August 16, 2024

March 14, 2025
Important Dates
Wednesday, March 19- PTSA meeting CANCELLED
Monday, March 31- Schools now Open for Students
Friday, April 4- End of Third Quarter
Monday, April 14 - Monday, April 21- Schools closed for Spring Break
Thursday, April 24- Take your child to work day
Friday, April 25- Third Quarter Report Cards Issued at 4 PM
HCPSS Large Ensemble Music Assessments
Orchestra and band assessments are in the books! The orchestra and band both went to their assessments and showed TVMS P.R.I.D.E. on and off the stage! Both behavior and the performances were outstanding!
String Ensemble Scores:
Judge #1: 77.5 (Excellent)
Judge #2: 83 (Superior)
Judge #3: 85 (Superior)
Sight Reading: Superior
Comments: “Very impressive and sensitively done!” “Excellent presentation of the musical ideas!” “It was a joy to watch your work with the students!” “You are ready for more difficult rep!”
Chamber Orchestra Scores:
Judge #1: 74 (Excellent)
Judge #2: 87 (Superior)
Judge #3: 89.5 (Superior)
Sight Reading: Superior
Comments: “I could hear all of the melodic lines.” “Everyone was in the same part of the bow in each section.” “Congratulations on getting all the students to play uniformly.” “Very fine teaching is seen in this ensemble.”
Listen to the orchestra performances using the following links:
String Ensemble (mostly 6th grade) (performance starts around 1:10 in the video) total length 9:33
Combined String and Chamber Orchestra classes (7th and 8th only) (performance starts at 1:30) total length 13:18
Other recordings to come as scores are released!
Upcoming Music Events- Save the Dates
Hershey Park Field Trip: Friday, May 16
Cost - $122 for students; $90 for chaperones – includes park admission ticket, coach bus transportation, and festival competition fees
Meals and T-shirt cost not included
Spring Band Concert: Monday, May 19 @ Guilford Park HS
Spring Orchestra Concert: Monday, May 23 @ Guilford Park HS
Spring Choir Concert: Monday, May 27 @ Guilford Park HS
*The Hershey Park trip is for 7th and 8th grade Chamber Chorus, Wind Ensemble, and Chamber Orchestra. Parents should wait to pay for the Hershey Park trip until they have received a permission form from their teacher. Mr. Bacon, Mr. Brown and Mr. Newberger will be handing out the field trip forms soon!
Inspirit Artificial Intelligence Summer Program
This summer, Inspirit AI is partnering with Howard County Public Schools to offer an in-person project-based artificial intelligence program. Inspirit AI is an AI education program developed and taught by Stanford and MIT alumni and graduate students. The program will consist of ten (10) 3-hour sessions taking place from July 14-25, 2025 at Hammond High School. The program fee is $1,500 and some financial assistance is available through Inspirit AI. Interested families should fill out this short interest form. The program brochure includes information about the curriculum, schedule, projects, and teaching team.
Saturday, March 15, 2024, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Cedar Lane School
11630 Scaggsville Road
Fulton, MD
The HCPSS Special Education Resource Fair provides families with information available from the community and HCPSS to support their students receiving special education and related services (those who have an IEP or IFSP). Get connected to:
Recreational Activities
HCPSS Speech, OT, PT, Vision, and Adapted PE
Community Groups
Service Providers
Transition to Adulthood Information
Assistive Technology
Behavioral Health
Howard County Government Resources
And Much More!
For information, please contact FSRC@hcpss.org. Registration is not required. The event will be cancelled if HCPSS has an inclement weather closure. This event is part of the HCPSS Parent Empowerment Series including training sessions related to special education and events for families of students with an IEP or IFSP. Free
*Please use the QR code or this LINK for registration *
Workshop Title: Financing Your HBCU Education
- Target Audience: Middle School and High School Students & Parents
- Overview: Explore scholarships, grants, and loan opportunities available to HBCU students. Financial aid officers will guide families through the FAFSA process and share tips on securing additional funding.
Workshop Title: HBCU Campus Life: Beyond the Classroom (Current HCPSS students at HBCUs)
- Target Audience: Students
- Overview: Discuss the vibrant cultural and social life at HBCUs, including student organizations, Greek life, and community service.
Workshop Title: Athletic Scholarships and HBCU Sports Programs* (Dean and McMillan, Coach Campbell?, coaches)
- Target Audience: Student Athletes
- Overview: Overview of athletic programs, scholarships, and opportunities at HBCUs, focusing on how sports can help shape a student's college experience and career.
Workshop Title: Navigating the Application Process: A Step-by-Step Guide
- Overview: Admissions officers will provide a comprehensive guide to applying to HBCUs, including important deadlines, essay writing tips, and how to stand out as an applicant.
Workshop Title: Maximizing Your High School Experience to Prepare for HBCU Success
- Target Audience: 8th grade students and parents, High School freshmen and sophmores
- Overview: Focus on building a strong resume, securing leadership roles, and selecting classes that align with future goals at an HBCU.
Important Immunization Requirements for 2025-2026 School Year - 7th Grade Students
Effective the first day of school for the 2025-2026 school year, 1 dose of Tdap vaccine and 1 dose of Meningococcal vaccine (MCV4) are required by the state of Maryland for all students entering grade 7. Many students may have already received these immunizations, but the Health Room may not have the updated immunization record. Please contact your student’s doctor and send or fax an updated copy of your student’s immunizations to the Health Room or schedule an appointment to have your student receive these immunizations. Our fax number is 443-973-5510. The Health Department provides immunization opportunities for kids who are not up-to-date on school-required vaccinations. Call the Health Department at 410-313-7500 for more information and to schedule a vaccination appointment for your child.
If you have further questions, please email Cheryl Harris, TVMS School Nurse, at cheryl_harris@hcpss.org.
You can still purchase a Yearbook!
In partnership with the Local Children’s Board and the Kahlert Foundation, Fostering Hope: A Youth Mental Health Summit, will take place on April 27, 2025, for middle and high school students (grades 8 through 12).
The Fostering Hope Summit is an event that discusses topics chosen by students, for students. They will receive service learning hours, training on how to engage in healthy lifestyle practices, and resources to bring back to their school.
In an effort to support the community’s mental health, the summit will be hosting guardians/caregivers to partake in parent exclusive workshops during the summit. They will have an opportunity to learn about the community’s mental health resources, hear from professionals that specialize in the needs of children and families, and engage in breakout sessions on topics such as navigating matters out of our control and peer pressure.
* Registration is open and will close on April 19, 2025.
TVMS Spirit Wear
- Online sales only
- Will ship directly to your home
- Purchases can be made anytime throughout the school year
- Wear your TVMS Spirit Wear on our "Wolf Wednesdays" each week
Membership must be renewed each year
Joining the PTA does not commit you to any activities. Your membership helps provide financial support for our programs and gives you access to National PTA
membership benefits.
Clothing to Cash Recycling Program!
Our large white collection bin is at the edge of the school parking lot nearest Hanover Hills Elementary School. Please help us fill our bin with as many plastic bags of new or gently used clothing, shoes and other textiles. Our school will earn money for every pound we collect.
Update your family information for the new school year. It is mandatory that all parents/ guardians verify and/ or update emergency information for each child each school year. Updating this information provides us with the most current emergency contact information, and also ensures that you are receiving important information and updates for HCPSS and TVMS.
Log in to HCPSS Connect, select the More Options tab on the left and then select Family File in the center column.
Outside Food Expectations
Food delivery services (i.e. Door Dash, Uber Eats, etc.) are not allowed. Delivery will be refused as we do not have the capability to process this during the school day. If a parent would like to bring their child's lunch to the school, we ask that you do so prior to the start of your child's lunch shift. Parents will need to leave the lunch with our Front Office staff.
Thomas Viaduct Middle School
Website: http://www.tvms.hcpss.org
Location: 7000 Banbury Drive, Hanover, MD, USA
Phone: 410-313-8711