Monroe Elementary News
December 2, 2022
From the Principal
I can't believe it is December already. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends. December is always a busy and fun-filled time at an elementary school. We have a busy few weeks before our winter break.
Next week, Monroe Elementary students will taking their winter Map tests in reading, math, and reading fluency. We take Map tests three times a year: fall, winter, and spring. Please help your child by making sure that they get adequate sleep next week so that they are well rested for our tests. Map testing assists us in determining student growth and what students needs extra support and who needs to stretch their thinking.
Several parents have asked if Monroe is having a giving tree this year for Christmas. We do have our giving tree up in the office and there are some gift tags left on the tree for anyone who is interested. These gift tags include a gift that could be used for a family at Monroe.
We are waiting the for the final totals of our fundraiser but I wanted to thank you all for supporting Monroe Elementary. I am told that the orders will be in by the time that we go to Winter Break. We will be sharing more information about picking up the orders soon. On December 14th, any students who earned a DQ blizzard, goat cupcake,McDonald's Happy Meal, or a goat selfie will receive these that day during lunchtime.
Have a great weekend!
Julie Paige
email: paigeju@japioneers.org
Phone: (614)873-8503 OR (740)857-1711
Twitter: @MonroeElem2
Facebook: Monroe Elementary School
December PTO Meeting
The December PTO meeting will be held on Thursday, December 8th at 5:30 at Monroe Elementary. You can attend in person or through Zoom. The Zoom meeting link is below.
Link for Fill The Fridge
Important Dates
December 5-9- Map testing- Reading, Math, Reading Fluency
December 8- PTO Meeting- 5:30 pm
December 9- PTO Winter Festival- 6:00-8:00pm
December 14th- Fundraiser prizes- DQ Blizzards, goat cupcakes, McDonalds meals and goat selfies at lunchtime.
December 19- Stem day at Monroe
December 20- Winter Parties- 2:45
December 21-January 2- Winter Break
About Us
Email: paigeju@japioneers.org
Website: www.alder.k12.oh.us
Location: 5000 State Route 38 Northwest, London, OH, USA
Phone: (614)873-8503
Facebook: facebook.com/MESAlder
Twitter: @MonroeElem2