Elk Grove Elementary
Weekly Newsletter

8/19-8/23 2024
What a fantastic first 2 days of school! Thank you all so much for your patience, understanding, and overall awesomeness!
Please scroll down the newsletter to see all of the information we have for you! Please consider signing up for our PTA and don't forget to get your spirit wear from our online storefront!
Here's to a fantastic year!
Principal Jones
EGE Spiritwear-Click here!
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PM TK and PM Kinder Lunch Procedures
PM TK and PM Kinders may come to the MP room from 10:55-11:10 for lunch. There are designated tables for these students. Please enter the MP room through the blue double doors by the bike racks.
- If they are part of ExL, the ExL staff will escort them to class.
- If they are accompanied by a parent and are not part of ExL, then the student and parent will need to be at the blue Kinder gate by 11:15.
- If the PM TK and PM Kinder are not part of ExL and do not have a parent with them in the MP room, a school staff member will pick them up at 11:10 and get them to class on time.
Jill Jones
Jill is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters