interested students should complete the google form linked here.
The HCC Campus Garden is thrilled to announce summer volunteer hours. Join us to lend a hand, learn about gardening, and help nurture our campus garden into a thriving food oasis. All the food grown in our garden will be donated to the student pantry at the college, supporting students in need. Participating in gardening can be a valuable life skill. It teaches you responsibility, patience, and the satisfaction of growing your own food while giving back to others. Whether you're new to gardening or have experience, everyone is welcome to participate and contribute to this meaningful cause. Join us and gain valuable skills while making a difference in our community this summer! If you have any questions about the volunteer position, email Roxana at rsegoviabeltran@howardcc.edu.
Howard County Public Library Teen Sprouts: Agricultural and Life Skills Immersion Program: We are growing young climate and agricultural leaders! Teens ages 14-18, join Teen Sprouts: Agricultural and Life Skills Immersion Program at Howard County Library System's Miller Branch. Learn to grow and cook your own food while getting involved with your local community. Build life and job skills related to: sustainability, business, culinary arts and agriculture while making new friends. Learn about health, wellness & nutrition. Join on field trips to neighboring farms. Session starts June 5th Click here to join or email erica.coady@hclibrary.org with questions.
Volunteer Opportunities
Event Name: Columbia Association Juneteenth Celebration & Lakefront Live
Concert Date: Wednesday, June 19th, 2024 Event Time: 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Volunteer Arrival Time: 5:30pm
Volunteer Departure Time: 8:30pm
Location: Columbia Lakefront, just below Whole Foods; look for Volunteer Tent Location Address: 10275 Wincopin Circle, Columbia 21044
Parking Information: Parking is available in the lot to the LEFT of Whole Foods. Do not park in the Whole Foods parking lot.
Responsibilities: Greeters, support CA sustainability team, stage/entertainment support
What to wear: Event t-shirt provided; dress for the weather; comfortable shoes
Registration deadline: rolling, until registration is full Event Coordinator, phone, email: Cathy Smith, 410-302-4662, cathyvsmith@outlook.com
Event Name: Columbia Association July 4th Fireworks & Celebration
Date: Thursday, July 4th
Event Time: 6:00pm – 10:00pm
Volunteer Arrival Time: 2:45pm
Volunteer Departure Time: 10:30pm
Location: Columbia Lakefront, just below Whole Foods Location Address: 10275 Wincopin Circle, Columbia 21044
Parking Information: Volunteers will have reserved parking onsite. More information to come. Responsibilities: Greeters, support CA sustainability team, stage/entertainment support, other responsibilities as needed.
What to wear: Event t-shirt provided; dress for the weather; comfortable shoes.
Event Coordinator, phone, email: Cathy Smith, 410-302-4662, cathyvsmith@outlook.com Notes: This event is HUGE! It’s a great front row seat to the celebration and fireworks! If you enjoy volunteering, this is your event! Adult volunteers are welcome to register.
The Black Student Achievement Program (BSAP) Summer Institute (SI) will be offered this Summer 2024. The program will begin on Monday, June 24, and go through Friday, July 19, except for Wednesday, July 4, in honor of Independence Day.
For several years, Howard County Public Schools’ students entering grades 11 and 12, have volunteered to work to earn community service hours that are needed for graduation (75hours), to experience giving back to their community as well as connecting with and supporting student learning.
The program will be held at both Cradlerock Elementary School (6700 Cradlerock Way, Columbia, 21045) for elementary K-4, and Lake Elkhorn Middle School (6680 Cradlerock Way, Columbia, 21045) for secondary 5-9. The schools are connected, and the programs will operate from 9:00am to 2:45pm. Volunteers may work from 8:30am to 11:30am, 12:30pm to 3:30pm or all day. Volunteers are free to choose the day(s) that they are available to volunteer.
The BSAP program has come to know the value of committed volunteers and truly appreciates their presence. Transportation to and from the schools, and breakfast and lunch meals are the volunteer's responsibility. On the final day of the volunteer’s schedule, they will receive two copies of their completed and signed Community Service Validation form. One to give to their school counselor, and one to keep in their personal file.
To enhance the volunteer program, opportunities to demonstrate leadership will be provided, special snacks made available, and a Volunteer Appreciation Day (Wednesday, June 10) celebration will be held.
For students who are looking for a unique experience this summer, please have them complete the sign-up link below. Once they have filled out the requested information, they are enrolled in the program. Volunteers should plan to attend the Volunteer Orientation at Lake Elkhorn Middle School on Thursday, June 20, 10:00am to 1:00pm. The orientation will provide information regarding HCPSS policies and volunteers will select their assignments. A light continental breakfast will be provided.
For additional information, please contact harriet_beckhamlee@hcpss.org or on 410 313-7610 (Cradlerock Elementary School)
To enroll as a BSAP SI Volunteer https://forms.gle/Ut2y9csP59pqoxXR7
School Supplies
Planning a Summertime Move? Need to Update your Address?
If you have moved or are planning to move please let us know as soon as possible so that we can assist with updating your family's information.
For families moving out of Howard County: you will need to complete a withdrawal form and return it via email to the registrar. Once this form is received we will be able to put together a packet of information and necessary documents for you to bring to your child’s new school.
For families who are changing addresses within Howard County: after you have moved, please complete a Change of Address form and provide your new lease/deed and a utility bill so that we can update your address in our system. If your address change results in a change of school we will assist in transferring your child’s records to their new school.
If you have any questions please contact Allison Sultan, Registrar, at allison_sultan@hcpss.org or 410.313.7068.
Tutoring Opportunities
Atholton's Beyond School Hours (BSH) After-School Academic Support Program
There are support sessions available for the four main content areas in the media center from 3:00-5:00 PM.
· Students with IEPS: Homework club every Tuesday and Thursday
· Math Support: Every Tuesday and Thursday
· English, social studies and science are only on Thursday.
For more information, please contact Imani Hinson (Imani_Hinson@hcpss.org) or Emily DeFilippo (Emily_DeFilippo@hcpss.org)
Online Homework Assistance – Howard County Library
In addition to receiving guidance from HCLS staff, students (K-12) and college-age adults can connect with free tutors for assistance with math, reading, science, social studies, English/language arts, and writing. Both English and Spanish speaking tutors are available seven days a week from 2 pm until 11:55 pm.
HCEA Tutor List
As service to the community, the Howard County Education Association maintains a list of educators willing to tutor. If you are interested in hiring an HCPSS teacher to provide tutoring, please pick up a list of these tutors from the AHS Student Services office.
Canvas Observer Directions
Tips for a Fulfilling Summer
Tips for Students for a Fulfilling Summer
Summer break is here! While it's a time for relaxation and fun, it's also a great opportunity to grow, explore new interests, and prepare for the upcoming school year. Here are some tips to make the most of your summer
1. Set Personal Goals: Identify a few personal goals you'd like to achieve. Whether it's learning a new skill, reading a certain number of books, or improving your physical fitness, having goals can give you a sense of accomplishment.
2. Stay Academically Engaged: Keep your mind sharp by engaging in academic activities. Consider reading books on topics you enjoy, taking an online course, or working on a fun science project.
3. Volunteer and Give Back: Volunteering is a great way to spend your time. It helps you develop empathy, learn new skills, and give back to your community. Look for opportunities in local organizations, animal shelters, or community centers.
4. Explore Interests: Summer can be a perfect time to explore. Look for internships, job shadowing opportunities, or part-time jobs in fields you're interested in. This experience
5. Stay active: Physical activity is important for your health and well-being. Try to get outside and stay active. Whether it's playing sports, hiking, biking, or swimming, find activities you enjoy.
6. Cultivate Hobbies: Summer is an excellent time to dive into hobbies or start new ones. Whether it's painting, music, gardening, or cooking, hobbies can be both relaxing and fulfilling.
7. Prepare for Next School Year: Take some time to reflect on the past school year and plan for the next. Organize your study space, get your supplies in order, and set academic goals for the coming year.
8. Practice Mindfullness and Relaxation: While staying productive is important, so is taking time to relax. Practice mindfulness, meditate, or simply enjoy some quiet time to recharge.
9. Connect with Friends and Family: Strengthen your relationships by spending quality time with friends and family. Plan activities together, have meaningful conversations, and enjoy each other's company.
10. Plan a Summer Adventure: If possible, plan a small adventure or trip. Exploring new places, even if they're nearby, can be exciting and enriching.
Remember, summer is a time to recharge and refresh, but it's also a chance to grow and prepare for the future. Make the most of it. Have a fantastic summer!