The "Voice" of VPSS
Monthly News from the Vermilion Parish School System
October 2024
From the office of Superintendent Tommy Byler...
Hard to imagine that we are only 7 school days away from completing the first nine weeks on October 9th. Here are a few tidbits of information that I wish to share:
- All in all it has been a relatively smooth start with the normal beginning of the year hiccups that normally occur. With the amount of change in enrollment that caused some shifts in transportation we knew we would have a few more issues than normal, but it does seem that we are finally clearing up the majority of these issues. I thank you for your patience.
- Quite a few laws came out of legislation this past session and many of those are being implemented in our policy manual and our handbooks. We often get the final adoption of these after the start of the school year, but we seem to now have all of these in place.
- I do want to remind all that laws against threatening school board employees were increased this past year and want to remind all that school buses, schools, athletic events and extracurricular activities all have the same rules that apply. Please make sure that we try to find a way to solve issues like adults. Many times it may take some time for all parties to process and cool off before trying to have any type of discussion. We do not like to ban folks from campus or have them removed permanently from school athletic events, but we will do so according to law and policy. Just sharing this as a reminder in hopes of not having to remove any others from our campuses and events.
- Please make every effort to attend our parent teacher conference on October 16 and get information relative to your child's performance thus far and ideas on how you can help be part of the village it takes and provide support and resources at home.
- Check out the events on the calendar below for the district, and make sure to find your school pages to find out specific information about each school
- Happy Homecoming to all of our schools, except Gueydan, who will be celebrating over the next weeks in October. Gueydan will push over into November.
Have a great day and thank you for being part of our Vermilion Parish School System family.
Yours In Education
Thomas J. Byler
October 2024
Tuesday, October 1
- Official Oct. 1Count / National Principal's Month
Wednesday, October 2
- Principal Meeting Day / National Custodian Day
Thursday, October 3
- Monthly Asst. Principal PLC
Friday, October 4
- Kaplan High Homecoming
Saturday, October 5
- Vermilion Parish Marching Festival @ North Vermilion - See Schedule Below
Tuesday, October 8
- Athletic Director Meeting
- State BESE Meeting - Baton Rouge
Wednesday, October 9
- End of 1st Nine Weeks
- Vermilion Parish College and Career Fair @ Kaplan High
Friday, October 11
- NVHS Homecoming
Monday, October 14
- Fall Break - No School
Tuesday, October 15
- Fall Break - No School
Wednesday, October 16
- Parent Teacher Conference - Mandated State Day
- Parish Surplus Sale Review
Thursday, October 17
- School Board Meeting - 6pm
Friday, October 18
- Abbeville High and Erath High Homecoming
- Surplus Sale -Guinn Auctions
Monday, October 21
- Parish Cross Country Meet at Kaplan High
Tuesday, October 22
- Middle School Parish Football Championships
Wednesday, October 23
- Practice ACT Day - All High Schools
September School Board Meeting Updates
Here is the summary of action for the Board Meetings held in September of 2024. Board meeting agendas and minutes can be found on the VPSS Website.
- Recognized Mia Comeaux from NVHS for being elected Commisioner of Insurance at Louisiana Girls State.
- Received a report on updates from the Abbeville Community Schools Initiative
- Approved updated policies changed by law from teh 24 Legislative session. All policies can be found in the CAPS system located on the Vermilion Parish Home Page.