Nantucket Elementary School
December Monthly Newsletter
Nantucket Elementary School Latest News and Calendar Updates
Dear Families,
We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and all were able to enjoy some time off. In just a few short weeks, we will be off again for two weeks for the holiday break. I must confess that I do love the way Main Street looks after the trees are decorated and lit up. On 12/3 and 12/5, our students will be decorating the trees downtown to prepare for Stroll Weekend!! I was so excited to attend the Island Cup Game at Fenway last week!! It was so special to be in attendance at this unique event in such a storied stadium/park. Then, to win in overtime, it was incredible!! We also want to shout out the visitors who came and read to our classes before we left for break. This is also one of my favorite school days, our Guest Reader Day. The students love our visitors who do so much for our Island Community.
We were so excited to have a special guest at our Whole School Morning Meeting last month. The staff from the NHA came to read a story with all of our classes about Tony Sarg. He was someone who created the balloons for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parades, among many other talents. Tony was a frequent visitor and owned a home as well as businesses on island. Information and work samples from and about Tony Sarg were on display at the Whaling Museum this past summer. One of these balloons, Morton the Sea Monster, was our special guest!! Check out the attached pictures!!
We are busy preparing for teacher conferences on 12/4 and 12/11. You should have your conference already scheduled or you should be connecting with your child's teacher or the main office administrative assistants to confirm the times. This is an important time for you to connect with your child's teacher. You can ask all the questions you have and hear about your child's performance to date.
The month of December can be a bit busy and sometimes hard for children. They are excited about the holidays and the vacation. This can distract them in school. We try very hard to help them stay focused. Please be sure they get to bed at reasonable times, do their schoolwork, eat healthy, and read nightly. Know that the classrooms have lots of activities to keep them busy too. Please keep track of the dates listed below for other school events.
Our lost and found table at NES is already filled up with coats, hats, gloves, water bottles, etc. We will have this available on the Parent Conference Days, 12/4 & 12/11. Please check the items when you come in for your parent conference. After this, we will be donating any leftover items just before the holiday vacation.
Two final things I need to reshare here.
1. Driving and Parking on the NES/NIS campus
We have had several concerns shared regarding safety of students as they enter and exit the school recently. These concerns have been regarding parent drivers not following safety rules. These are listed below for your reference. We appreciate all of your anticipated efforts and required patience.
- NES will open in the morning at 7:35am. Students who are walking, biking or getting dropped off should go right to the doors (front one or the Kindergarten one) to come in and make their morning choice. Prek students line up outside in the front of the school.
- If parents wish to escort their child to the door, they must park their car in the Backus Lane parking lot ONLY. There are numbered spots there. These are for staff members at NIS. Please do not park in a numbered spot in the Backus Lot.
- The parking lot off of First Way, behind the school is for staff only.
- All of the parking spots are assigned to staff or students at NHS.
- Parents and Guardians should not use that lot for any reason.
- This is a terrible place for students to be dropped off, this is not a drive through, and there is nowhere for any non permitted driver to park.
- Again, please stop driving in this lot. We are asking you to be a model for all children in the morning and the afternoon.
- Drive through drop off in the morning is permitted at the K and NES/NIS side entrances. This means parents stay in their car, and a staff member will open the passenger side door to help your child exit safely. Then, the car continues driving out the exit. This is for all students.
- Drive through pick up in the afternoon is permitted for all students grades 2-5 in the large circle between NES and NIS. This means parents stay in their car, and a staff member will oversee students entering cars. Then, the car continues driving out the exit.
- K and 1 students are met by parents at the back K entrance. Students will be standing in their assigned class lines.
- The circles and driveways on campus ARE NOT PARKING SPACES. An adult driver must stay in the car while waiting for students to exit or enter the car.
- At dismissal, all parents will continue to wait outside for students to dismiss from their teachers (kindergarten circle for kindergarten and first grade students, outside of the front door for second grade students).
- In the event of inclement weather (severe snow or rain), kindergarten and first grade students will be dismissed out the kindergarten and cafeteria doors to parents outside and second grade students will be dismissed out the front or gymnasium doors to parents outside.
- Drivers may not pull into the bus loop to pick-up their children EVER.
2. Extended absences are not in the best interest of your child and their education. If your child needs to miss 5 or more days, you need to set up a meeting with me. If your child starts to struggle academically, we look at the number of absences the child has. If this number is significant, retention could be strongly considered.
Apologies for some of the ugliness above. We do hope you have a wonderful Stroll Weekend. We also wish you a magical holiday season and wonderful vacation. We will look forward to seeing your children in the new year!!
Kim Kubisch and Kim Albertson
Meri Lepore's Nurse's Corner
I hope everyone enjoys the upcoming break and time with your loved ones. A few notes from the nurse’s office.
Food is fuel for our bodies. It is important that students have healthy snacks and lunches during the day. This includes making sure they have a refillable water bottle and a snack and lunch that includes a fruit, vegetable, grain and protein. When possible it is best for students to have healthy snacks and avoid candy, chocolate, chips or sugary foods for school meals.
Along with eating healthy, staying active is just as important. During school hours our students have 30 minutes of recess once per day. Outside of school time it is also important for students to continue to be active. The goal is at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day. No matter the season it is important to dress appropriately for the temperature and get outside! This also does wonders for all of our mental health!
Below are some ideas for healthy snacks.
Meri Lepore RN, FNP-BC
School Nurse
Nantucket Elementary School
Counselor's Corner
December is a busy time … filled with holiday celebrations, the anticipation of an extended break from school, and packed schedules – all of which make it a tricky period for children. It’s an excellent time to review coping strategies with them. Coping strategies are actions or techniques that help people handle unpleasant emotions. Through Social Emotional Learning class and group time, children have been engaging with the SEL-based Zones of Regulation curriculum, which categorizes emotional states into four zones: blue, green, yellow, and red. This framework helps children identify their feelings and equips them with appropriate coping strategies to manage these emotions. Depending on the emotion and the zone, children are learning what strategies are most useful to them. The Yellow Zone contains feelings that have a higher energy level, this includes feeling worried, scared, frustrated and silly. When students are in the Yellow Zone they might benefit from a calming coping skill. Similarly, Red Zone feelings are characterized by big emotions such as anger, mad, yelling, and aggressiveness. These emotions can feel overwhelming and may make it difficult for children to think clearly or respond calmly. Both Yellow and Red Zones utilize calming strategies that include taking a break, taking deep breaths, yoga poses, reading, positive self-talk, drawing, going for a walk, or talking to a trusted adult. The Blue Zone contains feelings with lower energy levels, which include feelings such as sad, bored, tired and sick. When students are in the Blue Zone they may need to use an energizing coping strategy. Energizing coping skills include high-energy movement such as jumping jacks, dancing, or running a lap or two. Practicing coping strategies not only helps children navigate the December school weeks more smoothly, but also provides them with tools to handle routine challenges, excitement, or challenges they may face at home. Practicing coping skills when students are more regulated, or in the Green Zone, will help students use these strategies with more success when they are dysregulated. See photos below.
Heidi Smith
Elementary School Counselor
Jenny Williams
Elementary School Counselor
Madeleine Sybert
Elementary School Social Worker
Prek Update
In November our PreK was busy learning about fall, the farm, and talking about our families while we learned about Thanksgiving. We went on our first field trip to Berry Patch Farm and saw lots of animals and got to learn more about turkeys first hand. We had community guest readers the day before Thanksgiving break. We are excited for December and decorating our trees downtown.
Kindergarten Update
We had a wonderful time celebrating our color days this month. In Kindergarten, we are finishing up learning lowercase letters and will begin uppercase letters in January. Please focus on letter name and sound fluency at home using letter rings, asking students to identify the beginning or ending sound in a word (bottle- what letter do you hear in bottle?), and any letter sound games. This is important for students' reading foundation as we begin using letter sounds to read decodable books and words. In math students are continuing to practice identifying and writing numbers 1-10 as well as counting groups in different arrangements. Continue practicing these skills at home in game-like ways.
Our tree downtown was themed "Wish Upon a Tree" and everyone made bead ornaments and wrote a wish on a star and decorated it. In December we will learn about holidays around the world and read holiday stories to continue our practice of retelling a story, identifying story elements, and comparing and contrasting two similar stories.
First Grade Update
First graders have been working hard! During Fundations we are continuing to work on identifying digraphs such as sh, ch, th and ck. We are also working on spelling words with double bonus letters such as ll, zz, ss and ff. Our writers are working on writing nonfiction books. Students have been writing all that they know about a topic. They have been working on writing across multiple pages. Our readers have been working to use all the reading strategies they know to become more fluent readers! During math we have been adding within 10 and identifying groups of 10s and ones. We are continuing to work on counting within 120.
Second Grade Update
In December, we are excited to introduce nonfiction reading and writing in second grade! Students will be exploring a variety of nonfiction texts to learn about the world around them, from animals to space and everything in between. They will practice identifying key facts, using text features like headings and captions, and summarizing what they learn. In writing, students will begin writing about topics that they are experts in. We will work on organizing their facts into clear, informative pieces. At home, you can support your child by encouraging them to read nonfiction books and discuss what they learn. We look forward to seeing their curiosity grow as they dive into the world of nonfiction!
English Language Learner Update
ELL students are continuing to use using Flashlight 360 - a computer app, specifically designed to help them improve their expressive and receptive English language skills, in preparation for the annual ACCESS test . More detailed information regarding ACCESS will be provided in January.
Specialists Update
News from Physical Education
We dribbled the month of November away learning and practicing soccer skills such as dribbling, trapping, toe taps, and passing. We enjoyed game-like activities such as “Under the Sea,” and “Red Light, Green Light,” in which my students used their soccer skills while learning about the sport of soccer. While there are always diverse levels of interest and experience, I ask all of my students to bring a positive attitude and a great work ethic. I encourage all of my students to focus on their own level of progress and remind them about the importance of making mistakes, especially when they are learning something new. My hope is for my students to take away life skills that will help them in all aspects of their lives. I am so thankful for all of the positive energy and joy my students bring to physical education. I would like to thank you for helping your child come to physical education with sneakers, comfortable clothing (layers are best), and a positive attitude. Happy Thanksgiving! Love, Mrs. Beaudette
News From the Art Room
Time has been flying by! Students in kindergarten and first grade have been learning how artists use repeating lines and shapes in their art to add interesting areas and create patterns. Second graders have been working with the Nantucket Historical Association in the library to learn about an artist with Nantucket connections named Tony Sarg. We are working on a painting inspired by Tony Sarg that will be displayed in a December art show at the NHA. I will provide more details in the upcoming weeks. First and Second graders discussed community and kindness and we created Thanksgiving cards for Meals on Wheels receivers. I continue to publish work to student portfolios via Arsonia. This our school’s link to join: https://www.artsonia.com/connect/2F9NDCKF
Have a great holiday!
Miss Grant
Greetings from the Science Lab!
Ms. Tornovish and Ms. Jami have been hard at work brewing up a Science website. Here you'll find some STEM challenges, recommended reading and a little more about what your scientists are studying this year in science. We'll keep the newsletter up to date as well.
Thanks for visiting! NES Science Website
Peace, laughter, and lots of learning,
Ms. Jami & Ms. Tornovish
A note on Music class
The NES musicians will be wrapping up their first chunk of the Feierabend curriculum in December as they practice for the Holiday Singalong! The second and first graders are using songs in games like Charlie Over the Ocean, and Kindergartens are starting to share hand games with a friend like Two Little Black Birds. Almost everyone is accessing their singing voice to create beautiful music! In the sing along, everyone is learning a dance to Let It Snow! While each grade is singing a holiday song; Christmas for kindergarten, Hanukkah for first grade, and Kwanzaa for Second grade. It’s time to spread the holiday cheer!
Roland Kinsman- NES music
Dear Families,
It's been a wonderfully busy and eventful November here at the library! We've had the pleasure of hosting a fantastic visit from the Nantucket History Association, where we learned about the fascinating Tony Sarg and his significant contributions to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. His story was both inspiring and educational for everyone involved. In addition to this enriching experience, we've also enjoyed diving into Thanksgiving-themed books with the students. These stories sparked meaningful conversations about gratitude and the things we are most thankful for this season. It has been a heartwarming and reflective time for all.
As we continue to foster a love of reading, I’d like to gently remind everyone to please ensure that library books are returned on the day your child has library class. This helps us keep our collection organized and available for everyone to enjoy. If you're unsure about which book your child has checked out, don't hesitate to reach out to me. You can email me at dewk@npsk.org or send a quick message through Remind, and I’ll be happy to assist.
Thank you so much for your ongoing support, and for encouraging your child's love of reading. It's truly appreciated!
Kameron B. Dew
Nantucket Elementary School
Teacher and Media Specialist
Important Information -
- Any visitors to our school need to share their identification with the front office staff in exchange for a visitor's badge. You will need to sign in as well.
- There will be no charge for lunches again this year. However, all families should complete the free and reduced lunch forms that were sent home with teacher assignment letters.
- There can be no changes to a child's dismissal plan after 1:00 pm. Be sure your children know what they are doing each day after school.
Driving and Parking on the NES/NIS campus
We have had several concerns shared regarding safety of students as they enter and exit the school recently. These concerns have been regarding parent drivers not following safety rules. These are listed below for your reference. We appreciate all of your anticipated efforts and required patience.
- NES will open in the morning at 7:35am. Students who are walking, biking or getting dropped off should go right to the doors (front one or the Kindergarten one) to come in and make their morning choice. Prek students line up outside in the front of the school.
- If parents wish to escort their child to the door, they must park their car in the Backus Lane parking lot ONLY. There are numbered spots there. These are for staff members at NIS. Please do not park in a numbered spot in the Backus Lot.
- The parking lot off of First Way, behind the school is for staff only.
- All of the parking spots are assigned to staff or students at NHS.
- Parents and Guardians should not use that lot for any reason.
- This is a terrible place for students to be dropped off, this is not a drive through, and there is nowhere for any non permitted driver to park.
- Again, please stop driving in this lot. We are asking you to be a model for all children in the morning and the afternoon.
- Drive through drop off in the morning is permitted at the K and NES/NIS side entrances. This means parents stay in their car, and a staff member will open the passenger side door to help your child exit safely. Then, the car continues driving out the exit. This is for all students.
- Drive through pick up in the afternoon is permitted for all students grades 2-5 in the large circle between NES and NIS. This means parents stay in their car, and a staff member will oversee students entering cars. Then, the car continues driving out the exit.
- K and 1 students are met by parents at the back K entrance. Students will be standing in their assigned class lines.
- The circles and driveways on campus ARE NOT PARKING SPACES. An adult driver must stay in the car while waiting for students to exit or enter the car.
- At dismissal, all parents will continue to wait outside for students to dismiss from their teachers (kindergarten circle for kindergarten and first grade students, outside of the front door for second grade students).
- In the event of inclement weather (severe snow or rain), kindergarten and first grade students will be dismissed out the kindergarten and cafeteria doors to parents outside and second grade students will be dismissed out the gymnasium doors to parents outside.
- Drivers may not pull into the bus loop to pick-up their children EVER.
Remind App is a wonderful tool for both educators and families! We know this. We know our teachers love being able to communicate with the whole class as well as individually. We know that you, the parents, love this tool too! It is wonderful that this tool allows us to communicate in multiple languages. One caution for us to share is that teachers may not be able to respond to messages you send during the school day. They are teaching and not hanging onto their phones. You may not get a reply until after school dismisses.
Healthy Snack Ideas
Coping Skills for Kids
Zones of Regulation
Nantucket Elementary School
Website: www.npsk.org
Location: 30 Surfside Road, Nantucket, MA 02554, USA
Phone: 508 228 - 7290