KES Family Newsletter
October 2024
Igniting a Passion for Learning
Mission: The mission of Kewaskum Elementary School is to develop the whole child by providing a motivating, stimulating, and nurturing environment to build a better future together.
Vision: The vision of the Kewaskum Elementary School is to guide our students to be respectful, compassionate, and responsible individuals who recognize and value their educational journey.
Principal Message
I invite you to celebrate school spirit every Friday here at KES. It is a great way to be united. Encourage your child to wear their Kewaskum attire and/or green.
Enjoy the homecoming weekend!
Pick-Up and Drop-Off Video Reminders
KEYS Run and Walk
Parents, there’s one daily habit that can set your child up for success: Showing up at school in person as often as possible. When children attend school in person, they’re more likely to develop their whole selves—personally, socially, academically, and emotionally. Showing up matters. Support your child’s development and get them to school!
Too sick to come to school? Does your child have a medical appointment? Are you taking a planned vacation? We want your child to be at school as much as possible, but we know that things come up. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
Parents have up to 10 days each year to call your child in absent to school, and be considered excused days.
If you know your child will be out of school, please let us know as soon as possible.
If your child has a medical or dental appointment, ask for a school excuse after the appointment and have your child bring it to school as soon as possible. If we have the written medical excuse, the absence doesn't count towards the 10 parentally excused days.
We have automated letters that are sent out at 5 days absent and 10 days absent. If you think you've received a letter in error-please reach out to Mrs. Hyde or Mrs. Gerhartz.
If your child has over 10 days of absence during the school year, Mrs. Gerhartz will be in contact to set up a time to talk about what we can do to positively impact your child's attendance.
Red Ribbon Week
ELA Resources
- Click here for information on our new ELA resource, Amplify CKLA. This video provides additional details about what you and your child can expect. We are very excited to see our students grow as readers and writers this year!
Upcoming Dates
October 8: 3:45 Intramurals begins for 4th graders
October 9: 12:00 Kindergarten at the fire department, 3:45 Intramurals begins for 5th graders
October 10: 6:00 School Board meeting
October 11: Wear your KEYS shirt
October 13: KEYS Run/Walk
October 14: Third grade to Horicon Marsh
October 16: Second grade to Pioneer Village (2 classes)
October 17: Second grade to Pioneer Village (2 classes)
October 18: No school for students
October 22: Picture re-take day, 6:00-7:30 McTeacher Night
October 24: 2:00-6:00 Cookie Dough Fundraiser pick up at KES
October 25: 6:00 Trunk or Treat
October 28: Red Ribbon Week begins
October 30: Fifth grade to the Symphony and Art Museum