South MS Friday Blast
January 24, 2025
It was a very cold, but shortened week for students and staff with the MLK, Jr. holiday/snow day on Monday, the 2-hour delay on Tuesday, and today's in-service day. In this week's news, select South MS choir and orchestra students auditioned on Wednesday at Newtown MS for the BCMEA County Choir and Orchestra, while Bux-Mont Honors Band students continued to practice in preparation for next Friday's concert at North MS @ 7:00PM. Once Upon a Mattress cast members continue to sing their hearts out in rehearsal while the chorus line dancers are learning their choreography. Students are settled into their 3rd marking period classes, and we are thankful the temperatures warmed up just a little for our ski/snowboard club to travel to Bear Creek yesterday afternoon.
Dates to Remember for January/February
- Jan 24 - Student Holiday/Staff In-Service
- Jan 29 - "Wear something music related" spirit day
- Jan 31 - Winter Dance in the gym, 6:00-8:00PM
- Jan 31 - Bux-Mont Honors Band Concert @ North MS, 7:00PM
- Feb 5 - SCN Mtg. - South MS Library, 7:00PM
- Feb 6 - Ski/snowboard trip to Bear Creek
- Feb 7 - PBIS Rewards Trip to Water Tower Cinema
- Feb 11 - Spring musical dine-in/out fundraiser @ J.T. Bankers, 5:00-9:00PM
- Feb 14 - Student/Staff Holiday - Offices OPEN
- Feb 17 - Student/Staff Holiday - Offices Closed
- Feb 19-26 - Book Fair in the South MS library
- Feb 20 - Ski/snowboard trip to Bear Creek
- Feb 21 - Book Fair Family Night, South MS library, 6:00-7:00PM
- Feb 28 - Clubs
- Feb 28 - Jazz band competition at Indian Crest MS, 6:00PM
PHS Pink-Out Basketball
Pennridge High School is hosting a Pink Out Boys Basketball game TONIGHT. The junior varsity game begins at 5:30pm and the varsity game begins at 7:00pm in the Pennridge High School green gym. Kids get into the game for free with a paying adult. Tickets can be purchased for $6.00 using this link or by scanning the QR code on the attached flyer. Middle School students will have the opportunity to come on the court during halftime and shoot a foul shot to win a prize! Please wear your basketball jerseys or pink to show your spirit! We will also be raffling off great raffle baskets including a FREE WEEK at the Pennridge Rams Boys Basketball Summer Camp, along with selling Pink Out t-shirts and merchandise! We hope you and your family will join us at this great event to support breast cancer awareness and research efforts at Grandview Hospital!
Dine Out & Donate
Heart Mail
Are you looking for something special this Valentine's Day for your South student? Well then Heart Mail is for you! Heart Mail is a small treat bag that you can buy for your South student to be delivered on February 13th to their PM homeroom. Heart Mail will be on sale at the South Street Store during 11th period today through February 11th. The price 1/$2.00 or 3/$5.00. You can also order from home by filling out this flyer and returning it in a envelope marked "Heart Mail" along with your cash payment to the office. Please make sure to fill out the FIRST AND LAST NAME of the recipient.
Heart & Sole/Girls on the Run for 6/7/8 grade girls
PSSA Time is approaching
PA State Police Camp Cadet
Each year, the PA State Police hosts our annual Camp Cadet for residents of Bucks, Lehigh and Northampton Counties. It’s a tremendous program for children ages 12-15 who may be interested in a first responder or military career. The camp is hosted at Camp Fowler in Orefield (Lehigh County), Pa. It’s a fun filled week, but it is modeled after our academy which means up at 5:15AM, PT in the morning, then running, then duties (chores) and so on – No cell phones or smart watches etc. If any of you know anyone, please feel free to share this link.
**Camp runs the week of June 8th-13th which may coincide with the last week of school for some districts. We provide a letter for excused absences and many districts are happy to hear the kids are going for a solid week of education.
Once Upon a Mattress Information
Check the musical website for everything you ever wanted to know about the spring musical:
Homework Snapshot Quick Link
Extended Volunteer Clearance Collection Dates
Parents/guardians who are interested in volunteering for school events must have current clearances on file with our district office. If you are new to volunteering in our schools, click here and scroll down to Volunteer Clearances for all the information you need to obtain the required clearances. For your convenience, the district office is offering extended hours for volunteers to drop off their paperwork from 3:30-5:30PM at the district office on the following dates:
- January 27th
- February 24th
- March 24th
- April 28th
- May 12th
- June 16th
Rachel's Closet
If you want to make a donation to Rachel's Closet, you can drop off donations at South's main office lobby or purchase items from our Amazon Wish List. To learn more about ways you can help our students, please see our flyer here. Thanks for your ongoing support of this much-needed service to our South community.
- Please remind students to charge their laptops every night.
- Please remind students of the importance of listening carefully to AM and PM announcements for up-to-the-minute information that might affect their school day schedule.
- If your child is going to be absent from school, please call the school office at 215-257-0467 to inform us of the absence, or e-mail us at SMSattendance@pennridge.org with your child's name, grade, and reason for absence (illness, family trip, etc.).
- If your child is being dismissed early for any reason (dentist appt, doctor appt, family trip, etc.) please call the school office at 215-257-0467 or e-mail us at SMSattendance@pennridge.org with your child's name, grade, and reason for early dismissal.
- If your child is going to be arriving late to school, please call the school office at 215-257-0467 or e-mail us at SMSattendance@pennridge.org with your child's name, grade, and reason for tardiness (overslept, not feeling well, etc.) to inform us of the late arrival.
- Notification of absence, early dismissal, or late arrival will help us notify your child's teachers why the student is not in class. Thank you!
Pennridge South MS
Website: https://www.pennridge.org/Domain/11
Location: 610 South 5th Street, Perkasie, PA, USA
Phone: 215-257-0467