Tustin High School News
Week of May 20-24, 2024
Prom Highlights
Prom 2024 was a blast! More than 400 students attended the event at Richard Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, which was a beautiful and spacious venue. Students enjoyed a DJ, live band, caricatures, photo booth, and dessert bar. Thank you to THS ASB and Mrs. Sarah Hughes for coordinating such a fun night, and all the staff who served as chaperones!
Staff Appreciation Week
We are incredibly thankful to have an amazing team of staff who go above and beyond each day to support students in and out of the classroom. During Staff Appreciation Week, PTO and the Admin Team provided daily treats including bagels and fruit, esquite (corn) cups, nachos, aguas frescas, ice cream sandwiches, candy bars and more. The entire staff also received California Distinguished Schools pins. Thank you to our awesome PTO and to all of our families who contributed items!
Awards of Excellence & Scholarship Ceremony
Believe Scholarship
Tustin Police Officers Association Waldon Karp Scholarship
Centennial Scholarship
On May 14, we celebrated the remarkable achievements of our students during the Scholarship and Awards of Excellence! Our Awards of Excellence event celebrates individuals who have demonstrated outstanding performance and contributions in various fields. This could include academic achievements, leadership, community service, sports, arts, and other areas of excellence.
Congratulations again class of 2024! We are so proud of you!
We are grateful for the extraordinary generosity of our donors and their unwavering support that allows us to provide scholarships and recognitions to our outstanding students!
Please click here to view the festivities & download your picture!
Seal of Biliteracy Awards
This week we also celebrated students at the World Language Awards of Excellence ceremony. These students have accomplished so much while studying a second language, Spanish or French. Congrats to the 107 seniors who have earned their California State Seal of Biliteracy!
Reclassification Celebration
On Wednesday, we celebrated an additional 57 students who met the requirements for reclassification this year, bringing us to a total of 147 students this year who:
- Scored a Level 4 on the 2023 ELPAC
- Scored Level 3 or 4 on STAR Reading or CAASPP ELA
- Earned a D or higher in English
During the ceremony, students received certificates and enjoyed chips and ice cream in the presence of ELD teachers and district staff. They now no longer need to take the ELPAC or an ELD class again, as long as test scores and grades remain satisfactory. Congrats, Tillers!
Big Brothers Big Sisters Workplace Mentoring
Our work as a community school includes creating community partnerships to bring more enrichment opportunities for students! For the past two years, we have partnered with Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Orange County's Workplace Mentoring Program to give students an opportunity for mentorship and career development. Students were matched with adult mentors from the Banc of California's Santa Ana branch and met monthly for relationship building and learn about career development topics (i.e. resume building, job interviews college planning, and more).
T-Tech News
Monday 5/20-Senior Finals Day 1 (Periods 0,1,3,5)(See schedule below)
- Classified Employee of the Year Celebration at District Office-
Tuesday 5/21-Senior Finals Day 2- (Periods 0,2,4,6)-(See schedule below)
- Senior Laptop Collection Day-Plaza
- T-Tech Showcase-6:00pm-Science Courtyard
Wednesday 5/22-Late Start Single Assembly Bell Schedule-For Hello-Goodbye Assembly (see schedule below)
- Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast-7:30am-Cafeteria
- Hello-Goodbye Assembly-Sports Pavilion-10:22am (Seniors report to Sports Pavilion at 9:30am)
- Sports Physicals - 4:00-7:00pm - Front Parking Lot
- Graduation Practice-Sports Pavilion-7:45am
- Grad Nite at Universal Hollywood-Check-in at 12:30pm-Sports Pavilion
- Girls Basketball Parent Meeting-Library 4-7:00pm
- Eddie Marin + His Band Performance-Plaza Stage-Lunch
- AP Late Testing-Room 412
- Grad Nite returns at 3:30am
Saturday 5/25
Monday 5/27 - Memorial Day Holiday - NO SCHOOL
We have important information for our families regarding summer operations and Fall Registration. Please read thoroughly and contact us with any questions.
Due to facility upgrades, the Tustin High School campus will be closed from June 3-end of July/early August (reopening date TBD).
- Summer School will be held at Utt Middle School from June 5-18 (see flier below for details)
- THS Administrators and summer office staff will be working from Utt Middle School. Office hours will be 7:30-4:30, Mon-Fri.
- We ask that all students and families refrain from coming to the THS campus (with the exception of those paying for fines or summer league registration fees) as any visitors on campus will cause delays in our completion date and will impact the location and scheduling of registration and other back to school events.
- Seniors can pick up their diplomas from Utt starting on June 10 from 9am-12pm. All financial obligations must be cleared in order to pick up diplomas.
- CLICK FOR THE SUMMER ATHLETICS BROCHURE - please reach out to the appropriate coach for practice times and locations.
- Students must be cleared to play before starting summer athletics.
- Athletic clearance information can be found on this webpage.
- Summer league fees can be paid to Mrs. Lisa Garcia in the Sports Pavilion ticket booth.
Please mark your calendars for Fall registration! Registration will run from 8am-12pm on the following dates.
- Seniors - August 1
- Juniors - August 2
- Sophomores - August 5
- Freshmen - August 6
- Make-Up Registration - August 7
THS Summer School 2024 will be held at Utt Middle School
THS Parent & Caregiver Survey
We need input from parents and caregivers in planning programs and services that will serve parents, caregivers and student(s) for the 2024-25 school year. If you haven't already, please take a few minutes to complete this survey. Your perspective and input are valued, and your responses will be utilized in decisions for the coming school year.
Athletics Physicals for 2024-25
If you missed last week's Athletics Physicals Night but still need to get cleared to play in 24-25, you can attend Wednesday, 5/22 from 4-7 pm in the Front Parking Lot. Please see flyers below for detailed information. Students must complete all of the documents in THIS GOOGLE FOLDER, including the consent to treat form if parents are not present. Be sure to bring your Student ID card and health insurance card!
T-Tech Showcase-Tuesday, May 21
TUSD summer CTE Pathway through Coastline ROP 10-12 grade students!
During Mental Health Awareness Month, we would like to share the resources in this section and remind students, families and staff that mental health support is available. Please see flyers below for details.
Students in the THS Student Mental Health Ambassadors group, led by our Mental Health Specialist, Ms. Claire Skomsvold, have created presentations for students parents, and staff to increase awareness and understanding of mental health issues and resources. Please view the following presentation and complete THIS SURVEY.
Career Center Calendar - May
Santa Ana College Early Decision
Girls Soccer Summer Camp
Saddleback Food Pantry-May 25
TUSD Food Distribution Dates in May & June
Attendance Office (leave a message anytime day or night) - ext 87175
Counseling Office - ext 87160
College & Career Center - ext 87806
Discipline Office - ext 87155
Community Liaison - ext 87159
Library - ext 87103
Student Store - ext 87104