Rose Update
November 15, 2024

November 22, 2024 Newsletter
Principal Update
This week, we have so many things to be grateful for, and it’s a perfect time to celebrate all the wonderful contributions from our school community:
We’re excited to welcome Mrs. Alexa Panagakos, our new school nurse, who officially started at Rose yesterday. With her expertise and dedication, we know she’ll make a positive impact on our students’ well-being. I saw first hand how many students she was able to help, treating all the bumps and scrapes that came her way!
A huge thank-you to our amazing PTO for creating an Appreciation Station filled with delicious snacks to keep our staff energized and appreciated!
Hats off to our 5th-grade students for their hard work, dedication, and incredible performances in the school musical. You all shined on stage and made us so proud!
We are also deeply grateful for the staff and parent volunteers who helped make the musical such a success. Your time and effort ensured everything ran smoothly and created lasting memories for our students.
Gratitude is at the heart of what makes our school special, and we’re thankful for every individual who contributes to making Barbara B. Rose School an amazing place to B!
Warm regards,
Dr. Ruesch
Note from Assistant Principal
My colleagues here at Rose know that I rarely if ever drink coffee, but on occasion will indulge in a nice cup of black tea. Yesterday morning I awoke at 4:45am as I always do and looked outside. I was greeted with beautiful white flurries of snow falling from the sky–it only seemed fitting that day was a day to warm up with a hot cup of tea and watch those beautiful flakes dance, spin and twirl to the ground.
Though the official start of winter isn’t until December 21st, this fresh blanket of snow is a reminder to ensure that your child is dressing appropriately for the weather conditions. As temperatures outside fluctuate, our building's HVAC works hard to manage and regulate classroom temperatures; however, it is my recommendation to have your student bring a sweatshirt to keep in their locker in the event conditions inside the classroom are not favorable.
For those families who are new to Rose, and as a general reminder to our returning students, we will be going outside for recess if the windchill is above 0℉. With that in mind, please ensure that your child has the appropriate attire to remain comfortable and safe during these cold conditions.
Snow Boots, Snow Pants, Winter Coats, Hats and Gloves will be essential for winter safety. If your student does not have Snow Boots and Snow Pants, they will be restricted to the snow plowed blacktop to ensure they do not get wet. Students who are appropriately dressed with Snow Boots, Snow Pants and a Warm Coat may play off of the blacktop and on the playground equipment and in the snow. If your family needs assistance with providing your child with appropriate winter gear, please let us know and we can connect you with community resources to support you.
Additionally, playing in the snow at school may look different than at home: throwing of snow/ ice is prohibited, and we ask that students use extra caution when playing on or around the playground equipment as it becomes slippery.
In partnership with us, we ask that you have a conversation with your child about appropriate attire, the rules regarding recess and overall winter safety.
Thank you,
Mr. Eric Rife
Assistant Principal
Toy Drive
The Rose Ambassadors and Student Council are teaming together with FTC Robotics at Barrington High School to collect toys for hospitalized children at Alexian Brothers Hospital. Please consider donating a new, unwrapped toy (no stuffed animals). Bins for collection will be in each pod area beginning Monday, November 25th through Monday, December 16th. The class that has the most donations will receive a Hot Cocoa and Candy Cane party!
Use the QR code to watch the student commercial!
Clothing Donations for the Health Office
Do you have gently used pants? We are looking for donations, especially in sizes XS and S for both genders. We would also appreciate donations of new underwear, especially sizes XS and S for both genders. New socks are appreciated, too! Please send any donations to the Health Services Office.
Chess Team
Congratulations to the Rose Chess team! They took 3rd place at the Roslyn School Chess Tournament on November 16th. Here is the form to sign up for the Winter Chess Club session.
Breakfast and Lunch Menu
Here is the breakfast and lunch menu for the month of December.
Character Strong
Rose PTO Reminders
PTO Weekly Newsletter
Here is the link to the weekly PTO newsletter.
Virtual Backpack
Virtual Backpack is a place for Barrington 220 families to receive flyers and other information from the district and community organizations without the hassle of sorting through printed papers sent home with your child.