This Week at GLOBE
News & Notes | January 22, 2025
Key dates
Tomorrow, January 23
January 27
Board of Directors Meeting, 7pm. Register here.
Spring enrichment program begins.
January 29
Lunar New Year (Mandarin track) celebrations - LC 8:45am | UC 1:00pm.
Spirit Night at SALARYMAN - Toco Hills, 4pm–9pm.
Georgia Department of Education Climate Survey
Lunar New Year celebrations
Our 2025 Lunar New Year celebrations for families of Mandarin track students will take place on Wednesday, January 29.
Lower Campus
The LC performance begins at 8:45am. Doors will open at 8:30am. Please be considerate of our neighbors when finding a place to park your vehicle. Also remember that parking is not permitted on Heritage Drive between Briarcliff Road and the school between 8am and 3pm.
Upper Campus
The UC performance begins at 1:00pm in the auditorium. Gates will open at 12:45pm for visitor check-in.
GLOBE Student Shines at CBA’s Lunar New Year Gala
On Sunday, January 19, the Chinese Business Association of Atlanta (CBA) held their annual Lunar New Year Gala, and GLOBE 8th grade student, Dillan Pruitt, was one the MC's alongside a highschooler.
The event was attended by hundreds of influential Chinese businesses and organizations who support Chinese culture and business in Atlanta. The GLOBE Academy is proud of Dillan for representing GLOBE at this important event as the only middle schooler amongst high schoolers and adults!
For families, there are several Lunar New Year Events throughout Atlanta, such as the Decatur Lunar New Year Festival and the Stone Mountain Lunar New Year Festival.
On the Decatur Lunar New Year Festival website, you can also vote on your favorite Year of the Snake Drawing - special thanks to GLOBE students Vivian Rho and Juliet Rho for representing with their drawings!
Group Band and Winter Sports Team Photos
Group band and winter sports team photos will be re-scheduled due to Thursday's Independent Learning Day. Please look out for further information in the coming week(s).
Upper Campus
Band News:
Congratulations to Caia Lauterbach on being accepted into the Athena Honor Band 2025. This all-girls virtual honor band experience will connect Caia with like-minded band students from across the country. Caia’s nomination was accepted out of more than 450 other students’. We know that you will represent the GLOBE community well!
8th grade Podcasts
The 8th grade ELA classes recorded podcasts on debates or social issues using recording equipment. They wrote their own scripts, edited their podcasts, and crafted images to put on a student created website. They all did an awesome job! We are sharing the website and podcasts here. We hope the GLOBE community enjoys listening to them. Kudos to the students who helped to create the website, they are credited in the footer of the web page. If your child chose not to participate in the website, please email Mr. Tim if you’d like to listen to their podcast.
Will your student return for the 2025-2026 school year?
Last week, GLOBE sent out an email requesting that current GLOBE families complete the “2025-26 Intent to Return” form. If you have not yet completed the Intent to Return, click here to complete and submit the form. The Admissions Team must receive your response by Friday, January 31. Thanks to everyone who has already completed the form.
ECP / Before/After-care
Our spring enrichment program will begin this coming Monday, January 27. There are several enrichments at both campuses that have room for a few more students.
Check out the school website and register your student before Monday. If you have any questions, please email: ecp@theglobeacademy.net.
Board of Directors Meeting
The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on Monday, January 27, at 7pm.
Click here to register to attend the meeting via Zoom webinar.
Spring Sports Registration
Registration for spring sports tryouts is open.
For a quick snapshot of all spring sports, click here.
For an in-depth look and to register, click the relevant link below to find out more.
Boys Volleyball | Flag Football | Girls Soccer | Golf | Tennis
Winter Sports Round-up
Planned basketball events will be re-scheduled due to Thursday's Independent Learning Day. Please be on the lookout for further information via email and/or TeamSnap.
Saturday, January 25
The conference championship will be Saturday, January 25 at GA Tech from 1pm to 4pm, so make plans to go and support our swimmers!
Wednesday, January 29
The Swim Team Banquet will be held in the Upper Campus Cafeteria from 5:30pm to 7:00pm.
Visit the athletics website for information.
Support GLOBE athletics
Visit our Sideline store for GLOBE athletic wear | Join GLOBE Athletic Club.
Parent Teacher Community Council
January Spirit Night
Join us on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at SALARYMAN - Toco Hill, from 4pm to 9pm for Spirit Night. 10% of proceeds will be donated to GLOBE. Call in and take out included. No flyer is needed, just mention you are with GLOBE.
Volunteers needed for spring events
If you are interested in volunteering for Black History Month, Exceptional Children’s Week, or AANHPI Month, please email PTCC Officers here.
We are seeking parents to join the committees on several PTCC PACS (Community and Fundraising PACS). If you are interested in learning more, please contact PTCC officers here.
Spring Auction
Mark your calendars! The online Auction is set for March 21–22, with our live event celebration happening at Napoleon’s on Saturday, March 22. Calling all artisans, business owners, vacation rental owners, and season ticket holders - we’re looking for donations! Reach out to the Auction Committee here.
Online spirit wear store
Shop tees, sweatshirts, accessories and more. Orders placed by Wednesdays at 11:59pm will be delivered on Friday of that week. Shop now! To view the spirit wear store, you must first create a profile on the PTCC website. Questions about an existing Spirit Wear order? Contact the spirit wear team here.
Shop Our Loyalty Rewards Programs
Are you registered for Publix, Kroger, or BoxTop Rewards? Sign-up for these programs and more loyalty programs to support our school. Find the complete list of the PTCC loyalty programs here.
Register on the PTCC Website
Calling all parents and caretakers! Please register for the new PTCC website to stay informed on upcoming events, volunteering, shop spirit wear, PTCC news and more. Log your volunteer hours to show your community spirit and support of our school. You can also email PTCC Officers at any time. Visit the PTCC Website | Follow us on social media: Facebook | Instagram.
GLOBE 2024/25 Yearbook
Be a wise owl like Ollie, and click here to reserve your 2024/25 yearbook. We will be setting our copy count soon. Please order now!
Have a question?
You are welcome to submit it here, or consult this chart to find out who to contact.
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