This Week @ PS 88Q
October 13, 2024
No School Monday, October 14th: Indigenous Peoples Day/Italian Heritage
A Message From Mrs. O'Shaughnessy
I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. We kicked it off Friday evening with movie night! What a great night to gather all of our families in our new school yard for a fun activity. Our families, our staff and our community had a wonderful night (thankfully a warm night too) watching The Book of Life, a movie chosen by our Social Justice Committee in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month. So many goodies donated by our families, and delicious popcorn for the movie made it just a little bit sweeter! Each month we will be hosting a family event. Stay tuned for November's event!
This week, although a shorter week with Monday off, is filled ! Our PTA Meeting, two Middle School Meetings, Wear Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness, before and after schools begin, and so much more! Remember to check out our School Calendar here: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=Y185M2U1MTY5NGM3NmJjNjM5MTc4ZjVlMGZkMDg3ODBhODE2NmUwZWQ0ZTYwNDQ4ZjdiZTY4NTNiODExYTRkMGE4QGdyb3VwLmNhbGVuZGFyLmdvb2dsZS5jb20
This weeks newsletter if FILLED WITH INFORMATION!!
Have a great week!
October Family Event: Movie Night!
Cellphone and Apple Watch Policy
Cell Phone and Electronics Policy 2024-2025
The P.S. 88Q Cell Phone and Electronics policy is fully aligned with Chancellor’s Regulations A 413, regarding the possession of and use of: 1. cell phones; 2. laptops, tablets, iPads and other similar computing devices (“computing devices”); and 3. portable music and entertainment systems in schools, for example Apple Watch or smart watch.
- Students are only permitted to have cell phones and electronic devices such as an iPad, Chromebook, or laptop in school to complete their work.
All devices must be turned off and remain in the student’s backpack.
3. Cell phones may not be turned on or used during the administration of any school quiz, test, or examination.
4. Computing devices may not be turned on or used during the administration of any school quiz, test, or examination, except where such use has been explicitly authorized by the school, (for example: i-Ready assessments or Project Based Learnig) or is contained in an Individualized Education Program or Section 504 Accommodation Plan.
5. Devices may not be turned on during school fire/evacuation drills or other emergency preparedness exercises.
6. Devices may not be used in student restrooms, cafeteria, hallways, stairwells, schoolyard or playground, or in the auditorium during arrival, dismissal, or a performance or assembly.
7. If a student is found to be using a cell phone or electronic device not as outlined in the policy, the device will be brought to the main office and kept in the safe until the parent or guardian can pick up.
8. Students who use cell phones/smart watches, computing devices, and/or portable music and entertainment systems in violation of the DOE’s Discipline Code, the school’s policy, Chancellor’s Regulation A- 413, and/or the DOE’s Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy (“IAUSP”) will be subject to discipline in accordance with the guidance interventions and disciplinary responses set forth in the Discipline Code.
Afternoon Running Club with Ms. Corniel
Ms. Corniel is proud to partner with Marathon Kids https://marathonkids.org/ and is bringing the program to PS 88Q! The program will run every Tuesday from 2:30pm-3:30pm for students in Grades 4 and 5. If you are interested, please complete the link below. Permission slips will be sent home Tuesday for a start next week.
2024-25 “Respect for All” Anti-Bullying Essay, Poster and Multimedia Contest
• October is National Anti-Bullying Month, and schools are encouraged to participate in this anti-bullying essay, poster and multimedia contest.
RFA Essay Contest for Students:
• The theme of the essay contest is “From Bystanders to Allies.”
• Essay responses should be no more than 400 words, on 8½ x 11 letter paper, 10 Arial font size,single-spaced, with page numbers. Essays submitted on larger paper size will not be accepted.
• All essay responses must have the name of the school and the name of the student with grade level.
• Address one of the following four prompts.
1. Describe a time when you stood up for someone other than yourself. Explain howthis act or acts have affected your life. 2. Describe a time when someone helped you in a time of need. Explain how their actions have affected you.
3. Why do you think people have trouble accepting others who are different from them? How can you encourage othersto be more accepting of those who are different?
4. The end of bullying begins with you: What have you (or someone you know) done to inspire, involve, or help othersin preventing or ending bullying? Please give examples.
• See the “Essay Rubric” below for more information regarding the criteria and metrics that the Superintendent’s Office will use to determine winning essays for your district.
RFA Poster Contest for Students:
• The theme of the poster contest is “Friends Do Make a Difference.”
• Create a poster that incorporates your experience and understanding of bullying and anti-bullying. The intent of this contest is to raise awareness around bullying issues through the healing power of art. Art helps us tell stories, express pain, and share hopes. Your poster can reflect any of these perspectives.
• When you submit your artwork, please write a brief statement about what your poster means to you.
• The poster size must not exceed 11” x 17,” must relate to anti-bullying, and must be an original work. Posters exceeding the size limit will not be accepted.
• See the “Poster Rubric” below for more information regarding the criteria and metricsthat the Superintendent’s Office will use to determine winning essays for your district.
Art is Alive @ PS 88Q
Our Grade 5 is enjoying an amazing residency from Ballroom Basix, where students are learning a variety of partner dances! This 12 week residency will end with a culminating performance in December. Looks like they are having fun!
Grade 5 News
Student Visit to IS 93
Students will have the opportunity to visit IS 93 on Friday, October 25th @ 9AM. Grade 5 families, look for the permission slip this week
Middle School Welcome Letters Are Available Now
Dear Families,
Welcome to NYC Middle School Admissions!
This week, Welcome Letters were sent to all families with a current 5th grader. Welcome letters were sent through your MySchools account. My Schools account was used to apply for Pre-K, Gifted and Talented, and now Middle School.
If you are having trouble accessing the Welcome Letter, please reach out to me at loshaughnessy@schools.nyc.gov.
I will be sharing next steps with our families this coming week, as well as at our own Middle Schools Admission meeting, October 16 at 9am and 6pm.
Ms. Lobosco and Class 3-308 Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month
Ms. Lobosco and Class 3-308 celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month on Friday with their families. What a great event! Families shared their culture, their food, and their history!
Hispanic Heritage Month: Social Justice Committee Posters
3K and Pre-K News
Early drop off is beginning on Tuesday, October 15th. Please note that if you are dropping off early for Pre-K, you must enter through the main entrance, between 7:30am and 7:50am. After 7:50am, all drop off remains through the Pre-K door in the small school yard. This is to ensure that students can be moved to their respective classrooms safely before arrival at 8:00am.
PS 88Q 3K and Pre-K Family Engagement
Our amazing 3k and Pre-K teachers hold weekly Parent Engagement on topics relative to early childhood. If you missed the past workshops, check out the slide below.
- Toilet Training
- Building Independence
Visit Our Local Firehouseđźš‘đźš’
n honor of National Fire Prevention Month, the FDNY is hosting Open Houses the weekend of October 19-20 throughout Firehouses and EMS Stations citywide. Sessions take place between 11am-1pm and 1pm-3pm - Come and meet the Firefighters, Paramedics and EMTs who keep your community safe every day! Take a tour of your local firehouse or EMS station to view live demonstrations, learn fire and life safety tips, explore FDNY careers, and much more! To find your local firehouse or EMS Station and confirm the date/time of the scheduled Open House, please Click Here
For more fire and life safety information go to fdnysmart.org. To learn more about a career with the department go to joinfdny.com.
PTA News
Our next General Membership Meeting is Tuesday, October 15th at 6pm in the auditorium and on Zoom (Meeting ID: 935 5283 2400 Passcode: 097712). Spanish interpretation will be available. A Kids Activity with teachers will be in the Cafeteria. RSVP for the Kids Activity is appreciated but not required: bit.ly/PTAMtgKidsActivity
One of our new initiatives this year is assigning different grades to different PTA events. We're excited about this initiative and think it will be a great, low-commitment way to share the load and to get more parents involved in making our school as wonderful and vibrant as possible!
3K and PreK Parents - you will be spearheading the upcoming Fall/Winter Caring Closet!
Sign up to volunteer here: bit.ly/VOLUNTEERCaringClosetFW24
5th Grade Parents - you will be spearheading the upcoming Fall Picture Day!
Sign up to volunteer here: bit.ly/VOLUNTEERFallPictures24
Have questions about these events or just need a little more clarification?
Join our brief Info Session on Google Meet on Tuesday 10/15 at 10am, chat with us at the PTA Meeting on 10/15 at 6pm, or email PTA88President@gmail.com.
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/wyt-pngz-kie
Curious about the rest of the PTA Events? Check out our PTA Calendar in the Public Facing PTA folder.
Links to everything are always on the PTA page at ps88q.com!
Picture Day is Tuesday October 22nd and Wednesday the 23rd! There will be group class photos and individual portraits. Information on when your class will have picture day will come directly from your teacher. Order online at mylifetouch.com using Picture Day ID: EVTFMBZ9X. Or use the order form. Cash must be exact AND include tax!
Fall/Winter Caring Closet is Saturday October 26th from 10am-1pm!
This FREE shopping is open to all!
Donations will be accepted in bins at the main entrance from Monday 10/21-Friday 10/25.
Please see our flyer for more info!
Join me in earning cash for our school by using the Box Tops app. It’s an easy way to make a difference. All you have to do is buy Box Tops participating products (like Cheerios!) and scan your grocery receipt. Box Tops are worth $.10 each and they add up fast! Twice a year, our school receives a check to help pay for whatever we need - equipment, supplies or experiences the kids love!
Use this referral code CVI68QY7 when you sign up and you’ll get 25 Bonus Box Tops when you scan your first receipt now through 05/31/2025, while supplies last!
Any questions, please contact Ms. Toni!
Download the Box Tops for Education app here:
CEC News
Community Education Council 24 invites you to attend a Hybrid Meeting on Tuesday, October 22, 2024. The meeting will be held
at PS/IS 119's auditorium. Members of the public will have the opportunity to attend in-person and virtually. Details below.
Time: 6 PM - 10 PM
Location: P.S./I.S. 119
The Glendale School
74-01 78th Avenue
Glendale, New York 11385
Spanish and Mandarin interpretation services will be available at the in-person meeting.
Here is the link for the Hybrid Meeting Registration
Meeting ID: 913 4277 0782 Passcode: 019002
Participants will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to join the meeting.
From Our Chancellor
Dear Families and Staff,
This week is my final full week as Chancellor of NYC Public Schools (NYCPS), and I am filled with gratitude. It's been the privilege of a lifetime to serve over one million students and staff across the five boroughs, and the experience has left me in awe of the NYCPS community. The dedication of our educators, staff, and families is unmatched. The brilliance of our children is boundless.
After serving our school system for nearly 40 years, I want to share three reflections and lessons learned when it comes to building bright starts and bold futures for our kids:
- We cannot overlook the basics—literacy and numeracy. These skills serve as the basis for success in school, work, and life. With NYC Reads and NYC Solves, we are creating a new playbook for how we teach reading and math, one supported by research, grounded in high-quality curricula, and supplemented with educator coaching.
- In a quickly changing world, it is critical to continue reimagining the school experience. We are doing just that with our pathways programming, ensuring that students enter the workforce with a head start, a strong plan, and real-world skills. We are exploring the impact of new technologies like AI, and we are also focusing on civic engagement—all to prepare our students to address society’s challenges.
- The best ideas come from our families, staff, and students themselves. Being Chancellor has only reaffirmed my longstanding belief that family and community engagement must be at the center of everything we do. I have visited schools across the city and spoken with countless members of our NYCPS community—and their perspectives and feedback have impacted our school system for the better.
To our families: You are our children’s first teachers, and your support and engagement are critically important to their success. I encourage you to continue to connect with your child’s school in any way you can. We need your partnership!
To our staff: Remember that every day counts and that the work you do changes lives. Our students only get one chance at an education, and it is our job to provide them with the experiences and opportunities they deserve.
I am proud of all we’ve accomplished since January 2022, but there is always more work to be done. Beginning on October 16, NYCPS will be led by the capable and steady hand of incoming Chancellor Melissa Aviles-Ramos; I have complete confidence in her leadership and her ability to advance the critical initiatives we have started.
I thank you all—staff, families, parent leaders, and community members—for your commitment to the children of our city and for trusting me to serve as your Chancellor. I will remain your steadfast advocate and supporter as you guide our students to bright starts and bold futures.
Soaring high,
David C. Banks