NSE Family News
Week Aug. 26-29, 2024
What a GREAT first week!!
We have absolutely loved seeing our students again! It has been a great week! Thank you for sharing your most prized possessions with us and working with us to work out all the kinks.
Northside Loves You!
How is your child getting home?
Please help us out!! Teachers do not always have the opportunity to check their emails, Remind messages, texts, or DoJos during the day (they are teaching your children). If your child is going home in a way other than what we have listed, please CALL the OFFICE. This will help us to ensure that your child is going home the way you need.
Check out this week's Friday Video and learn about our Olympic Points
Supply Fee and School Shirts
School Shirts are available for purchase for $10. Please make sure to list your child's t-shirt size when writing the check or on the envelope with the cash.
Car Rider Procedures
- In AM please stay in the line rather than pulling through the circle if your child gets out before others
- Only LEFT turns are allowed in the afternoon before 3:30. If you come from that direction, you'll need to turn around in the Dry Cleaners or Nachos parking lot and get in the left turn lane.
- Car tags need to be displayed in the dashboard. If you don't have a car tag, please have Identification ready to be checked.
- Handwritten or previous years' tags will not be accepted as identification. Only tags handed out this school year will work.
- If you misplace your car tag and need a replacement, please email makenzie.rodgers@cabotschools.org
- If your child needs to be buckled, please pull into the middle of the lot to get out and buckle them. This allows the line to continue flowing.
Handicap Parking Places in front of School
Lunch Procedures
- All visitors must sign in at the office and check out when you leave.
- You must sit at the designated visitor table. Only YOUR child may sit with you.
- Students from other grade levels will not be allowed to eat until their designated lunch time.
- Adult trays: $4.00 Outside food may be brought in for you and your child only- you may not share with other students
- . No visitors are allowed at recess or other areas of the building.
- Adult restrooms are in the workroom. Children must use their normal restroom and get permission from duty para. No adults allowed in student restrooms.
Lunch Schedule
Kinder -10:30- 11:00
Pre K - 10:45-11:15
1st - 11:00-11:30
2nd - 11:30-12:00
3rd - 12:00-12:30
4th - 12:30-1:00
If your child brings a lunch but needs a milk, they will need to go through the lunch line. You may want to let teachers know.
Food in the Mornings and Snack Time
Snack times are determined in each classroom by the schedule and convenient time of the day. We ask that you avoid candy or sugary items as snacks as these do not promote optimal brain function or prevent hunger. Snacks should be items that can be consumed easily and quickly by the children and do not require prep.
Ex. bags of gold fish, small fruits like grapes or berries, string cheese, granola bars, etc.
Lunch Charges
We ask that you work to keep any charges paid in a timely manner and under a $10 limit.
For information about how to apply for free or reduced lunches please visit the CPS Website