The APHS Look AHEAD-October 2024
The Opening Newsletter for APHS Students and Parents- v.57
The APHS Look AHEAD- October Edition 2024-2025
Dear APHS students and families,
We are so happy to have our students and staff back in the building; and this first month of the 24-25 school year went by very quickly! With all of our opening events, behind us we are moving into what I like to call the "meat and potatoes" of the school year. Our students know their schedules, routines have been set, and extra-curriculars and athletics are well underway. Now it's time to get down to work; and we all have a lot to do!
The first five weeks of the first marking period for the 24-25 school year will occur this Friday, October 4th. Keep in mind that we will not be producing progress reports this year. Instead, we are ensuring that all of our electronic gradebooks in SchoolTool provide an accurate representation of each student's grade in each course by the end of the day each Friday. I encourage both students and parents to take a look at progress every Friday, and be sure to reach out to teachers proactively with any questions or concerns. Last year, just over 88% of our students met with success in every one of their classes. This year, we are aiming to increase this to over 90%. Proactive communication, and early intervention can go a long way.
On another note, we are pleased to be finding that our shift to removing cell phones from the majority of our instructional environments has so far gone smoothly. We are seeing an immediate and positive impact on teaching and learning, with students appearing more focused, and trying to "multitask" less. Additionally, there have been far fewer interruptions to instruction. Across the board, we are incredibly proud of our students. Our school climate/environment continues to grow forward in positive ways. Student behavioral issues are lower this month than they were last year at the same time, and our student leadership team has begun to work on projects to keep improving the sense of belonging that students feel while in school. October will feature our annual Spirit Week, Homecoming Dance and game, as well as our annual NHS Induction Ceremony. There are always great things happening!
Of course, with the "honeymoon" of opening behind us, I end with a reminder to pace ourselves and leave room for balance and enjoyment between all the work and responsibilities we manage. October is a great time to remember to remain optimistic, and I share this calendar of daily activities you can do to stay happy and healthy in the upcoming month:
As always, please don't hesitate to reach out if there is anything that you need.
Be well,
Serving every student every day,
Heath C. Quiles
Principal, Averill Park High School
The APHS Building Leadership Team
-Mr. Heath Quiles, High School Principal (
-Mr. Evan Klauber, Assistant Principal, Grades 9 and 10 (
-Mrs. Rebecca Leach, Assistant Principal, Grades 11 and 12 (
"Creating passionate learners who contribute positively to their community and the world."
Artwork by Three APHS Students Selected for NYSSBA Convention
APHS is proud to announce seniors Egan Johnson and Eva Sollohub have been named "Commended Students" in the 2025 National Merit Scholarship Program. "Commended Students" are recognized for their exceptional academic promise as demonstrated by their outstanding performance on the qualifying test used for program entry.
Congratulations. Egan and Eva, who are pictured with their guidance counselors, David Gildersleeve and Joseph Plantz!
Senior Sunrise
APHS Yearbook
APHS Yearbook News:
Seniors are voting for their Class of 2025 VIP's soon!
Senior Baby Pictures are due by November 1st; Please email to:
Senior Parent Ads are due by November 15th;
Order your 2025 Yearbook early at
Important Links to Calendars and Schedules for 2024-2025
The APCSD District Calendar for 24-25:
This is a fixed schedule, and will not change based on snow days.
Our Daily Bell Schedule remains the same in 24-25, and is linked here:
Please note that this document includes schedules for one- and two-hour delays, as well as half days.
Marking Periods the HS for the 24-25 school year:
Please note that we will NO LONGER send home progress reports. Instead all HS grade books will be guaranteed accurate by the end of business, each Friday. Please see the article later in this newsletter for more details!
The HS Lunch Schedule for 24-25 is located here:
Contact Information for APHS Faculty and Staff in 2024-2025
Never hesitate to reach out to us with any questions!
APHS Updates to Grade Reporting Practices in 2024-2025
We are pleased to share that we have updated our grade reporting practices such that students and parents will have more frequent and formative information related to student progress in each of their classes throughout the course of each marking period.
It is our commitment that all of our electronic grade books, available to all students and parents on Schooltool, will be updated and accurate by the end of the school day each Friday afternoon. We will send an electronic communication to all students and parents each Friday (beginning September 27th), reminding you to check Schooltool, and to contact teachers directly with any questions. Our goal is to make sure that there are no surprises with regards to student grading outcomes, and that we are staying connected frequently in order to resolve issues before it's too late.
As a result of this increased access to grading information, we will no longer be sending 5-week progress reports to all students. We will, however, send a written communication at the traditional 5-week point in each marking period to any student who is failing 2 or more classes at that point.
Our report card procedures will remain unchanged. Here is a fresh link to our marking periods and dates for releasing report cards and honor rolls:
If you need assistance making sure that you have Schooltool access, please contact Mrs. Stern or Mrs. Houser in the APHS Counseling Center at (518) 674-7025.
New Expectations and Practices with Regards to Student Cell Phone Use at APHS
The abundance of research focusing on the harms of extended screen time, and the negative effects of cell phones on the development and well-being of adolescents, has become hard to miss over the past few months. In our school, we know that these devices not only create significant distractions to high quality instruction, but also contribute greatly to negative behaviors and unwanted social interactions which are disruptive to the school environment.
As we open the 2024-2025 school year, we will be managing student cell phone use in a more proactive way. Our goal this year will be to clearly communicate consistent expectations in each of our school spaces, and have a consistent, building-wide response when students do not adhere to these expectations.
All of our classrooms will have clear signage at the door, indicating whether the classroom is a "Green" or "Red" Zone with regards to the use of cell phones. As students enter "Red" Zones, it will be expected that their cell phones will not be taken out, and will not be used.
When students do not follow expectations, after a period of education between September 5th and September 13th, the following responses will occur:
After September 13th, the first time that a student violates a faculty member’s expectation related to cell phones, the faculty member should prompt the student to put the cell phone away. If the student complies, the faculty member should contact the student's parent/guardian, and generate an FYI referral.
The second time that a student violates the faculty member’s expectations related to cell phones, the faculty member should take the cell phone from the student, and return it at the end of the period/block. The faculty member should contact the student’s parent/guardian, and generate an FYI referral.
The third time that this occurs, or if during any of the first two steps a student refuses to comply, a student may be sent directly to the Main Office. The student’s phone will be placed in the vault for the day, and the student will be assigned progressive consequences, aligned with insubordination: after-school detention, ESD, and ISS. The office will generate the referral and contact the parent/guardian.
The status of each classroom space will vary from teacher-to-teacher. Our ISS and structured study halls will remain "Red" Zones. General study halls, and the cafeteria during lunches, will remain "Green" Zones.
As we move through the year, with these starting parameters, we will also keep an eye on developments with regards to a potential state-wide ban on cell phones in public schools, and will adjust accordingly, as needed. In the end, our goal is to provide a more distraction-free and healthy environment for all of our students.
If you have any questions, please contact the APHS Main Office at (518) 674-7002.
APHS Morning Arrival Procedures for Students- 2024-2025 School Year
Our procedures for morning arrival for the 2024-2025 school year will be as follows:
- Students who take the bus will be let off of their buses at 7:23 am outside the high school. Bus students will enter the HS through the Atrium and Athletic Lobby Entrances and may get breakfast and/or report directly to their first block class, which begins promptly at 7:30 am. BE SURE TO WATCH FOR THE DRY BUS RUN ON THE MORNING OF SEPTEMBER 4th!
Students who are dropped off by parents, or who drive themselves to school, will enter the building through the Main Entrance in the front of the HS. These students will report to the HS Cafeteria upon arrival, where breakfast will also be available! At 7:23 am, when the bell rings, students will report to their first block class. We ask that students not be dropped off any earlier than 7:00 am.
- For parents who are dropping students off, please use the drop-off loop, and follow the traffic patterns outlined here:
Student drivers are reminded that our morning warning bell rings at 7:23 am, with first block beginning at promptly at 7:30 am. Be on time!
Dismissal, End-of-Day Routines, and Extracurricular Activities
Our dismissal procedures, at the end of the school day, are as follows for the 2024-2025 school year:
- Dismissal for all students at APHS will occur at 2:10 pm.
- Students who take the bus home should exit the building directly through either the Atrium or Athletic Wing doors.
- Students who drive themselves or get picked up by parents/guardians, should exit the building through any doors facing the front portion of the high school.
- Parents/Guardians who are picking up students should wait in the parent drop-off/pick-up loop.
If students are staying after school for academic support, athletics, or extracurricular activities it is important that they report to the location in which they are staying by 2:20 pm. When students have finished up, they may wait in the HS cafeteria for a late bus or a ride.
During the 2024-2025 school year, we will offer late buses for students who would like to stay after school. These buses will run on Tuesdays and Thursdays only, leaving the HS at 3:20 pm, beginning the week of Sept 23rd.
ALL students that are staying after must sign up by 9 am the day that they plan to stay after. ALL students that are staying after must be signed up to stay with a faulty or staff member. Please note that Wynantskill will not be providing late buses this year.
Due to a continued shortage of drivers, we encourage students, to the greatest extent possible, to arrange their own transportation for after-school activities.
Student and Parent Access to Instructional Resources and Class Information
Transparency and parent/family access to instructional materials is important to maintaining a partnership in the learning endeavors of our students.
All APHS faculty uses Google Classroom as the consistent platform for sharing instructional materials with students, and their parents/guardians.
We will continue to maintain a singular digital location for students and parents to access these Google Classrooms, as well as a syllabus for each course.
At the top of the high school website, please click on ACADEMICS. You will find a drop down bar for each Department. Simply click on the desired Department and then click on GOOGLE DRIVE. This will take you to the above materials for each teacher.
If you have any questions about a specific course, never hesitate to contact the teacher directly,
APHS Building-Wide Behavioral Norms 2024-2025
One important part of being a positive and contributing member of the school community is understanding, and adhering to, the guidelines, norms and expectations for how we all behave, and treat one another, when at Averill Park High School.
At it's most basic level, as part of our "WE Make AP a GREAT Place to BE" project, we expect that at Averill Park High School, all students will:
- Be Safe
- Be Respectful, and
- Be Responsible.
This looks different in different environments. Here is a link to what sorts of actions and behaviors align with these characteristics within specific areas at the high school:
Our Assistant Principals, Mr. Klauber and Mrs. Leach, will review these expectations and norms with all students at their first scheduled class meetings on Monday, September 9th and Tuesday, September 10th.
Attendance, Late Arrivals, and Attendance Absences
Regular attendance in school is a precursor to academic success, and being on time, and present in instruction, is a life skill that reflects a high level of responsibility, organization, and college/workplace readiness.
Anytime that your child is absent from school, it is important that you report this absence to the HS Attendance Office, on the same day, at 518-674-7024. Conversely, you may report absences via our dedicated attendance email address:
Each morning, the school day begins promptly at 7:30 am. Students should plan to be in their first block classroom, and ready to learn, at that time.
Students who arrive to school after 7:30 am will be considered tardy to school, and will need to receive a pass from the Attendance Office prior to reporting to their first block class.
After an adjustment period at the opening of the school year, beginning on Monday, September 23rd, students who arrive to school late without a written excuse from a parent/guardian in hand will be assigned a detention during their Advisory period for the same day.
Please note that students who do not attend their assigned advisory detention will be subject to further progressive discipline, as well as other interventions.
The APCSD Code of Conduct 2024-2025
A plain language review of the Code of Conduct occurred in our annual class assemblies.
Reminder Related to Eligibility Guidelines for the 2024-2025 School Year
At Averill Park High School, student participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege. Students earn these privileges by being in good standing with their attendance, behavior and academics.
Ineligibility is defined as restriction from participation in extracurricular activities and events for a 5-week period. The following criteria are used to determine whether a student is eligible:
Students who have acquired 5 or more unexcused absences to school, assessed at either the quarter midpoint, or end, are not eligible to participate in extracurricular activities for the following five weeks.
Students who have been involved in any disciplinary infraction which results in an ESD, ISS, or Out-of-School Suspension, are assigned a period of ineligibility for 20-days following the date of the incident.
Students who are failing 2 or more classes, assessed at either the quarter midpoint, or end, are not eligible to participate in extracurricular activities for the following five weeks.
Students who have lost their eligibility, except those who have received an out-of-school suspension, will be offered the opportunity to earn back their privileges through a variety of means, including but not limited to:
Students who have acquired 5 or more unexcused absences from school in a five week period will be referred to a restorative attendance circle. If a student actively participates in, and regularly attends, scheduled circle meetings, the student may earn back eligibility.
Students who are ineligible as a result of discipline referral(s) may request to work with an assistant principal to develop a community service plan. At the completion of the plan, the student may earn back eligibility. Students who have received an out-of-school suspension will not be offered this opportunity.
Students who are ineligible as a result of failing 2 or more classes may work with their teachers/counselor to develop and implement an Academic Recovery Plan. Upon successful completion of the plan, the student will provide an assistant principal with documentation from their teacher(s) indicating they are passing their class(s). At that time, the student may earn back eligibility.
If you have any questions, please contact the APHS Main Office, at (518) 674-7002.
News from the Health Office
A physical exam is required by New York State Education law for children in 9th &11th grade and those who are new entrants in our school district. A certificate of dental health is also requested.
A report of the physical exam and the dental health certificate is kept as part of the child’s cumulative health record. The physical exam information is due to school no later than 30 calendar days after the start of the school year. The physical exam requirement will be filled by a report of the most recent physical from your child’s health care provider, licensed to practice in New York State, and dated no earlier than 9/1/2023. The report must be documented on the NYS-approved Student Health Examination Form for Schools. The dental health requirement will be filled by a signed and dated certificate of the most recent dental visit by a dentist or dental hygienist licensed to practice in New York State. Both documents are on the school web page and can be printed.
Per NYS, school districts are not allowed to accept the physical on any other physical form, expect the one found on our Health Service website, located here:
A child who is 16 years of age and over is required to have a second Meningococcal vaccine before the start of their senior year. This is state-mandated and is required to have documentation by the 14th day of school, which this year will be September 18, 2024. Families that need this have already received a notification letter at the end of the previous school year.
If your child needs any type of medication at school, a doctor’s order needs to be provided to the health office and the parent/guardian needs to bring the medication into school. Students are not allowed to carry ANY medication unless there is a doctor's order stating as such, this also includes ANY over the counter medication such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen. You may sign a parental consent form stating that you give the school nurse permission to administer these medications. Verbal consent will no longer be accepted per the school medical director. Here is a link to that form:
Doctor's Notes for Any Illness, Surgery or Procedure:
The requested information which should be included in all doctor's notes is found on our Health Services Website, linked here:
This information, when provided, will help your child to continue to receive P.E. credit if they are able to participate in some way. This will also allow accommodations, if needed, for your child during the school day. For athletics, the more specific information provided will improve the coordinated care between the athletic trainer and nurses, as well as improve the transition in returning to play.
News from the Counseling Center
Report cards will continue to be mailed home at the end of each marking period. They will be mailed AND made available to view via School Tool on the following dates:
1st Quarter Report Card: Thursday, November 14th
2nd Quarter Report Card: Wednesday, February 5th
3rd Quarter Report Card: Wednesday, April 23rd
4th Quarter/Final Report Card: Wednesday, July 2nd
Please contact the Counseling Center at (518) 674-7025 if you do not have access to School Tool to make arrangements to receive report cards.
APHS Financial Aid Night:
The financial aid program has been rescheduled to Thursday, October 17th.
Alicia Furlong, Asst. Director of Financial Aid for Siena College will present via livestream on October 17th at 6:30 pm. The program will be posted to our YouTube channel.
The workshop will provide an overview of the entire financial aid process. Details with further information will be provided as we get closer to the date. Parents of students in all grades are welcome to attend.
College Entrance Exams:
Please check the College Board website for any updates and cancellations concerning upcoming exams.
October 26, 2024 - - Registration Deadline: September 20, 2024
December 14, 2024 - -Registration Deadline: November 8, 2024
February 8, 2025 - - Registration Deadline: January 3, 2025
April 5, 2025 - - Registration Deadline: February 28, 2025
June 14, 2025 - - Registration Deadline: May 9, 2025
July 12, 2025 - - Registration Deadline: June 6, 2025
(Choose either of two test options — the ACT Assessment or the ACT Assessment Plus Writing, which includes a 30-minute Writing Test. Not all colleges and universities require a Writing Test. Check with the colleges you are considering — or go to for a list of institutions that require or recommend the Writing Test.)
October 5, 2024 - - Registration Deadline: September 20, 2024
November 2, 2024 - - Registration Deadline: October 18, 2024
December 7, 2024 - - Registration Deadline: November 22, 2024
March 8, 2025 - - Registration Deadline: February 21, 2025
May 3, 2025 - - Registration Deadline: April 18, 2025
June 7, 2025 - - Registration Deadline: May 22, 2025
Students with disabilities who wish to apply for accommodations on college placement testing should pick up an information sheet in the counseling center or refer to the website for the test they wish to take. Decisions regarding accommodations for College Board and ACT testing rest with the testing company.
APHS will be hosting the PSAT/NMSQT on October 26, 2024.
Enough tests are available for all interested Juniors.
An email will be sent to all Juniors soon to assess interest. Tests not being used by the Junior class will be made available to interested Sophomores. An email will go out to the Sophomore class once we know how many Juniors will take the test. Please be watching your email for more details.
Save the Date: APEF Annual Gala- November 15h
The Averill Park Education Foundation is set, once again, to celebrate the amazing contributions of staff and community members at their annual Gala, this year set to occur on Friday, November 15, 2024 at the Old Daley on Crooked Lake.
Please consider attending this year's Gala! More information can be found at the APEF website, linked here:
Upcoming Events/Important Dates
Upcoming Events/Important Dates
October 2024:
3rd: Rosh Hashanah - NO SCHOOL
14th: Columbus Day - NO SCHOOL
15th-18th: Spirit week
16th: Powder Puff Game, 6:30pm
17th: Financial Aid Night, 6:30pm
18th: Pep Rally
19th: Homecoming Dance, 7pm
24th: Key Club Blood Drive
24th: NHS Induction Ceremony, 6:30pm
26th: PSAT, 8am
29th: Career Fair, 7:30am
Averill Park High School
Location: 146 Gettle Road, Averill Park, NY, USA
Phone: 518-674-7000
Twitter: @APHS_Leaders