Bronco Bulletin
February 7, 2025
Dear HA Students, Staff, and Families,
We hit a milestone today - the 100th day of school! As we head into the final stretch before February vacation, winter has made its presence known this week with snow, a delayed start, and an early release. Our sports teams are wrapping up their regular seasons, and we’re looking forward to postseason competitions.
With Super Bowl Sunday this weekend, whether you're in it for the game, the halftime show, or just the snacks, enjoy the weekend—and let's power through this last week before a well-earned break!
Have a great weekend!
Reg Ruhlin
Watching the Super Bowl? Take the poll below!
HA Talent Show this Wednesday!
Athletic Events for Feb 7 - Feb 14
Friday, 2/7:
JV Boys Basketball Playoff HA at MDI 5:30 bus departs at 3:30
HA Boys Basketball vs Oceanside 3:30/5:00/6:30 1st/JV/Var. *Senior Game
HA Girls Basketball at Oceanside 6:00 *Var Only bus departs at 3:30
Saturday, 2/8:
Potential Pioneers Ice Hockey Playoff Game TBD
HA Boys Ice Hockey at Messalonskee 7:00/9:00 Var/JV at Colby College bus departs at 4:30
HA Alpine Ski KVAC's at Titcomb Mtn 10:00 am bus departs at 6:00 am
HA Indoor Track EMITL Championships at UMaine 4:00 buses depart at 3:00
HA Cheer States at Augusta Civic Center TBD
BHA Girls Swim PVC Championships at Husson 10:00 am
BHA Boys Swim PVC Championships at Husson 3:00 pm
Monday, 2/10:
HA boys varsity basketball vs Orono 6:00 *Exhibition Game
HA JV boys basketball at MDI 4:30 *bus departs at 2:45
Tuesday, 2/11:
Open (Gym unavailable due to PVML basketball championships)
Wednesday, 2/12:
HA Unified Basketball vs Bucksport 3:45
HA Alpine Ski Senior Night 4:00 at Hermon Mountain
HA Cheer All District Night 7:30
Thursday, 2/13:
HA Unified Basketball at Hermon 3:30 *bus departs at 2:45
HA Boys Ice Hockey at John Bapst 6:30/8:30 Var/JV at Sawyer Arena
Friday, 2/14:
HA Girls Varsity Basketball Quarterfinals at ACC time tbd
Good luck to all teams!
Early Release Day: Friday, Feb 14
Winter Semi-Formal
Saturday, March 1
8:00-10:00pm at Hampden Academy
The Winter Semi-Formal is Saturday, March 1st from 8:00-10:00 pm. The theme is Mama Mia, and admission is $5 at the door per person. Light snacks and drinks are provided at no additional cost.
Students wishing to bring a guest from another school need to submit a completed guest permission form to Mrs. Abbott in the main office by Tuesday, Feb 25, at 2 PM.
Forms are available in the Main Office.
Visiting guests will only be admitted to the dance with a form being submitted and approved.
Only high school students or graduates under the age of 21 are permitted to attend HA dances.
Guests 18 and older are asked to include a copy of their driver's license or ID with the dance permission form.
See any Student Council member, Ms. Shaw, or Mr. Crane with any questions. We hope to see you at the dance!
HA Lunch Menu
Hampden Academy Purple/White Calendar 2024-25
Reg Ruhlin, Principal
Email: rruhlin@rsu22.us
Website: ha.rsu22.us
Location: 89 Western Avenue, Hampden, ME, USA
Phone: (207)862-3791