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October 4, 2024
This newsletter provides updates, information and event details for Horace Mann School, the Horace Mann School Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), and Saint Paul Public Schools. It is published weekly and distributed through email. Past issues can be found at mann.spps.org.
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Horace Mann Celebrates Indigenous People's Day on October 4
Indigenous People's Day falls on Monday, October 14. It celebrates the Indigenous Peoples who have lived in the Americas for thousands of year. Each school is charged with sharing information with students.
This year we scheduled a dance group to perform and discuss their cultural background with our students. We weren't able to book the 14th, so the performance took place on Friday, October 4.
The Kalpulli Huitzillin Dance Group performed at a school assembly. Kalpulli means big house or clan. Huitzillin means hummingbird. It's pronounced “wheat-SEE-lean.”
Students were able to learn about the Aztec people, the language, some traditions, and the connections to the dance. The dancers kept the students enthralled and quiet the entire time. It was hard to believe that one drummer could fill the gym with sound.
Thank you to the PTA for your support to make this possible!
Extra Support for Students
Each year Horace Mann School seeks tutors for the students. We have been very fortunate to have a partnership with Macalester for many years. The Bonner Scholar program provides 2-3 college freshmen or sophomores to work at the school. Students do it as part of a work-study for their scholarship. Macalester does it as a service to the community. Horace Mann benefits!
Our Bonner Scholars begin the program this year on October 7. The Bonners serve primarily as classroom assistants, tutors or mentors with a majority of their time spent in classrooms working directly with students.
If you know of anyone seeking volunteer hours, looking to donate hours with their company, a retiree looking for a service opportunity, or have a few hours a week yourself, please send them Horace Mann School's way. You can email adam.deleeuw@spps.org for more information.
Boo Bash Donations
The weather is turning (sort of), and Boo Bash Fall Festival is around the corner (October 24)! To make this fun fundraiser a success, we rely on supplies donated by our school community. Please take a look at our supply wishlist and consider signing up to contribute.
Donations may be delivered to the school office beginning Monday, October 7, and all supplies should be dropped off by Wednesday, October 16, before MEA break. Thank you for your generosity, and we look forward to celebrating the season with you!
- The Boo Bash Planning Crew
Important Dates
Sunday, September 15-Tuesday, October 15
- Hispanic and Latino Heritage Month
Monday, October 7
- 7:00pm Online Parent/Guardian/Student Meeting for Band (Grades 4-5)
Thursday, October 10
- 2:45-3:15pm Leadership Team Meeting
Monday, October 14
- Indigenous People's Day
Thursday, October 16 and Friday, October 17
- No School - State Teachers Convention
HMS PTA News and Announcements
Thank you to all the families that came to the dance last Friday. We had an exciting night dancing and connecting with the Horace Mann community! See you at the next event!
The silent auction committee is hard at work preparing for the HMS PTA silent auction. Anyone interested in helping to plan this year’s event should contact Allison Deep at alli.deep@gmail.com
In order to run our amazing events, WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! Please consider signing up for one event or committee this year, using this volunteer interest form. Only have an hour to spare? Great! Check “yes” to the last question on the interest form. Want to get a bit more involved in the decision making for events? Check “yes” on the first question to join our board! We have openings.
For questions contact Christine Holloway at VOLUNTEER.COORDINATOR@HMS-PTA.ORG
PTA Board and Contact Info
President: Grace Hanson, president@hms-pta.org
Vice-President: Gina Corradi, president@hms.-pta.org
Treasurer: Alex Stuart & Sam Smith, treasurer@hms-pta.org
Teacher Reps: Amy Kortuem & Mark Lindskoog, teacher-rep@hms-pta.org
Communications: Lisa Ortmann, communications@hms-pta.org
Volunteer Coordinator: Christine Holloway, volunteer.coordinator@hms-pta.org
Recorders: Andrea Gleckner & Sarah Liuzzi, recorder@hms-pta.org
Saint Paul Public Schools (SPPS) is not sponsoring, endorsing, or recommending the activities/events announced in the PTA Section and no SPPS student will be turned away due to inability to pay.
Horace Mann School Contacts and Social Media
Email: jim.litwin@spps.org
Website: https://mann.spps.org/
Location: Horace Mann School, 2001 Eleanor Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55116
Phone: 651-293-8965
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SPPSHoraceMannSchool/